Author Topic: Common Cores Other Agenda Part One  (Read 926 times)

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Offline Rapunzel

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Common Cores Other Agenda Part One
« on: March 15, 2014, 07:23:00 am »

Common Cores Other Agenda Part One
Posted: March 12, 2014 in muslim brotherhood   

What a shocker, the U.S Department of Education will be overseeing the assessment test design for the new national standards.   So the government IS involved. The federal government will be dictating your childs education and in effect, white washing any truth of anything you have ever taught your child.   Who is the driving force behind the scenes?  Where does the real template for common core come from? Among the most talked about is Arne Duncan, and Bill Gates, but what about the not so talked about?

In August of 2013,  Arne Duncan, the Secretary of Education and Sal Khan (Khan Academy) participated in a Google+ “hangout” ,where Duncan praised innovators such as Khan, stating “Like Khan Academy,  the Department of Education is continuing to work to innovate in education and secure that the next generation can have all the educational opportunities they deserve”

Sal Khan, founder of the Khan Academy is an American born Muslim who developed a website that   “allows anyone, anywhere to take over 4,500 individual classes online, free of charge. across disciplines and academic grade levels, Khan Academy courses have allowed millions of individuals to learn something new”.

Duncan believes this is the new way of learning unlike the “Neanderthal” ways of the past.

Khan seems to be the new hot ticket, as he and Bank of America have partnered to offer online classes on financial matters. Khan also is the author of The One World Schoolhouse which Khan believes is a “virtual extension” of  his philosophy.

Khan has been named the number 91 Muslim Hero according to the website   where he joins the ranks of Sihajj Wahajj, Ahmed Bedier, Zahra Billoo and several other Muslims known for their radical, and sometimes terrorist organization  connections.  Khans  is just one area the U.S Department of Education is experimenting with in using the internet to teach your children.

But it gets even more scary..

In 2011 The Qatar Foundation International , partnered with the Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education to promote a marriage between students  in the U.S. and international schools through the “Connect All Schools” project.  (  The stated goal of this initiative is to connect every school in the United States to the world by 2016.

So while foreign countries are invading your childs classroom, grant money is pouring in to assure these programs will work. Two schools in Tucson AZ were recipients of  $465,000   intended to implement “innovative curricula and teaching materials to be used in any Arabic language classroom”. This is money that comes from a foundation with close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is an offshoot of Hamas.

In 2012, public schools in Harlem NY were given $250,000 from the Qatar foundation for a pilot program in which students voluntarily learned Arabic, however this year, it will be mandatory for students in second grade through 5th grade to learn the language. Many are wondering why its necessary.

Then there is the Qatar Foundations project in City Center DC. The 1,400-square-meter cultural center, called Al Bayt, (Arabic for “home”),  which will feature “state of the art, interactive experience” which will engage students in Qatari culture “without leaving the states”. “Al Bayt will be a state of the art, interactive experience that will immerse students in different aspects of the culture, language, architecture, design and more.”  According to Sahar Al Ansari,  he will be featured as   a “Virtual Ambassador ” guiding people through the space while demonstrating their different perspectives and experiences, as well as their similarities, to an American audience. The ambassadors spoke about their language, religion, lifestyles, family and the environment of their region and homes

Are you seeing a trend here?

Back on the home front, we see organizations such as the Council on Islamic Education (CIE) which now goes by the Institute on Religion and Civic Values. The Council on Islamic Education was founded in 1991 to provide academic support and scholarly resources about Islam and Muslim history to K-12 textbook publishers, educators, and others. One of those involved in the research and writing of these books is Shabbir Mansuri who has stated ” I am waging a “bloodless” revolution, promoting world cultures and faiths in America’s classrooms”.

The CIE ( IRCV ) is: The Leading contributor and consultant to publishers of textbooks that include Islamic-related content

Promoting  sanitized, inaccurate information about Islam in K-12 education


Has associations with the Islamic Saudi Academy, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), front groups for the anti-Christian, anti American, and anti Israel Muslim Brotherhood

Mansuri also has 2 articles published on, an Islamic resource website often referred to educators as the go to site for Islamic education materials.

The 2 articles are


GUIDE  and Muslim Schools VS. Public Schools.

Both of these articles can be found under the document tab above.

Coming up in Part 2, more info on the Islamic connection to common core.

�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Common Cores Other Agenda Part One
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2014, 07:23:54 am »

Common Cores Other Agenda Part 2
Posted: March 14, 2014

So, as of today, Common Core has come to a halt in the state of Tennessee for 2 years. Is it in hopes that all those that worked so hard to get to this point  will go away, or lose their passion? No one knows, but I believe it will be much more difficult to defeat in 2 years, because of the Islamists such as Susan Douglass.

Susan Douglass is a convert to Islam from Virginia who is the principle researcher and writer for CIE ( Council for Islamic Education). Douglas has taught social studies at the controversial Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA),an academy which has been cited for using textbooks that condemn Jews and Christians as infidels and enemies of Islam. She also was a attendee at a meeting in April of 2001 at the White House under George Bush ,that brought together key Muslim Brotherhood figures, some of which are currently in prison for aiding or financing terrorists.

If that isn’t bad enough, Douglas also is responsible for editing numerous manuscripts of world history textbooks used by middle and high school students across America, advises state education boards on curriculum standards dealing with world religion and has helped train thousands of public school teachers on Islamic instruction.

Another group that has its hand in education via a back door is ING ( Islamic Network Group) founded by Egyptian Maha El Genadi. ING states it is a non-profit organization whose mission is to counter prejudice and discrimination against American Muslims by teaching about their traditions and contributions in the context of America’s history and cultural diversity

Their curricula, which is listed on their website, contains :

Muslims and their faith: Getting to Know American Muslims and Their Faith

A History of Muslims in America

Muslim Contributions to Civilization

All this is designed to supplement content standards in social studies and world history and addresses state  social studies content standards of leading states

The ludicrous contents of this sort of curricula even goes so far to suggest  perhaps Columbus didn’t discover America, but rather the Muslims did. This from their website:

Lesson One: Muslims and America, A Long History:

The first lesson emphasizes the fact that Muslims are not new to America, but came here along with early European explorers and settlers

Lesson Two: Before Columbus:

This lesson explores the possibility of Muslims having preceded Columbus to the New World

To best sum up ING,  writes this about ING:

Given the organizational affiliations of ING Board members and it’s founder, Ms. ElGanaidi’s documented appearances with CAIR national leadership and appearances at Muslim Brotherhood ISNA’s conferences, and the written affirmations of standing partnerships between ING and Muslim Brotherhood named organizations, the ING approach makes sense.

The recent May 5, 2012 ING Program in California included a book signing by the former imam of the Ground Zero mosque, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and a detailed report by ING President, Ms. ElGenaidi.  Page 5 of her report states (emphasis added):

“[ING has] also received letters of support from national organizations which reflects our partnerships and good relations with these organizations as well as our reach across the country. These include:

• Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)

• Muslim American Society (MAS)

• Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)

• Council on Islamic Relations – California (CAIR)”

ISNA’s letter of support attached at page 24 of Ms. ElGenaidi’s report states:

“We have seen the positive impact of these projects on our community through our years of work with ING, especially during the Annual ISNA Convention, and training webinars, which we were proud to co-sponsor with ING.”


So Common Core is a set of consistent education standards being implemented  across the states. Consistent for whom? With all the back door infiltrations of Islamist groups and ideologies, its not consistent with the principles or ideology of America.  No longer will children be treated as individuals who learn to have pride and love of  our country, but rather a group that is being prepared for a global society. Sometimes you have to read in between the lines.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776