Author Topic: Abortion providers don't inform authorities about pregnant 11 year old  (Read 510 times)

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Abortion Providers Don’t Inform Authorities about Pregnant 11 year old

By Onan Coca   / 13 March 2014   / 276 Comments   

Abortion providers are generally disgusting people. You’d have to be to make a living murdering people and pretending you were performing some kind of public good. Maybe I go too far… but I don’t think so. The evidence keeps piling up that my first instincts are correct.

Case in point –

In West Virginia a pair of parents, Michael and Amanda Adkins, have been arrested on charges of child neglect. Why? They took their 11 year old daughter to an abortion clinic to have a baby murdered that was likely the product of incest. Then because the abortion clinic defied the law and didn’t inform authorities that a crime had been committed (at the very least the statutory rape of an 11 year old), these scumbag parents were able to take their daughter back to her doctor and lie to him about her experiencing symptoms of miscarriage. Because of their lie he performed a DNC on a little girl that had recently undergone an abortion putting her life at unnecessary risk – simply to cover their own behinds.

Michael and Amanda Adkins were arrested Friday night on charges of child neglect causing the risk of injury.

child abortionIn this case, because the abortion was not reported by the abortion clinic -- and the parents did not tell anyone it was done -- state police say the parents were able to go back to the doctor that was working with investigators and tell him the girl was having symptoms of a miscarriage. He then performed a D&C procedure, unknowingly putting the girl in danger.

“That point was withheld, which makes it pertinent in her health and her safety,” West Virginia State Police Cpl. Marlene Moore said. “That's where the neglect creating risk of injury comes in. The parents neglected to take care of her needs -- her basic needs and put her in extreme danger by letting her go through an unnecessary procedure-- be put under anesthesia when they knew that that had been performed before."

The horrible parents have become the center of the story… but let’s not leave out the murderous abortion clinic staff that decided not to tell authorities that a child had been raped.

This kind of story plays out every day in every abortion clinic across the country. These facilities and the staff that work there are constantly lying, cheating and fudging the truth – breaking copious laws along the way. To them the ends always justify the means, and it does not matter how repulsive they must be to be to accomplish their goals… they’ll do it. Think I’m overstating things? Then you haven’t seen Lila Rose in action.