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Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« on: March 11, 2014, 09:20:13 pm »

 by Kerry Picket 11 Mar 2014, 11:11 AM PDT

Former IRS official Louis Lerner and her colleagues at the tax agency were under a tremendous amount of pressure from President Obama and other Democrats to scrutinize a Tea Party applicant for public disclosure, despite rules protecting the privacy of unapproved applications, according to a staff report from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

For example, in emails regarding how the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision could imperil the Democrats' majority in the Senate, Lerner wrote that she hoped the Federal Election Commission would “save the day,” apparently by curtailing political speech.

In another email referencing a news article about the businessmen and benefactors Charles and David Koch, Lerner suggested the IRS should begin a “project” to reign in political speech but to craft it in such a way as to avoid the appearance of focusing on political activity.

“We do need a c4 project next year,” Lerner wrote. While she initially said, “my object is not to look for political activity,” later in the exchange she acknowledged that it will examine political activity. “We need to be cautious so it isn’t a per se political project.  More a c4 project that will look at levels of lobbying and pol. Activity along with exempt activity.”

Lerner is the only IRS staffer who refused to testify before Congress, so the report relies solely on information garnered from “e-mails, documents, and other testimony about her cracking down on tax exempt organizations that exercise their rights to free political speech,” the Republican staff on the Oversight Committee says.

One e-mail thread turned to the possibility of whether a Tea Party applicant would challenge the IRS ruling in court. Lerner said that Tea Party groups would litigate because they are “itching for a Constitutional challenge.”

The emails show concern from Lerner about the Citizens United case decision hurting Democrats in the upcoming Senate elections. One document shows Lerner saying the Supreme Court gave the issue to the IRS “to fix the problem.”

She said, “The Supreme Court dealt a huge blow, overturning a 100-year old precedent that basically corporations couldn’t give directly to political campaigns. And everyone is up in arms because they don’t like it. The Federal Election Commission can’t do anything about it. They want the IRS to fix the problem.”
After a senior advisor emailed her about the political danger Democrats could be placed in, she replied in an e-mail, “Perhaps the FEC will save the day.”

The Oversight Committee points out that Lerner mishandled 6103 taxpayer information by dealing with such data from her personal e-mail account. Lerner, however, told Congress under oath in Novmber of 2013, “I have not violated any IRS rules or regulations.” In a November 2013 letter from Daniel Werfel, Werfel writes, “We do not permit IRS officials to send taxpayer information to their personal email addresses." Werfel stresses that this is the case even if information is redacted.

Ultimately, the Oversight report says, Lerner personally placed all Tea Party applicants through a “multi-tier review.” An IRS employee testified that Lerner “sent [him an] e-mail saying that when these cases need to go through multi-tier review and they will eventually have to go to [Judy Kindell, Lerner’s senior technical advisor] and the Chief Counsel’s office.” A D.C. IRS employee said this level of scrutiny had no precedent.

The head of the IRS office in Cincinnati disputes Lerner’s claim–and President Obama’s Fox News interview with Bill O’Reilly–that the scrutiny on Tea Party cases was only a local issue, saying, “[Y]es, there were mistakes made by folks in Cincinnati as well [as] D.C. but the D.C. office is the one who delayed the processing of the cases.”
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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2014, 09:37:58 pm »

House Oversight Committee Releases Lois Lerner Report
by John Sexton 11 Mar 2014, 11:21 AM PDT

Darrell Issa's Committee on Oversight and Government Reform issued a staff report Tuesday aimed squarely at Lois Lerner and her involvement in the IRS targeting of conservative groups. The report suggests Lerner misled Congress in four instances and attempted to downplay the inappropriate targeting after it came to light.

The report says Lerner was concerned about the political implications of allowing 501(c)(4) groups to spend money on election related activity in the wake of the Citizens United decision. The Oversight Committee report concludes that Lerner was involved in three separate efforts to curb such spending. From the report's conclusion:

    Evidence indicates Lerner and her Exempt Organizations unit took a three pronged approach to “do something about it” to “fix the problem” of nonprofit political speech:

    1) Scrutiny of new applicants for tax - exempt status (which began as Tea Party targeting);
    2) Plans to scrutinize organizations, like those supported by the “Koch Brothers,” that were already acting as 501(c)(4) organizations; and
  • ff plan” efforts to write new rules cracking down on political activity to replace those that had been in place since 1959.

The sense conveyed in the report is that Lerner was concerned IRS activity might appear to be "per se political" (as she warned in one email) even as she helped slow walk any movement toward approval on cases which were, overwhelmingly, conservative groups.

In the summer of 2011, Lerner learned about the criteria used to gather the Tea Party cases, which included "statements in the case file [that] criticize how the country is being run." As a result she adjusted the criteria for selection so it would not appear to be focused on right-leaning groups. However, while her adjusting of the criteria represents an admission that the prior criteria had been problematic, she apparently made no effort to release the cases selected under that criteria. Tea Party cases remained gummed up in the multi-tier review process she had recommended.

The same briefing prepared for Lerner noted that one of the groups under scrutiny "stated it will conduct advocacy and political campaign intervention, but political campaign intervention will account for 20% or less of activities." That's far below the 49% threshold set by law. The briefing for Lerner added "A proposed favorable letter has been sent to Counsel for review." But the report notes that as of June 2013, a full two years later, the application was still pending.

And there is no doubt Lerner was aware who was being scrutinized. In July 2012, Lerner was notified by email that of the 199 501(c)(4) cases which had been set aside "approximately 3/4 appear to be conservative leaning while fewer than 10 appear to be liberal/progressive leaning groups..."

Earlier in 2012, Lerner was asked a series of questions by Committee staff. The report lays out four instances where she appears to have misled them in her answers. For instance, Lerner was asked whether criteria for examining 501(c)(4) cases had been changed at any time. She said no. But, as noted above, she had changed the criteria used to identify cases for scrutiny herself in 2011.

In response to another Committee question about letters sent to conservative groups demanding donor lists, Lerner replied this had been done "in the ordinary course of the application process." Later, in 2013, the Committee learned from the IRS Commissioner's Chief of Staff, Nikole Flax, that she was unable to find another instance in the IRS' history where such a request had been made.

Finally, the report is critical of Lerner's attempt to downplay the import of the TIGTA findings by arranging a planted question to which Lerner could give a scripted answer claiming the targeting had been a mistake not "a political vendetta." Internally, Lerner wrote an email saying of the forthcoming report "It is what it is . . . we will get dinged." But a few months later, just before the report was released, she was exploring her retirement options.

Lerner has refused to testify about the matter, including last week when she asserted the 5th amendment for the second time. The Committee report devotes one section to the claim that Lerner waived her right to assert the 5th when she offered a defense of herself and verified a signature on a document before doing so the first time. The report closes with a suggestion that "Americans who faced mistreatment at the hands of the IRS, deserve the full documented truth that both Lois Lerner and the IRS have withheld from them."
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 09:58:34 pm by Rapunzel »
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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2014, 09:55:41 pm »
How is it I am reading casually like it is no big-deal, the most incriminating evidence regarding this that nails Obama/Lerner red-handed?

If I hear Elijah Cummings scream that someone leaked this to the media and he didn't get to read it...

They better know what they are doing. I guess CBS won't be reporting this as Sharyl is gone.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 09:59:44 pm by Gazoo »
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2014, 09:58:55 pm »
I had checked about 10 minutes ago and only Breitbart and a conservative blog were reporting this as news.

It has now hit the wires. Odd title but here it is...

House Republican slams Lois Lerner in report on IRS targeting
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 10:00:37 pm by Gazoo »
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2014, 10:00:36 pm »
So last night Ways and Means reported they are getting a handle on this through their demands for emails and today ISSA jumps out and suddenly reveals this info???  One more reason this should have been handled through a select committee..

The emails show concern from Lerner about the Citizens United case decision hurting Democrats in the upcoming Senate elections. One document shows Lerner saying the Supreme Court gave the issue to the IRS “to fix the problem.”

Since when is it the job of the IRS to "fix" what they don't like from SCOTUS?
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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2014, 10:10:04 pm »
The top Democrat on the panel, Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., has accused Issa of turning Lerner into a political target. He is expected to release a statement shortly in response to the report.

Among the findings in the report:

— Lerner, in emails to other IRS officials, wrote about ways to highlight the agency's scrutiny of Tea Party applicants, despite secrecy laws, by provoking groups to challenge IRS rulings in a court case.

— She called for a Washington, D.C.-based, “multi-tier review” for Tea Party groups applying for tax exempt status. “A D.C. IRS employee said this level of scrutiny had no precedent,” the report notes.

— Lerner references “the fabulously rich and hugely influential” Koch brothers, who are GOP donors, in asserting that the agency needed to cautiously conduct a “project” scrutinizing groups seeking 501(c)(4) tax exempt status. The code references the tax exempt category conservative and Tea Party groups were requesting from the IRS.

— Lerner broke IRS rules by using her personal email account to handle protected taxpayer information.

— Lerner expressed concern that the Supreme Court ruling leading to the increase of 501(c)(4) tax-exempt groups would hurt Democratic senators seeking re-election in 2012. The IRS was expected to fix the problem, Lerner wrote.

“The Supreme Court dealt a huge blow, overturning a 100-year old precedent that basically corporations couldn't give directly to political campaigns,” Lerner wrote. “And everyone is up in arms because they don't like it. The Federal Election Commission can't do anything about it. They want the IRS to fix the problem.”

Cummings expected to release a statement shortly...

I will bet you $5 he says

Louis did not do anything wrong (AGAIN directly ignoring e-mail evidence)

That he has not had a chance to read it before it was released and it somehow affects the outcome  :silly:

That this is all being done because Obama is black
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 10:13:04 pm by Gazoo »
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2014, 10:12:19 pm »
He was inserted in this committee to be a stopgap against ISSA - he is playing his role to the hilt.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2014, 10:15:31 pm »
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2014, 10:17:22 pm »
He was inserted in this committee to be a stopgap against ISSA - he is playing his role to the hilt.

Cummings is a card carrying Progressive and Black Congressional Caucus member (with a few others on this committee) He will protect Obama at all costs.
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2014, 10:27:02 pm »

Cummings went on morning Joe the day after Lois plead the fifth the second time and whined.

The judiciary committee does not play partisan politics
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2014, 10:40:27 pm »
I wonder if Cummings will be on Rachel Maddow tonight? No one watches it but I am sure it will hit the news.
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2014, 10:57:41 pm »
It looks like it's a damned good thing that Barak Hussein Obama decided to throw his white half under the bus.

I'm betting that President Nixon is spinning in his grave.
I come in peace, I didn't bring artillery.  But I am pleading with you with tears in my eyes:  If you bleep with me, I'll kill you all.

Marine General James Mattis, to Iraqi tribal leaders (Note: Mattis did NOT say "BLEEP". He threw the F Bomb)

I didn't enlist in the Corps just to watch my country become a Third World Communist Shit-hole. Don't know anyone who did.


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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2014, 12:21:09 am »
It looks like it's a damned good thing that Barak Hussein Obama decided to throw his white half under the bus.

I'm betting that President Nixon is spinning in his grave.


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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2014, 02:33:41 am »
Did Cummings make a statement?
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2014, 07:59:23 am »
Cummings is such a partisan hack it is not even funny. He has released no statement on this release of e-mails but he whines like a baby about being silenced by Issa. No press release and his FB page has nothing.
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2014, 03:40:26 pm »
Has MSNBC broke into the TV and declared this breaking news yet?
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

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Re: Report: Lerner Emails Show Partisan Concern For Democrats
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2014, 04:27:22 pm »
Cummings so far SILENT on the new e-mails. Even he can't spin them?
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?