Author Topic: Obamacare may put 40% of home health care providers out of business  (Read 318 times)

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ObamaCare May Put 40% of Home Health Care Providers Out of Business

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On February 27, 2014 @ 12:38 pm In The Point | No Comments

We had to pass the bill to find out what’s in it. Also destroy health care in America.

Sebelius herself, using discretion granted her by the Affordable Care Act, cut the maximum allowed by law from home health care funds. The cuts were deep enough that officials offered a damaging prediction of the impact saying, it was estimated that approximately 40 percent of providers would have negative margins.

And companies with negative margins don’t last long — or have to cut workers.

In fact, those cuts put in jeopardy 498,000 jobs of home health care workers who work just for that 40 percent of firms that will be forced into the red — the kind of home health workers who allow Yvonne Wightman, 98, to avoid expensive hospital or nursing home stays by getting care at home.

“If she fell like she has a few times,” says her daughter, Janet Connor, “typically you go to the ER, but because we can call a nurse to come, they can do the wound care here. Because she did have a fall, and it was a bad wound. We didn’t go anywhere we just had people come and dress it at home.”

Her mother also came down with pneumonia and was treated at home, but Janet needed help caring for her and turned to home health care workers, again avoiding expensive alternatives.

Home health care is one of those things that help the elderly live longer and ObamaCare has been targeting senior medical services from hospitals to Medicare Advantage to pacemakers. Some might think this is a coincidence, but it looks like an attempt at breaking down care for the elderly from multiple angles and reducing life expectancy in order to cut medical costs.

Think of it as a vast death panel.


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