Author Topic: School forces half naked sopping wet student to stand outside, frostbite results  (Read 751 times)

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School forces half-naked, sopping wet student to stand outside, frostbite results

Posted By Robby Soave On 9:47 PM 03/03/2014 In | No Comments

A Minnesota public high school was so committed to obeying its fire drill policy to the exact letter of the law that it forced a female student–dressed only in a swimsuit, and sopping wet–to stand outside in the freezing cold for ten minutes. As a result, she suffered frostbite.

Administrators wouldn’t let the student retrieve her clothes, sit in a car or wait inside another building, according to WCCO.

The trouble began when a small science experiment triggered the fire alarm at Como Park Senior High School in St. Paul, Minnesota. Fourteen-year-old Kayona Hagen-Tietz was swimming in the school pool for health class at the time. Her clothes were in her locker, and a teacher told her that there was no time for her to change. Hagen-Tietz was rushed outside–still wet and dressed in only swimsuit.

It was 5 degrees below zero in St. Paul that day. With the windchill, it was 25 degrees below zero.

Hagen-Tietz asked to wait inside an employee’s car, or at the elementary school across the street. But administrators believed that this would violate official policy, and could get the school in trouble, so they opted to simply let the girl freeze.

Her fellow classmates, at least, huddled around her to try to keep her warm. And one teacher did eventually lend her a coat.

Still, Hagen-Tietz came down with frostbite on her feet, according to her mother, Eva Tietz, who took her to the doctor as soon as she found out what had happened.

Eva Tietz told National Review that the school was wrong to put a wet, unclothed kid out in the cold.

“Immediately, when they had seen that, they should have had some kind of protocol,” she said in a statement.

Tietz also noted that she would have been arrested for doing such a thing to her child.

“If I had a fire and brought my children out in that condition, you know, I’m sure I would be charged in some way or another if I didn’t instantly bring them into a neighbor’s house or someplace else,” she said, according to WCCO. “The ultimate goal is to keep them safe and protect your children, and, in this instance, they did a really poor job.”

Tietz wants the school to issue an apology and reexamine its fire policies.

The school district issued a statement saying only that it routinely reviews such policies.

Principal Dan Mesick did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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Online mountaineer

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Tietz also noted that she would have been arrested for doing such a thing to her child. ... Tietz wants the school to issue an apology and reexamine its fire policies.
I'd demand more than that.

Offline alicewonders

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I'd demand more than that.

I'd sue their a$$es into oblivion after I took my kids out of that school. 
Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

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Offline Relic

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It's what bureaucrats do. Rules are rules. Rules are made by someone higher in the power structure, so they must be good. A committed leftist knows that the power structure is their god.

This is just a small sample of what's coming our way. I don't think Americans really understand what they're asking for.

Offline Millee

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I'd sue their a$$es into oblivion after I took my kids out of that school.

No doubt!  When I was done with them the school would be "My Kid's Name High School".   :chairbang:

Offline happyg

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I recall one fire drill while we were getting dressed after gym class. Some ran out in their slips with a towel wrapped around them. (They thought it was funny). The rest of us hastily donned clothing.

In this case, if the weather were that bad, I would ignore the rules and go back into the school. The point of a drill is to get the students out quickly while being timed. Once they met the criteria, they should have been allowed back in the school.

Online mountaineer

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It's what bureaucrats do. Rules are rules.
These are the same asshats who pitch a fit over a poptart nibbled into the vague shape of a pistol.

Offline rb224315

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Hagen-Tietz asked to wait inside an employee’s car, or at the elementary school across the street. But administrators believed that this would violate official policy, and could get the school in trouble, so they opted to simply let the girl freeze.

Sorry, young lady.  It's against policy to let you stand inside the door during a drill, or sit in someone's car, or do anything to keep you from freezing.  It is not, however, against policy to let you freeze.  Rulz are rulz, y'know.
rb224315:  just another "Creepy-ass Cracka".

Offline alicewonders

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Is anybody else seeing an increasing pattern of sadistic authoritarianism (sp?) in these school incidents? 
Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

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These are the same asshats who pitch a fit over a poptart nibbled into the vague shape of a pistol.

 :thumbsup2: :hands: