Author Topic: 3 of 4 Americans favor proof of citizenship for voting  (Read 274 times)

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3 of 4 Americans favor proof of citizenship for voting
« on: March 27, 2014, 01:37:32 pm »
3 of every 4 Americans Favor Proof of Citizenship for Voting

Posted By Dave Jolly on Mar 27, 2014 | 0 Comments
citizenship required    

I’ve written a number of times about voter fraud and some liberals have challenged me, claiming that voter fraud is so scarce that it is virtually non-existent and has no effect on elections.  My question to one liberal and others is if this is the case, then why are Democrats so dead fire against any anti-voter fraud laws?

Yeah, I know that standard rhetoric is that it discriminates against blacks, Hispanics and other poor minorities.  But how true is that?  First of all, if I was black or Hispanic, I would be highly offended by their argument.  They imply that such minorities are not capable of obtaining a proper voter ID.  Have you ever asked them why?  Their blanket statement seems to indicate that it’s either due to lack of intelligence or ability to get to any place in their town or county that registers voters.  But I know that they are plenty smart enough, so that surely can’t be what they’re saying, although it sounds like it is.  As for ability to go and obtain a photo ID they have to go to apply for government aid such as welfare, disability, housing assistance and food stamps and they have to have a valid ID to obtain those benefits.  I’ve driven through many of the poor neighborhoods that Holder refers to and I see a number of automobiles owned by these poor people.  Aren’t they required to obtain auto insurance and a driver’s license in order to register and drive the car?

If it’s discriminatory to require an ID to vote, then isn’t it also discriminatory to require an ID to sign up for all of their government benefits or to obtain auto insurance and a driver’s license?  But I don’t hear anyone screaming discrimination over these others things and it’s because they don’t affect the fraudulent elections of liberal Democrats.

Besides, aren’t there also plenty of poor whites?  But they’re never included in the discriminatory claims of liberal Democrats like US Attorney General Eric Holder.  So in reality, the claims of Holder and others are nothing more than racist and bigoted statement that slanders their own ethnic group of people.

But what do Americans in general think of requiring people to have proper ID to prove their citizenship in order to register to vote?  The latest Rasmussen Reports survey revealed that 78% of likely US voters agreed that everyone needs proof of citizenship in order to vote in the US.  Only 19% disagreed with the need of proof.

The same poll last year said that 71% supported proof of citizenship to vote.  It seems to be going up year by year, indicating that Americans are getting fed up with illegals and how easy it is for many of them to register and vote, thanks to the Obama administration.  In many states, all they have to do is produce a valid state driver’s license and lie about their citizenship and POOF they’re registered and will show up at the polls to vote Democratic.

The Rasmussen survey also revealed that 61% of those polled do not think the requirement of proof of citizenship discriminates some people.  Only 29% believed that requiring proof of citizenship was discriminatory.

The poll follows a federal judge’s ruling last week that allowed Arizona and Kansas to require proof of citizenship to register to vote.  This issue was part of the survey as people were asked if states or the federal government should establish voter requirements.  Surprisingly, on 38% said it should be up to the states while 51% said that the requirements should set by the federal government.

Personally, I favor the states and base that decision on the 10th Amendment that states that states have rights and powers over the federal government in all matters, except those that the states GIVE to the federal government.  Our federal government today doesn’t wait for states to give them power and authority, they illegally take it from the states.  This is one reason that a number of states are starting to take a serious look at joining the grassroots movement to call for a Convention of States to limit the power and scope of the federal government.  If enough states pass a Convention of States, then a new Amendment will be added to the US Constitution and Congress nor the president have the power to overrule it.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 01:37:53 pm by rangerrebew »