Author Topic: AP American History goes socialist, founding fathers depicted as rich white elites  (Read 671 times)

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AP American History Goes Socialist, Founding Fathers Depicted As Rich White Elites

Saturday, March 29, 2014 2:22

We have a new set of AP American history standards and it’s only the first out of 33 AP course standards to be written. We can give thanks to the Architect of Common Core and College Board president, David Coleman. He has taken the five page outline currently given to teachers and has turned it into a 98 page Framework.


The new standards interpret American History for us.

Jane Robbins describes a few problems:

“The new Framework inculcates a consistently negative view of American culture. For example, the units on colonial America stress the development of a “rigid racial hierarchy” and a “strong belief in British racial and cultural superiority.” The Framework ignores the United States’ founding principles and their influence in inspiring the spread of democracy and galvanizing the movement to abolish slavery. The Framework continues this theme by reinterpreting Manifest Destiny—rather than a belief that America has a mission to spread democracy and new technologies across the continent, the Framework teaches that it “was built on a belief in white racial superiority and a sense of American cultural superiority.”

She goes on to note:

“A particularly troubling failure of the Framework is its dismissal of the Declaration of Independence and the principles so eloquently expressed there. The Framework’s entire discussion of this seminal document consists of just one phrase in one sentence: “The colonists’ belief in the superiority of republican self-government based on the natural rights of the people found its clearest American expression in Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and in the Declaration of Independence.” The Framework thus ignores the philosophical underpinnings of the Declaration and the willingness of the signers to pledge “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor” to the cause of freedom.”

It has been said that whoever wins gets to write the history and that is true of David Coleman in his war against traditional America and the constitution. He has won Common Core and the victory over the curriculum and he will decide history for every uscrises_300x250_fraudschool child in the United States.

Some of the Founding Fathers have been left out of Coleman’s version of American history.

He has omitted Ben Franklin from his standards. Ben Franklin of course helped us fight and win the American Revolution. He developed unity and democracy in the colonies and, as an official agent in London for Pennsylvania, he advised the British that taxation without representation was a principle upon which America stood resolute.

Franklin was the official diplomat and ambassador to France for the thirteen colonies and without him we would not have gotten the aid and support we needed from the French to win the war.

James Madison is also noticeably absent from the standards. Madison, of course, wrote the Constitution. He was the champion and the author of the Bill of Rights.

Robbins notes that George Washington, our president, the man who led us to freedom, is reduced to a small snippet from his farewell address.

Also barely mentioned is John Adams who is reduced to being a rich white man.

Did you know that rich white elites fought the Revolution? The new generation will learn that. In discussing the leaders of the revolution, they said this:

“Those individuals who were wealthy, powerful, and influential before the event continued to possess wealth, power, and influence later. George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson could serve as examples. This approach would argue that the Revolution was basically a revolt by colonial elites against the elites in England.”

This is a typical leftist argument – the Founding Fathers were not motivated by the cause of freedom, but by elitist, racist motives and the Revolution wasn’t about freedom, it was rich white elites fighting other rich white elites.

African-American professor Walter Williams wisely explained the use of this tactic in these words:

“Politicians, news media, college professors and leftists of other stripes are selling us lies and propaganda. To lay the groundwork for their increasingly successful attack on our Constitution, they must demean and criticize its authors. As Senator Joe Biden demonstrated during the Clarence Thomas hearings, the framers’ ideas about natural law must be trivialized or they must be seen as racists.”

Slavery was not an invention of the Founding Fathers. It was in place for 200 years before they came to be. Many of the Founding Fathers released their slaves and wanted to fight Britain to rid the country of slavery. Most, though not all, of the Founding Fathers were opposed to slavery.

Then there is this – the constitution was created to maintain the elites’ power:

“Another analysis supporting the assertion made in the exam question might draw upon the work of historian Charles Beard, who famously argued that the creation of the Constitution in the late 1780s was a counterrevolution. Beard contended that the Constitution was created to maintain commercial and landowning elites’ power, influence, and standing in the face of events such as Shays’s Rebellion and other attempts at revolutionary change.”

I looked for Betsy Ross, John Browne, Jefferson Davis, Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Jesse Owens and couldn’t find them. They’re not listed though the standards cover 1491 to the present. Thomas Jefferson is barely mentioned.

In contrast, slavery is mentioned 69 times. As horrible as slavery is, is this fair and balanced?

How about this for a negative view of state constitutions:

“Many new state constitutions and the national Articles of Confederation, reflecting republican fears of both centralized power and excessive popular influence, placed power in the hands of the legislative branch and maintained property qualifications for voting and citizenship.”

Constitutions are out of fear? Property qualifications for voting and citizenship?

They even get in digs about depletion of “arable land” by the ruling class to further their fake science claims.

American haters are now in charge of our curriculum and we are doing nothing about it. Coleman is a man who does not value traditional America or the principles the country was founded on.

Though imperfect, the United States is a symbol of freedom throughout the world.

An explanation of who David Coleman is would be appropriate.

David Coleman is the father of Common Core and he is an anarchistic snob.

The president of the College Board, leftist David Coleman of Greenwich Village, is currently aligning the SAT’s with the Common Core being developed in the United States. He is described by the press as as “the architect” of the Common Core State Standards Initiative.

He believes there is “a massive social injustice in this country” and that education is “the engine of social justice.”

In 2007, he co-founded Student Achievement Partners, a nonprofit that assembles educators and researchers to design actions based on evidence to improve student outcomes. Student Achievement promoted the adoption of the Common Core Standards. He also started The Grow Network which puts together study guides for parents, teachers, and students.

McGraw-Hill, the textbook company that stands to make a fortune from Common Core, acquired The Grow Network. Coleman worked for McGraw-Hill before starting up these companies. The entire arrangement should prove quite lucrative.

Coleman’s mother is Liz Coleman, President of the leftist Bennington College in Vermont. She founded a social justice initiative, the Center for the Advancement of Public Action, her ‘secular church’, purposed ‘to make the world’s pressing problems the focus of their education.’

She is a Marxist, redistributionist who condemns the soviet union and the propaganda they furthered while calling for the state to indoctrinate children. She says Mr. Obama and his team cannot do it alone and sees the answer in education.

Listen to her famous leftist speech on reinventing Liberal Arts Education:

Another example of leftist indoctrination can be seen in a World History text approved for high school students in Florida. The text, simply called ‘World History,’ devotes a 32-page chapter to Islam – its civilizations, the Koran and the Five Pillars of Islam – with no chapters devoted to other religions. It can only be seen as advocacy. Promoting Islam is a leftist favorite leftist.

Nationalization of education was something the Founding Fathers understood would lead to government propagandizing which is why they made it illegal. The testing in Common Core does an end-run around our Constitution and nationalizes education.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 10:31:51 am by rangerrebew »

Offline Fishrrman

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[[ Another example of leftist indoctrination can be seen in a World History text approved for high school students in Florida. The text, simply called ‘World History,’ devotes a 32-page chapter to Islam – its civilizations, the Koran and the Five Pillars of Islam – with no chapters devoted to other religions. It can only be seen as advocacy. Promoting Islam is a leftist favorite leftist. ]]

I'd like to emphasize this, in view of a posting I made earlier today: which I wrote:
"Historically, muslims have expanded the realm of "dar el islam" through military conquest. But in The West, they can lay down their arms. There will be no resistance here, by force of arms or otherwise. Instead, we are WELCOMING them, and facilitating their efforts. All one needs to do is read the news articles posted almost daily RIGHT HERE to see this happening."


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"Historically, muslims have expanded the realm of "dar el islam" through military conquest. But in The West, they can lay down their arms. There will be no resistance here, by force of arms or otherwise. Instead, we are WELCOMING them, and facilitating their efforts. All one needs to do is read the news articles posted almost daily RIGHT HERE to see this happening."

Just like the Germans in the 1930s.

Offline katzenjammer

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[[ Another example of leftist indoctrination can be seen in a World History text approved for high school students in Florida. The text, simply called ‘World History,’ devotes a 32-page chapter to Islam – its civilizations, the Koran and the Five Pillars of Islam – with no chapters devoted to other religions. It can only be seen as advocacy. Promoting Islam is a leftist favorite leftist. ]]

I'd like to emphasize this, in view of a posting I made earlier today: which I wrote:
"Historically, muslims have expanded the realm of "dar el islam" through military conquest. But in The West, they can lay down their arms. There will be no resistance here, by force of arms or otherwise. Instead, we are WELCOMING them, and facilitating their efforts. All one needs to do is read the news articles posted almost daily RIGHT HERE to see this happening."

Yes, and as you know, when any of us point this out, we are labelled as extremists that wish to deny "innocent" people their freedoms!  smh


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I generally agree that this manifesto (for that is what it is) is garbage; political agit-prop for a false ideology.

That being said, why shy away from the few bits of truth the fascists (for that is what all socialists and other far leftists are) use as the foundation on which their lies are built?  What matters is not letting them twist the facts to suit their ideological motives, not denying the facts themselves.

So let's be honest about the subject of the title:  the Founding Fathers were rich, were white, and were elites.  But you know what - so was just about every other founder or revolutionary leader, particularly on the left.  In point of fact, David Coleman himself is rich, white, and elite; Coleman calling the Founders rich white elites is basically the pot calling the kettle black.

Here is a short excerpt of their birth and later status from the relevant wikipedia articles (for these purposes, I am referring only to the core founders, being  John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington:

John Adams
Birth:  John Adams, the eldest of three sons, was born on October 30, 1735 (October 19, 1735 Old Style, Julian calendar), in what is now Quincy, Massachusetts (then called the "north precinct" of Braintree, Massachusetts), to John Adams, Sr., and Susanna Boylston Adams. ....  Though raised in materially modest surroundings, Adams felt acutely that he had a responsibility to live up to his family heritage: he was a direct descendent of the founding generation of Puritans, who came to the American wilderness in the 1630s, established colonial presence in America, and had a profound effect on the culture, laws, and traditions of their region.

Adult life:  Young Adams went to Harvard College at age sixteen in 1751.  ....  In 1758, after earning an A.M. from Harvard, Adams was admitted to the bar.  ....  Adams first rose to prominence as an opponent of the Stamp Act 1765 .... 

Summary:  John Adams was born middle class and through dint of his own efforts rose to become a prominent lawyer.

Benjamin Franklin
Birth:  Benjamin Franklin was born on Milk Street, in Boston, Massachusetts, on January 17, 1706, and baptized at Old South Meeting House. He was one of ten children born to Josiah Franklin with his second wife Abiah Folger. Among Benjamin's siblings were his older brother James and his younger sister Jane.  Josiah wanted Ben to attend school with the clergy, but only had enough money to send him to school for two years. He attended Boston Latin School but did not graduate; he continued his education through voracious reading. Although "his parents talked of the church as a career" for Franklin, his schooling ended when he was ten. He worked for his father for a time, and at 12 he became an apprentice to his brother James, a printer, who taught Ben the printing trade.

Adult life:  In 1731, Franklin was initiated into the local Masonic Lodge. He became Grand Master in 1734, indicating his rapid rise to prominence in Pennsylvania.  ....  In 1733, Franklin began to publish the famous Poor Richard's Almanack ....  He sold about ten thousand copies per year (a circulation equivalent to nearly three million today).  ....  Franklin was a prodigious inventor.

Summary:  Benjamin Franklin was born poor and through dint of his own efforts rose to become a "prodigious inventor" and international statesman.

Alexander Hamilton
Birth:  Alexander Hamilton was born in Charlestown, the capital of the island of Nevis, in the Leeward Islands; Nevis was one of the British West Indies. Hamilton was born out of wedlock to Rachel Faucette, a married woman of partial French Huguenot descent, and James A. Hamilton, the fourth son of the Scottish laird Alexander Hamilton of Grange, Ayrshire.  ....  Hamilton and Rachel moved together to Rachel's birthplace, Nevis, where she had inherited property from her father.  ....  Hamilton received "individual tutoring" and classes in a private school led by a Jewish headmistress. Hamilton supplemented his education with a family library of thirty-four books, including Greek and Roman classics.  ....  In probate court, Rachel's "first husband seized her estate" and obtained the few valuables Rachel had owned, including some household silver. Many items were auctioned off, but a friend purchased the family books and returned them to the young Hamilton.  Hamilton became a clerk at a local import-export firm, Beekman and Cruger, which traded with New England; he was left in charge of the firm for five months in 1771, while the owner was at sea.

Adult life:  In the autumn of 1772, Hamilton arrived by way of Boston, Massachusetts, at Elizabethtown Academy, a grammar school in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. In 1773 he studied with Francis Barber at Elizabethtown in preparation for college work.  ....  In 1775, after the first engagement of American troops with the British in Boston, Hamilton joined a New York volunteer militia company called the Hearts of Oak, which included other King's College students. He drilled with the company, before classes, in the graveyard of nearby St. Paul's Chapel. Hamilton studied military history and tactics on his own and achieved the rank of lieutenant.

Summary:  Alexander Hamilton was born into wealth and privilege, but had it all taken from him.  Through dint of his own efforts he rose to become an officer in the revolutionary army, and the rest, as they say, is history.

John Jay
Birth:  Jay was born into a wealthy family of merchants and government officials in New York City. He became a lawyer and joined the New York Committee of Correspondence and organized opposition to British rule.

Adult life:  He was a member of the New York Committee of Correspondence in 1774[9] and became its secretary, which was his first public role in the revolution.  ....  As an adult, John Jay built Bedford House, located near Katonah, New York.   ....  He had grown up from the age of three months in Rye, in a house built by his father Peter Jay in 1745 that overlooked Long Island Sound. The younger Jay did not inherit this property until 1815, by when he had long since established himself at Katonah. He conveyed the Rye property to his eldest son, Peter Augustus Jay, in 1822. This property remained in the Jay family through 1904.

Summary:  John Jay was born wealthy, lived wealthy, and died wealthy.

Thomas Jefferson
Birth:  The third of ten children, Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 (April 2, 1743 O.S.)[Note 1] at the family home in Shadwell, Goochland County, Virginia, now part of Albemarle County.  His father was Peter Jefferson, a planter and slaveholder, and a surveyor.  ....  Jefferson began his childhood education under the direction of tutors at Tuckahoe along with the Randolph children.  In 1752, Jefferson began attending a local school run by a Scottish Presbyterian minister. At the age of nine, Jefferson began studying Latin, Greek, and French; he learned to ride horses, and began to appreciate the study of nature.

Adult life:  Jefferson was admitted to the Virginia bar five years later in 1767.  ....  After her father John Wayles died in 1773, Martha and her husband Jefferson inherited his 135 slaves, 11,000 acres and the debts of his estate. These took Jefferson and other co-executors of the estate years to pay off, which contributed to his financial problems.  ....  In 1768 Jefferson started the construction of Monticello located on 5,000 acres of land on and around a hill top.  ....  The construction was done by Jefferson and his slave laborers ....  Jefferson handled many cases as a lawyer in colonial Virginia, and was very active from 1768 to 1773.  Jefferson's client list included members of the Virginia's elite families, including members of his mother's family, the Randolphs.

Summary:  Jefferson was born into wealth, but had financial troubles as an adult and worked hard to reach the position he ultimately occupied.

James Madison
Birth:  James Madison, Jr. was born at Belle Grove Plantation near Port Conway, Virginia on March 16, 1751, (March 5, 1751, Old Style, Julian calendar), where his mother had returned to her parents' home to give birth.  ....  His father, James Madison, Sr. (1723–1801), was a tobacco planter who grew up on a plantation, then called Mount Pleasant, in Orange County, Virginia, which he had inherited upon reaching adulthood.  He later acquired more property and slaves; with 5,000 acres (2,000 ha), he became the largest landowner and a leading citizen of Orange County, in the Piedmont.  ....  From ages 11 to 16, the young "Jemmy" Madison was sent to study under Donald Robertson, an instructor at the Innes plantation in King and Queen County, Virginia in the Tidewater region.

Adult life:  At age 16, he returned to Montpelier, where he began a two-year course of study under the Reverend Thomas Martin in preparation for college.  ....  Through diligence and long hours of study that may have damaged his health, Madison graduated in 1771.  ....  After graduation from Princeton, young Madison took an increasing interest in the relationship between the American colonies and Britain, which deteriorated over the issue of British taxation. In 1774, Madison took a seat on the local Committee of Safety, a patriot pro-revolution group that oversaw the local militia. This was the first step in a life of public service that his family's wealth allowed him to pursue.

Summary:  James Madison was born into wealth and remained wealthy, but also worked very hard to reach the position he later attained in life.

George Washington
Birth:  Washington was born into the provincial gentry of Colonial Virginia; his wealthy planter family owned tobacco plantations and slaves.

Adult life:  Washington's marriage to Martha greatly increased his property holdings and social standing, and made him one of Virginia's wealthiest men. He acquired one-third of the 18,000-acre (73 km2) Custis estate upon his marriage, worth approximately $100,000, and managed the remainder on behalf of Martha's children, for whom he sincerely cared.

Now the interesting thing to note here is that two of these seven founders were not born into wealth and instead struggled against adversity and attained the wealth and positions they held by virtue of their own hard work, not through inheritance or family connections.

The bottom line, tho', is that yes, the Founders were by and large rich, white (goes without saying in 1776 America), and elite.

But, to quote John Adams: "facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."  With that in mind, let's review the facts about some other founders and revolutionary leaders - the ones that liberals and leftists like Coleman usually fawn over (here I give just the details of each one's birth):

Mao Zedong (Chairman Mao)
Born the son of a wealthy farmer in Shaoshan, Hunan, Mao adopted a Chinese nationalist and anti-imperialist outlook in early life, particularly influenced by the events of the Xinhai Revolution of 1911 and May Fourth Movement of 1919. Mao converted to Marxism-Leninism while working at Peking University and became a founding member of the Communist Party of China (CPC), leading the Autumn Harvest Uprising in 1927.

Vladimir Lenin
Born to a wealthy middle-class family in Simbirsk, Lenin gained an interest in revolutionary leftist politics following the execution of his brother in 1887. Briefly attending the Kazan State University, he was ejected for his involvement in anti-Tsarist protests, devoting the following years to gaining a law degree and to radical politics, becoming a Marxist. In 1893 he moved to Saint Petersburg, becoming a senior figure within the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP).

Karl Marx
Born into a wealthy middle-class family in Trier in the Prussian Rhineland, Marx studied at the University of Bonn and the University of Berlin, where he became interested in the philosophical ideas of the Young Hegelians. After his studies, he wrote for a radical newspaper in Cologne, and began to work out his theory of dialectical materialism.

Friedrich Engels
Friedrich (Frederick) Engels was born on 28 November 1820 in Barmen, Prussia (now Wuppertal, Germany).  At the time, Barmen was an expanding industrial metropolis and Frederick was the eldest son of a wealthy German cotton manufacturer.

William "Bill" Ayers (terrorist bomber)
Ayers grew up in Glen Ellyn [ed: an affluent village in DuPage County], a suburb of Chicago, Illinois. He attended public schools there until his second year in high school, when he transferred to Lake Forest Academy, a small prep school.  Ayers earned a B.A. from the University of Michigan in American Studies in 1968 (his father, mother and older brother had preceded him there).  His parents are Mary (née Andrew) and Thomas G. Ayers, who was later Chairman and CEO of Commonwealth Edison (1973 to 1980), and for whom Northwestern's Thomas G. Ayers College of Commerce and Industry was named.

Finally, let's look at David Coleman's birth:
NEW YORK -- Growing up in downtown Manhattan as the son of a psychiatrist and a college president, David Coleman never wanted for stimulation. At the dinner table, his parents repeatedly told him that it wasn't his exam scores that mattered, but rather the quality of his ideas and inquiry.

"They cared more about the quality of what I did and the engagement with ideas than they did about other measures of success," he said, speaking in his brightly-lit Columbus Circle office, where a black-and-white Martin Luther King Jr. photograph hangs on the wall. (source:  HuffPo article)

The thing to note here is that all of these people, including David Coleman, were born into wealth and continued to be wealthy throughout their lives.  They were/are very influential, and thus were/are in the elite.  In other words all of them were wealthy and elite, including David Coleman himself.  Not all of them were white, but David Coleman certainly is.

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Barack Obama is rich, half-white, elite, highly educated.

Once out of office, he will lead the lifestyle of the rich and famous, jet set traveling around the globe, eating in fine restaurants, vacations will be perpetual, etc.

Ditto Bill Clinton.
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln

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It seems like a disproportionately high number of those who pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor ended up forfeiting their fortunes, and even their lives.

But hey -- don' make no difrunce, dey was rich white crackas !!