Author Topic: Watch this adorably disillusioned young anarchist burn her 'Obama is my homeboy" t-shirt (video)  (Read 427 times)

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Watch this adorably disillusioned young anarchist burn her ‘Obama Is My Homeboy’ T-shirt [VIDEO]

Jim Treacher   9:11 AM 03/18/2014

By now, only the dead-enders are still pretending Barack Obama is a good president. But different Americans are disappointed in him for different reasons.

For example, a young lady named Carey Wedler:


It’s amazing how half a decade of Obama has made so many people realize their latent racism.

“Mr. Obama, you are the biggest fraud that has ever been perpetrated on the American people.” Can’t say I agree with every single one of her reasons, but her conclusion is inescapable.

Unless, of course, you’re determined to escape. To avoid reality. Go right ahead.

Too bad it took this kid five years to realize what the rest of us have known all along. Now she’ll be paying for it the rest of her life.

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