Author Topic: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace  (Read 4190 times)

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Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« on: February 27, 2014, 06:00:12 pm »

Ten Obvious Reasons Why
 Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace

 #1  18,000  deadly terror attacks committed explicitly in the name of Islam in just the last ten years.  (Other religions combined for perhaps a dozen or so).
 #2 Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, had people   killed for insulting him or for criticizing his religion.  This included women.  Muslims are told to   emulate the example of Muhammad.
 #3   Muhammad   said in many places that he has been "ordered by Allah to fight men until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger."  In the last nine years of his life, he ordered no less than 65 military campaigns to do exactly that.

Muhammad inspired his men to war with the basest of motives, using captured   loot,   sex and a   gluttonous paradise as incentives.  He   beheaded captives,   enslaved children and   raped women captured in battle.  Again, Muslims are told to emulate the example of Muhammad.

 #4   After Muhammad died, the people who lived with him and knew his religion best immediately fell into war with each other. 

Fatima, Muhammad's favorite daughter, survived the early years among the unbelievers at Mecca safe and sound, yet died of stress from the persecution of fellow Muslims only six months after her father died.  She even miscarried Muhammad's grandchild after having her ribs broken by the man who became the second caliph.

Fatima's husband Ali, who was the second convert to Islam and was raised like a son to Muhammad, fought a civil war against an army raised by Aisha, Muhammad's favorite wife - and one whom he had said was a "perfect woman."  10,000 Muslims were killed in a single battle waged less than 25 years after Muhammad's death.

Three of the first four Muslim rulers (caliphs) were murdered.  All of them were among Muhammad's closest companions.  The third caliph was killed by allies of the son of the first (who was murdered by the fifth caliph a few years later, then wrapped in the skin of a dead donkey and burned).  The fourth caliph (Ali) was stabbed to death after a bitter dispute with the fifth.  The fifth caliph went on to poison one of Muhammad's two favorite grandsons.  The other grandson was later beheaded by the sixth caliph.

The infighting and power struggles between Muhammad's family members, closest companions and their children only intensified with time.  Within 50 short years of Muhammad's death, even the Kaaba, which had stood for centuries under pagan religion, lay in ruins from internal Muslim war...

And that's just the fate of those within the house of Islam!

 #5  Muhammad directed Muslims to wage war on other religions and bring them under   submission  to Islam.  Within the first few decades following his death, his Arabian companions invaded and conquered Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and Zoroastrian lands. 
A mere 25 years after Muhammad's death, Muslim armies had captured land and people within the borders of over 28 modern countries outside of Saudi Arabia.

 #6  Muslims continued their Jihad against other religions for 1400 years, checked only by the ability of non-Muslims to defend themselves.  To this day, not a week goes by that Islamic fundamentalists do not attempt to kill Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists explicitly in the name of Allah. 

 None of these other religions are at war with each other.

 #7  Islam is the only religion that has to retain its membership by threatening to kill anyone who leaves.  This is according to the   example set by Muhammad.
 #8  Islam teaches that non-Muslims are less than fully human.  Muhammad said that Muslims can be put to death for   murder, but that a Muslim could   never be put to death for killing a non-Muslim.

 #9  The Qur'an never once speaks of Allah's love for non-Muslims, but it speaks of Allah's cruelty toward and hatred of non-Muslims    more than 500 times.
 #10    "Allahu Akbar!  Allahu Akbar!  Allahu Akbar!" 
 (The last words from the cockpit of Flight 93)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 06:02:26 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2014, 06:13:11 pm »
The Old Testament isn't exactly all nice and cuddly to other faiths, either:

death was prescribed for those living in a city that failed to surrender to the Israelites. (Kill all the men, make the women and children slaves.) (Deuteronomy 20:12-14)

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2014, 06:18:07 pm »
The Old Testament isn't exactly all nice and cuddly to other faiths, either:

death was prescribed for those living in a city that failed to surrender to the Israelites. (Kill all the men, make the women and children slaves.) (Deuteronomy 20:12-14)
But do we see today's Jews engaging in wholesale slaughter of non-Jews? We certainly see modern Muslims (an oxymoron, I know!) carrying out Muhammed's orders to slaughter non-Muslims.


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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2014, 06:20:22 pm »
But do we see today's Jews engaging in wholesale slaughter of non-Jews? We certainly see modern Muslims (an oxymoron, I know!) carrying out Muhammed's orders to slaughter non-Muslims.

no, we don't.  but that fact merely means that the differences are attributable to the particular facts and circumstances, and the nature of the people involved, and not something inherent in the religion itself.

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2014, 06:25:14 pm »
no, we don't.  but that fact merely means that the differences are attributable to the particular facts and circumstances, and the nature of the people involved, and not something inherent in the religion itself.
The Bible does not command us to execute non-Christians or non-Jews across the board. The instance you cited was a particular directive in dealing with an enemy that refuses to engage in peaceful negotiation, verses 10-12.


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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2014, 01:06:32 am »
The Bible does not command us to execute non-Christians or non-Jews across the board. The instance you cited was a particular directive in dealing with an enemy that refuses to engage in peaceful negotiation, verses 10-12.

It certainly commands us to execute all people, Christian or non-Christian, if they do things like prosletyzing for non-Biblical religions, or commit adultery, or quite a number of other silly things.  In that respect the mere fact that present-day Christians have chosen to ignore that part of God's word doesn't make Christianity itself inherently better than Islam.

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2014, 01:30:01 pm »
It certainly commands us to execute all people, Christian or non-Christian, if they do things like prosletyzing for non-Biblical religions, or commit adultery, or quite a number of other silly things.  In that respect the mere fact that present-day Christians have chosen to ignore that part of God's word doesn't make Christianity itself inherently better than Islam.
Christ nullified the ceremonial and penal aspects of the law meant only for Israel. That's the new covenant, salvation by grace, not works. Christians are not supposed to be executing people for the "silly things" you describe.


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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2014, 04:07:52 pm »
Christ nullified the ceremonial and penal aspects of the law meant only for Israel. That's the new covenant, salvation by grace, not works. Christians are not supposed to be executing people for the "silly things" you describe.

Then most of Christendom is, and has been since the Crucifixion, irretrievably sunk in whoredom, vice and sin since Christendom has, ever since then, put millions of people to death for precisely those "crimes" and, in fact, there are some right here who would put people to death for not believing in Christ:,130805.msg533474.html#msg533474

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2014, 04:33:59 pm »
Then most of Christendom is, and has been since the Crucifixion, irretrievably sunk in whoredom, vice and sin since Christendom has, ever since then, put millions of people to death for precisely those "crimes" and, in fact, there are some right here who would put people to death for not believing in Christ:,130805.msg533474.html#msg533474

And what the hell would you do?

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2014, 04:50:25 pm »
Then most of Christendom is, and has been since the Crucifixion, irretrievably sunk in whoredom, vice and sin since Christendom has, ever since then, put millions of people to death for precisely those "crimes" and, in fact, there are some right here who would put people to death for not believing in Christ:,130805.msg533474.html#msg533474

And where did I say that?  Are you part of the left that fabricates it's "facts" out of whole cloth? 

If you really want to go there, where are all the "good" Muslims that stand up against the killing of Jews, Christians, Buddhist, and even other Muslims who do not toe the line as others wish them too?  Crickets?

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2014, 05:15:03 pm »
The real truth of the matter is that izlam isn't even a religion.  It uses a thin veneer of religiosity to mask an economic, social, and judicial system.  Civilization Jihad is what is gradually working its way into every aspect of this country (and all of Western Civilization), and I doubt that many here continue to wonder about what its true intentions are.  But we are led to believe that we must respect all "religions," hence they march through the highest levels of government, academia, and all other parts of society unabated.  And of course we are told that we are "intolerant" for even daring to speak the truth... 

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2014, 12:04:45 am »
Then most of Christendom is, and has been since the Crucifixion, irretrievably sunk in whoredom, vice and sin since Christendom has, ever since then, put millions of people to death for precisely those "crimes" and, in fact, there are some right here who would put people to death for not believing in Christ:,130805.msg533474.html#msg533474

If you are going to not answer me, you could at least post my response:

Re: Islam explained in layman's terms
« Reply #10 on: Today at 10:56:45 AM »

Quote from: Oceander on March 01, 2014, 11:05:25 AM

    I seriously hope you're kidding.

No, not at all.

First granddaughter's step dad just dealt with a Muslim suicide bomber.  Hopefully he will walk again.

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2014, 12:14:06 am »
If you are going to not answer me, you could at least post my response:

Re: Islam explained in layman's terms
« Reply #10 on: Today at 10:56:45 AM »

Quote from: Oceander on March 01, 2014, 11:05:25 AM

    I seriously hope you're kidding.

No, not at all.

First granddaughter's step dad just dealt with a Muslim suicide bomber.  Hopefully he will walk again.

I hadn't seen that thread before.  That's my above point in a nutshell, as long as we insist on pretending that it is a "religion" that we must respect and tolerate, they will continue to destroy this nation and the bulk of Western Civilization -- that is their clearly stated goal.

Islam is not  a religion, nor is it a cult.  In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life.

Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components.  The religious component is a beard for all of the other  components.

Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.

When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.

So as long as we all keep our collective head in the bucket of sand on this, they will march right over us.  But what is more important??  Gotta have people think we are "open minded" and "tolerant," right......  yes.... don't want any one to be able to call us "bigots!" do we.......  smh

(And yes, I agree with you.  This pox needs to be identified as a dangerous system operating directly against our Constitutional Republic and removed from this country root and branch.  (Much the same way Communism should have never been allowed to take hold here.)  And any other part of Western Civilization that starts to draw their collective heads out of the sand is doing just that.  Look at some recent happenings in the Netherlands and elsewhere, some of them are finally waking up to the horrors that their "open minded tolerance" has brought to their nations.  Too late most likely....  But that is what we will be doing at some point down the road.... and much of it because people that should know better, persist in being "open mind and tolerant."  Simply disgusting....)
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 12:19:56 am by katzenjammer »

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2014, 01:25:46 am »
I hadn't seen that thread before. 

It's actually from two threads, with added comments that I never made.  No where did I say they should be killed because they weren't Christian.  I think they should be killed because they try to kill us on a daily basis AND the fact that they severally hurt someone in my extended family. 

Tolerant of those that practice jihad?  I think not.

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2014, 02:05:21 am »
It's actually from two threads, with added comments that I never made.  No where did I say they should be killed because they weren't Christian.  I think they should be killed because they try to kill us on a daily basis AND the fact that they severally hurt someone in my extended family. 

Tolerant of those that practice jihad?  I think not.

Exactly.  And the Civilization Jihad (their name & description, not mine) is even worse than the other jihads (even though your family member may understandably not see it like that, sorry to hear of his injuries of course).  Personally I don't care if anyone is a member of any real religion or not (and like you, I don't condone killing anyone because they are not Christian), I just won't accept the deliberate lie that izlam is a "religion" to be tolerated.  Time will tell as to whether we are right or wrong; unfortunately we (meaning our descendants) will likely see Western Civilization fall in the process.

Cultural marxism (what "political correctness" really is) has crept into our society so deeply at this point, that the truth about things like this are simply ignored and/or ridiculed. 

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2014, 03:32:23 am »
Exactly.  And the Civilization Jihad (their name & description, not mine) is even worse than the other jihads (even though your family member may understandably not see it like that, sorry to hear of his injuries of course).  Personally I don't care if anyone is a member of any real religion or not (and like you, I don't condone killing anyone because they are not Christian), I just won't accept the deliberate lie that izlam is a "religion" to be tolerated.  Time will tell as to whether we are right or wrong; unfortunately we (meaning our descendants) will likely see Western Civilization fall in the process.

Cultural marxism (what "political correctness" really is) has crept into our society so deeply at this point, that the truth about things like this are simply ignored and/or ridiculed.

I think time has already proven that we are right.  Europe is finding this out again, like it hasn't been obvious for years and years. 

As we discussed the attack this weekend, grandson asked me what makes them a suicide bomber.  Maybe some of the apologist can explain that one. 

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2014, 11:15:31 am »
But why are the Christians so cowardly as not to fight back?  At least send arms to those in Africa fighting?  Even send money to buy arms to fight back?
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2014, 06:10:51 pm »
But why are the Christians so cowardly as not to fight back?  At least send arms to those in Africa fighting?  Even send money to buy arms to fight back?

I don't really know the answer to that question.   Maybe we are too spoiled at having our own warriors defend us.

Speaking of, Allen will probably be to Walter Reed by Saturday.   Hell of a way to get back to the States.

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2014, 03:37:24 am »
As we discussed the attack this weekend, grandson asked me what makes them a suicide bomber.  Maybe some of the apologist can explain that one.

How old is your grandson? You'll have to put it in age appropriate terms for him.

Most of them are like the kids that hang around with the class bully. Laugh at his jokes, cheer him on when he is picking on someone. They have no real interest or character of their own, so they fall under the spell of anyone who is charismatic or threatening enough to give some meaning to their lives. They feel worthless so they look for something outside of themselves to give them worth.
Not much different than the kids that join cults. Except cult kids rarely blow people up.

Just remind him - suicide bombers are evil. The ones that train them and send them are even more evil.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 03:38:58 am by EC »
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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2014, 02:43:48 pm »
This one is in jr high and I adjusted it some, but they have known for a long time that I'm not very PC. :laugh: 

Both son and daughter have a yours, mine, and ours family.  Daughter has added 'other' with an adoption.  have them spread from 22-23 to 6. 

Granddaughter is 18 and just moved back to the east coast with her mom and stepdad.  Daughter in law is technically an 'ex' but we're still pretty close.  When my wife was dying she drove from Chicago to south Texas just to see her.  Son's current wife doesn't always like that connection, but hey, that's life.

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2014, 04:19:19 pm »
Wasn't sure of the age, so tried to make it relatable.  :laugh:

There are other things - extreme poverty, the promise of the family being taken care of (they never are), hate due to loss - but that is the main aspect. Kids wanting to belong to something.
The universe doesn't hate you. Unless your name is Tsutomu Yamaguchi

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2014, 05:40:33 pm »
Wasn't sure of the age, so tried to make it relatable.  :laugh:

There are other things - extreme poverty, the promise of the family being taken care of (they never are), hate due to loss - but that is the main aspect. Kids wanting to belong to something.

He's about to get to that dangerous age, like his older brother and discover girls.  Maybe he'll learn and not make the same mistakes as his brother.  My little brother learned from mine.  Not so much in what not to do, but in how not to get caught.  ^-^

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2014, 06:15:41 pm »
Obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion.

The plain and simple fact is that Islam is nothing more than a Sociopolitical Doctrine (like Communism or NAZI-ism) that masquerades as a "religion". By claiming to be a "religion" the Islamist can claim a degree of legitimacy, which is entirely in line with the practice of taqiyya.

I come in peace, I didn't bring artillery.  But I am pleading with you with tears in my eyes:  If you bleep with me, I'll kill you all.

Marine General James Mattis, to Iraqi tribal leaders (Note: Mattis did NOT say "BLEEP". He threw the F Bomb)

I didn't enlist in the Corps just to watch my country become a Third World Communist Shit-hole. Don't know anyone who did.


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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2014, 12:14:19 am »
Obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion.

The plain and simple fact is that Islam is nothing more than a Sociopolitical Doctrine (like Communism or NAZI-ism) that masquerades as a "religion". By claiming to be a "religion" the Islamist can claim a degree of legitimacy, which is entirely in line with the practice of taqiyya.

Islam is a very bona fide religion and derives from the same basic source materials as Judaism and Christianity do.

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Re: Ten obvious reason why Islam is NOT a religion of peace
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2014, 12:21:13 am »
Islam is a very bona fide religion and derives from the same basic source materials as Judaism and Christianity do.

I totally disagree.

Crack open a copy of the quran and read through it. Then do the same with Das Kapital (Marx) and then Mein Kampf (Hitler).

I believe that you will make the obvious connections.

I come in peace, I didn't bring artillery.  But I am pleading with you with tears in my eyes:  If you bleep with me, I'll kill you all.

Marine General James Mattis, to Iraqi tribal leaders (Note: Mattis did NOT say "BLEEP". He threw the F Bomb)

I didn't enlist in the Corps just to watch my country become a Third World Communist Shit-hole. Don't know anyone who did.