Author Topic: Harry Reid's dementia (?)  (Read 466 times)

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Harry Reid's dementia (?)
« on: February 27, 2014, 10:04:19 pm »

Harry Reid’s Dementia

Darwin Rockantansky 4 hours ago

It is no secret that "Whore House" Harry Reid has had more than one stroke. I have read various descriptions of his strokes as "minor events." My Good-Friend-And-Neighbor, "The Big Democrat" is a doctor and I have asked him to explain it to me, and to the best of my ability to comprehend such things, I gather that it is an issue of "degree of damage."

As a proud member of the Tea Party community, I have grown accustomed to being called a "terrorist" by our Vice President and much worse by others who have no idea of what they speak; in the mold of Harry Reid.

However, I am an "old fashioned" sort of guy and have always maintained that if you wish to call me an S-O-B or other less than flattering names I can more than likely provide references to support your point of view. Yet, being an "old fashioned" sort of guy, I have emotional issues when you call me a liar, "Pardner."

Unlike "Whore House" Harry Reid, I do not live in the penthouse of a five star hotel; I live on the streets of America where I see the massively negative impact of ObamaCare on my friends and neighbors; measured in more severe terms than just a major negative financial impact.

ObamaCare has had a serious negative impact on my standard of living and may yet put my ability to keep my home at risk. My Good-Friend-And-Neighbor The Big Democrat has counseled me on ways that I can qualify for "subsidies." For us "uneducated" folk, that is a highbrow (Democrat) word meaning "welfare."

To me, it should be obvious to the most casual of observers that Harry Reid is displaying evidence of severe dementia; totally out of touch with reality. I have heard suggestions that Harry Reid should be "put down like mad dog," but personally I would be satisfied if he were just put out to pasture where he can romp in his imaginary world without further embarrassing himself and our nation.

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Re: Harry Reid's dementia (?)
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2014, 12:43:01 am »
It's more like senility than dementia. Reid, along with Pelosi, are power driven evil people. Both are basically stupid people, yet democrats are afraid to cross either of them.