Author Topic: Ted Cruz quotes ‘pro-choice’ jerks accurately, is falsely accused of calling them Satan worshippers  (Read 402 times)

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Jim Treacher

This goes hand-in-hand with that other story about the “feminist studies” prof stealing a sign from an anti-abortion activist and then assaulting her. The same people who want to convince you that such things don’t matter — people who call themselves journalists — will turn right around and twist the words of somebody they don’t like.

First, some background. Last year, this happened at a pro-life protest in Austin, TX (video courtesy of the Washington Free Beacon):

As this woman is talking, you can hear some lovely people chanting “Hail Satan” in the background. Why? You’d have to ask them. But that’s what they did.

It’s harder to hear in this next clip, but reportedly “Hail Satan” was what these other fine folks were chanting as they tried to drown out a rendition of “Amazing Grace”:
And there were other eyewitnesses who heard these abortion enthusiasts yelling “Hail Satan.” It’s a thing that happened in real life.

The other day, Ted Cruz pointed out that these people had chanted “Hail Satan” while protesting for abortion. And how did the Associated Press report it?

WASHINGTON (AP) — Calling their opponents Satan worshippers and savages, anti-abortion lawmakers on Wednesday insisted that Republican contenders keep an intense focus on social issues in the upcoming midterm elections and the 2016 presidential race.

Wait. Who called them Satan worshippers and savages? When did that happen?

Sen. Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican who is a favorite of the tea party, said supporters of abortion rights chant “Hail, Satan” to silence their enemies. …

“Arm-in-arm, chanting ‘Hail, Satan,’ embracing the right to take the life of a late-term child,” Cruz said of supporters of abortion rights.

Oh. So, Ted Cruz pointed out that one of the tactics of baby-killing fans is to chant “Hail Satan.” Which is something that has happened. Somehow, when run through the filter at the Associated Press, this is transformed into “That teabagger-favorite Cruz called the good guys Satan worshippers!” Well, no he didn’t. He didn’t assign a motive to it. He just presented the fact of it.

After a bunch of people pointed this out, the AP issued the following “correction”:

More of article at link: