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GOP to avoid ‘traveling circus’ for 2016 primary debates; Priebus nixes liberal moderators

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--- Quote from: Howie66 on March 17, 2014, 12:40:33 am ---IF the GOP were really serious about playing to win, the first thing that would happen is REINCE PRIEBUS (aka Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Kid Brother) would be ejected as GOP Chair and replaced with someone else.

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And would only put up real candidates, not people looking to get rich off book sales and such.  Mr. (999) Herman Cain as a candidate in debates dragged them into the circus.  How can you look at serious candidates when you have distractions like that going on?

olde north church:
They might want to have every candidate write a "Why I Should Be The Conservative Candidate for 2016" essay in 25 words or less.  Spelling and punctuation count.  Winner to be determined by a snappy game game of mumble-de-peg.


--- Quote from: Rapunzel on March 17, 2014, 12:42:44 am ---word.

--- End quote ---


Reince, Fail, Repeat...............................................


--- Quote from: olde north church on March 17, 2014, 12:47:32 am ---They might want to have every candidate write a "Why I Should Be The Conservative Candidate for 2016" essay in 25 words or less.  Spelling and punctuation count.  Winner to be determined by a snappy game game of mumble-de-peg.

--- End quote ---

Maybe we need two primaries-- one for conservatives and one for the moderate/liberals then let those two duke it out to be the nominee against the Democrat candidate.


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