Author Topic: Pro choice dad waited a couple years to throw his daughter into a creek, car seat and all  (Read 580 times)

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Arthur Morgan iii

So what this Leftist pro-choice Demoncrat dad waited a couple of years to throw his daughter into a creek, car-seat and all! He was just exercising his CHOICE!

You’d think that in the day of the feminist movement, that men could unburden themselves from babies, except this ignorant Democrat waited too long.

Arthur Morgan III, (yes, there were 2 before him) has an excuse for killing his child, as he “wasn’t thinking clearly that night,” according to his lawyer.

Let me give you a few more facts, then you can decide.

First, Arthur Morgan III of Eatontown allegedly weighed down the seat with a tire-changing jack so the car seat would sink.

Second, he allegely did this, because his daughter’s mother would not get back together with him. How could she pass up a life of bliss with this man, we may never know.

According to ABC News,

In his opening statement, defense attorney Ryan Moriarty told the jurors their task is to decide “what form of homicide applies to this defendant.”

“We’re not asking you to presume Arthur Morgan innocent of responsibility,” he said. “It is our contention that he did not act knowingly and purposefully on that day but, rather, recklessly. Can your ability to think clearly be affected by lack of sleep, losing your job, staying in your car? By homelessness, by the end of a major relationship in your life?”

The way I see it, Obama killed this man’s daughter. Thankfully, they are both PRO-CHOICE!



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I don't think this tragedy should be trivialized into some sort of political ideology.  This guy was seriously disturbed and did one of the worst things a parent can do to his child.  The CBS New York affiliate has a set of stories following the story here:


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If the pro-choice people had their way, this guy would be innocent of any wrong doing since they are pushing for post birth abortion.  This is simply a look into the future.


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If the pro-choice people had their way, this guy would be innocent of any wrong doing since they are pushing for post birth abortion.  This is simply a look into the future.

With all due respect I have to disagree.


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It's already being discussed in some liberal circles.