Author Topic: Corey Booker's Newark: the latest democrat scandal you haven't heard about  (Read 389 times)

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Cory Booker’s Newark: The Latest Democrat Scandal You Haven’t Heard About

This is another Democrat scandal that will be ignored by the media. It will fade to black in three, two, one….

The junior Senator from New Jersey, Democrat Corey Booker, has a lot of explaining to do (provided, of course, someone will ask him a few questions.)

Since the 1970’s, a parade of crooked Democrats have been siphoning off millions of dollars from The Newark Watershed Conservation Development Corporation (NWCDC), the major supplier of water to Northern New Jersey. The NWCDC has been turned into a cash cow of the type the fictional Tony Soprano would have shaken down. A recently released New Jersey State Comptroller’s report has outlined the criminality attached to this operation, just during the last several years of Booker’s tenure as Newark’s mayor. It alleges that NWCDC’s chief Linda Watkins-Brashear, once a close ally of Senator Booker, spent most of her time lining her pockets and those of her friends with money siphoned from the operating budget of the agency.

Specifically, it states she wrote unreported checks to herself for about $200,000 and collected another $700,000 in severance pay. She also handed her ex-husband and other friends a million dollars while losing some $500,000 in “dubious stock ventures.”

In reaction to the report, Watkins-Brashear insisted she should not be blamed for her actions since she “… acted at all times with the knowledge and approval of then Mayor Cory Booker’s administration.”

Other highlights of the Comptroller’s report allege that when Newark laid off 160 police officers in 2010, Watkins-Brashear– acting in the true “Let Them Eat Cake” Democrat fashion of governing–treated herself and 20 guests to a grand feast in an Atlantic City restaurant costing $1,400. They dined on “… lobster, king crab, and filet mignon, washed down with martinis, cognac, and wine.”

This is just the smallest tip of the scandal. During his time as mayor, Booker appointed his old law firm to various contracts involving the City of Newark.

By its own reporting on the conduct of Booker, New Jersey’s Star Ledger has lots of damning information about Booker; but as always, they have chosen to whisper it rather than blast away at a fellow Democrat.

This is another Democrat scandal that will be ignored by the media. It will fade to black in three, two, one….