Author Topic: This Quote Shows How Deeply Involved Russia Is In Ukraine's Crimea  (Read 580 times)

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Offline happyg

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Michael Kelley
Things are happening quickly in Ukraine's southern peninsula of Crimea.

Russian troops have taken over two Crimean airports. Kiev's acting security chief has called the Kremlin out, saying that the soldiers are "separate groups ... commanded by the Kremlin."

Now Ukraine's coast guard base is surrounded by about 30 Russian marines.

On Thursday armed gunman commandeered the local parliament building in the regional capital of Simferopol and raised the Russian flag.

This quote by Maxim, a pro-Russian activist who camped out overnight outside parliament, deepens the intrigue (emphasis ours):

They were asking who we were. When we said we stand for the Russian language and Russia, they said: don't be afraid, we're with you. Then they began to storm the building bringing down the doors," he told the Associated Press.

"They didn't look like volunteers or amateurs, they were professionals. This was clearly a well-organized operation. They did not allow anyone to come near. They seized the building, drove out the police, there were about six police officers inside."

It's unclear how deeply involved Russian troops are in Crimea, which has a majority ethnic Russian population and hosts the Kremlin's Black Sea naval fleet, but there are increasingly indications that Russia is now mobilizing to secure its interests in the former Soviet port.

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Re: This Quote Shows How Deeply Involved Russia Is In Ukraine's Crimea
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2014, 03:02:50 pm »
It's pretty clear, though, that they are involved and that Putin is moving behind the scenes to foment discord and, I think, ultimately create an excuse for Russia to invade all of Ukraine in the name of restoring public order.

Offline Chieftain

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Re: This Quote Shows How Deeply Involved Russia Is In Ukraine's Crimea
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2014, 03:09:16 pm »
People have been fighting wars over the Crimea for centuries.  I believe it is on record as being one of the most contentious spots in the history of the European Continent.  Throw in tribal loyalties, long standing historical grudge matches, violent games of "top this" and long running oppression of and retaliatory violence from a large ethnic Muslim population, you have a perpetual powder keg on your hands.

Again, the violence in Kiev last week is not uncommon in this entire region, and has not been uncommon for Centuries.  The only difference now is that the military police have better weapons, and everyone with a camera is recording the violence and posting it near live on the internet.  Under the Soviets this kind of thing would have been put down immediately with overwhelming force, and nobody outside of Kiev would have known anything about it.

Offline Chieftain

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Re: This Quote Shows How Deeply Involved Russia Is In Ukraine's Crimea
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2014, 03:10:50 pm »
It's pretty clear, though, that they are involved and that Putin is moving behind the scenes to foment discord and, I think, ultimately create an excuse for Russia to invade all of Ukraine in the name of restoring public order.

And why not??  You have the population of the Crimea asking Russia to do exactly that to protect them from the Ukrainians.

Offline SouthTexas

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Re: This Quote Shows How Deeply Involved Russia Is In Ukraine's Crimea
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2014, 03:22:05 pm »

It's unclear how deeply involved Russian troops are in Crimea

Really?  Unclear to who, Obumbler and Kerry?  Pretty obvious to most others.