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Communists announce plans to rescue Obama and the democrats
« on: March 01, 2014, 01:55:11 pm »
Communists Announce Plans to Rescue Obama and The Democrats … J. D. Longstreet

By omegadispatch on February 23, 2014   • ( 3 )

Communists Announce Plans to Rescue Obama and The Democrats
 A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet

How often have we told our readers that the Democratic Party is the party of Communism and Socialism?    How many times have we noted the Marxist philosophy of Obama, of Hillary, et al?

Now, the Communist Party USA has stepped from the shadows and openly admitted their involvement with the American left including the Democratic Party and Obama.   

They have announced their decision to aid the Democrats in holding on to the US Senate in the upcoming November election.

The Communist Party USA was formed in Chicago in 1919.   Recently, Communist Party USA Chairman Sam Webb spoke to his fellow travelers by way of a web streaming event entitled: “Taking care of the future: from here to socialism.”

Mr. Webb said:  “We can talk about shortening the work week, green jobs, restructuring the economy, we can talk about the de-militarization of the economy and putting those people back to work in jobs that are productive,” Webb said. “The starting point has to be this immediate engagement, but once we do that many things become possible such as more radical demands.”–SOURCE:

Mr. Webb explained that since Obama had become President Americans were more willing to accept socialism and communism.

Mr. Webb went on to say the following: “The good news is the same hang-ups or stereotypes that people had 30 to 40 years ago are not so evident today,” he said. “Growing numbers of people are ready to have a conversation about socialism. There have been public opinion polls that indicate that substantial numbers have more confidence in socialism than capitalism.”

“We have to let people know what our vision is. The climate in the country is different. We can have a different conversation than we could have 30 to 40 years ago, even 20 years ago. Socialism is no longer a white-hot word, people are willing to talk about it.”  — SOURCE:
 Webb said Communists are planning an effort to unite left-wing groups to protect Democrats and President Obama from losing the US Senate to tea party candidates or, more precisely – conservative candidates.

We suggest you read the entire article at WND.COM at:

It has not been that long ago when the democrats would refute the claim by conservatives that the Democratic Party was, in fact, a socialist party.  No longer.  The Democrats have gone from covert to overt.  They have slithered out of the shadows into the light and their true colors, the hammer and sickle, can be clearly seen and they can no longer deny their embrace of the communist/socialist dogma.

Recently my teeth have been set on edge as I  listened to Obama’s rhetoric about “fairness,” in this or that, and his use of the words “fair share” to drive a wedge between the American classes, and especially the words, or phrase, “income inequality” which seals the deal.

When a nation seeks income equality it is accepting socialism as its core philosophy.  Income inequality is the clarion call for redistribution of a nation’s wealth. It is as simple and as basic as that.

Demonstrating his communist core belief, Obama has led the charge to teach the low/info voters to hate the “patricians” and the “plutocrats” – the very people who financed — and continue to finance — America’s success as the greatest nation in the history of mankind.

Our very own communist President believes — and preaches — that wealthy Americans must be brought low and their wealth confiscated and redistributed to the – ahem – less fortunate among us.

We have now seen the President’s abuse of the power of the Executive Order.  Obama is intent on diluting democratic freedom in America by infusing socialism/communism into every agency and administration under the control of the executive branch of the government.

Why wouldn’t the Communist Party be proud of their man in the White House?  Why wouldn’t the Communist Party pull out all the stops to support him and his communist/socialist minions in the US Senate?

America is sinking ever deeper into the muck and mire of communism.  If we are unable to extricate her she will die just as all the other nations that have cast their lot with socialism and communism.

So don’t be surprised that the Communist Party USA will be working to rescue the Democratic Party this November.  The democrats are a part of the socialist/communist movement. 

As soon as Americans stop fooling themselves into thinking and believing that America is NOT a communist/socialist nation, then we can begin to throw off the shackles of dictatorial government and the oppression of the new American police state we have become and return America to her constitutional government.

J. D. Longstreet

Communists to Obama: We've got your back

Party chief says Americans more willing now to accept socialism
Published: 02/13/2014 at 9:55 AM
author-imageJack Minor   

With Democrats facing a real possibility of losing the Senate this November, the Communist Party USA has announced the cavalry is planning to ride to their rescue by helping unite the left and stave off “right-wing extremism.”

The plans were announced during a web streaming event held by party Chairman Sam Webb Wednesday titled “Taking care of the future: from here to socialism.”

The event was part of the party’s national convention process which will culminate later this year in Chicago, where the party was formed in 1919.

Webb told listeners that there is no direct path to socialism and that to arrive at their destination they would have to pass through different stages. He stated one of those steps was to work with other left-wing groups to press for issues important to the left.

“We can talk about shortening the work week, green jobs, restructuring the economy, we can talk about the de-militarization of the economy and putting those people back to work in jobs that are productive,” Webb said. “The starting point has to be this immediate engagement, but once we do that many things become possible such as more radical demands.”

Webb acknowledged that one of the problems the movement faces is the stigma of the name Communist among some Americans, but he believes under the policies of the Obama administration the country is now more willing to embrace those beliefs.

“The good news is the same hang-ups or stereotypes that people had 30 to 40 years ago are not so evident today,” he said. “Growing numbers of people are ready to have a conversation about socialism. There have been public opinion polls that indicate that substantial numbers have more confidence in socialism than capitalism.”

“We have to let people know what our vision is. The climate in the country is different. We can have a different conversation than we could have 30 to 40 years ago, even 20 years ago. Socialism is no longer a white-hot word, people are willing to talk about it.”

WND reported last month how retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, president of Stand Up America, announced a plan to unite the tea party groups in order to return the country to its constitutional roots.

Webb said Communists are planning a similar effort to unite left-wing groups to protect Democrats and President Obama from the possibility of losing the Senate to tea party candidates.

“Even if it’s only turning back right-wing extremism which plays such a large role in policies today… I don’t see how it’s going to happen without a much stronger left and an important part of that left is a bigger stronger Communist Party. That’s a necessary component.

“There’s a broad left in this country and a good section of it isn’t connected to other organizations. We have to be connected and have a dialogue with this broad left and find common ground where we can join in on joint struggles,” he said.

Webb said it was vital for left-wing individuals to be part of a “bigger and better Communist Party and a bigger and better left in general,” noting that the CPUSA had a major part in helping FDR with his New Deal policies.

“The New Deal came about for a lot of reasons, but I would argue that one of the main reasons was that in that same period we saw the growth of the Communist Party and the left in general,” Webb explained. “The Communist Party and the left in general contributed mightily to the process of first building of a transformative movement and then helping secure these changes, this New Deal.”

He said progressives need to have a bigger left in order to prevent the tea party movement from advancing its agenda.

Setting out the party’s goals, he said the CPUSA could not bring about socialism on its own but needed the help of other left-wing groups it was helping to unify.

“If it just took the left and Communists alone we would have done it long ago. It takes more than that. It takes a bigger Communist Party and left that is deeply embedded in the day to day struggle for people.”

The U.S. military, which has seen generals and other high-level officers relieved of duty at an unprecedented rate during the Obama administration, is in trouble largely because of the radical social experimentation being forced upon it, according to the Center for Military Readiness.

CMR’s president, Elaine Donnelly, said in an interview with WND that under Obama, budgets for the military have been slashed, SEAL Team Six members exposed as the ones who killed Osama bin Laden, open homosexuality introduced and service members pressed into service to hold an umbrella over the president during the rain.

Donnelly says Obama has done “great damage” to the military by taking away resources and imposing “heavy burdens of social experimentation.”

As WND reported, the U.S. military has been gutted with massive budget cuts due to the congressionally mandated sequestration to trim $1 trillion in government spending over 10 years, fully half of which would come from the defense budget.

Webb said despite these cuts the American government is still spending too much on the military and called for further military budget cuts and that the party has no qualms about working with those in other countries to fight against U.S. “imperialism.”

“We spend too much on military weapons and hardware, especially the United States. By building a transformative movement we can begin to change that,” Webb said. “We find many ways to express solidarity with people around the world who are fighting imperialism, either U.S. imperialism or any other imperialism.”

« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 02:00:18 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: Communists announce plans to rescue Obama and the democrats
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2014, 03:39:47 pm »
Other than greed, envy, or stupidity, how can anyone seriously believe in communism?


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Re: Communists announce plans to rescue Obama and the democrats
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2014, 04:37:30 pm »
Other than greed, envy, or stupidity, how can anyone seriously believe in communism?

As Whitaker Chambers observed, it is a religion to the adherents.  Their belief in the sanctity of the state overpowers their reason.

Offline Gazoo

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Re: Communists announce plans to rescue Obama and the democrats
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2014, 04:41:25 pm »
But, but, but they are not 'communists' they are 'progressives' and Romney owns a horse and Christie stopped traffic.
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?