Author Topic: Detroit: Only Muslim Democratic rep caught in tax fraud, was also chosen to nominate Obama at DNC in 2012  (Read 590 times)

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Detroit: Muslim Democratic state rep caught in tax fraud

Posted on February 26, 2014 by creeping

Five years running.

Tlaib with CAIR radicals

via Tlaib blames ‘broken’ system for failure to pay Dearborn school taxes | The Detroit News.

A Democratic state representative from Detroit who helps her constituents prepare their income taxes acknowledged Monday she has been erroneously claiming a homestead tax exemption on a second home in Dearborn for about five years.

State Rep. Rashida Tlaib blamed a “broken” property tax system that allowed her and her husband to double-claim principal residences in both cities, lowering their annual tax bill on the rental house in Dearborn by 18 mills and shortchanging the Dearborn School District by about $350 annually.

Tlaib, who is running for the state Senate this year, said Monday she was working to quickly pay off the tax debt and any penalties.

“It’s kind of sad where we have a broken system where somebody can have two personal residences and nothing gets caught … and you can have two drivers’ licenses and they catch it,” said Tlaib, who vowed to sponsor legislation that would catch the problem for people with second homes. “If I wasn’t running for office, I’d have never caught it. … This is a big mistake, and I’m going to address it.”

Tlaib said the double-counted exemption came to light because of “opposition research” conducted by an opponent in her 4th District state Senate campaign. A spokesman for her main Democratic primary opponent, state Sen. Virgil Smith of Detroit, declined to comment Monday on Tlaib’s tax issue.

Caught by an opponent.

Also was chosen to nominate Obama in 2012
Michigan’s only Muslim lawmaker chosen to nominate Obama at DNC

Posted on September 8, 2012 by creeping

As noted at FPMag:

Muslims had around 5 percent of the delegates in a Democratic Party convention for a country where they [Muslims] aren’t even 1 percent of the population. Maybe in the next election they can quadruple it again and have 20 percent of the delegates.

Michigan had 203 delegates according to CNN. Of all those folks available, Michigan Democrats chose their one and only Muslim delegate to nominate Barack Hussein Obama – coincidentally born to a Muslim father.


(Photo: State Rep. Rashida Tlaib, right, Dawud Walid of CAIR-Michigan, left; state Rep. Harvey Santana; Mary Bejian of the ACLU of Michigan; and Jonathan Contreras of Alliance for Immigrants Rights & Reform)

via Michigan Muslim lawmaker announces Obama delegates – SFGate.

DETROIT (AP) — The Michigan Legislature’s only Muslim member has announced the state’s votes to nominate Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination to another term as president.

State Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Detroit took the microphone Thursday morning at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C.

Tlaib tells The Detroit News ( ) that “it was unbelievable to be standing up there as the child of immigrants to be able to nominate the president of the United States.”

Tlaib is running for a third term in the Legislature. The mother of two is one of 14 children of Palestinian immigrants and the first in her family to finish high school.

The Michigan Legislature’s first known Muslim member was ex-state Rep. James Karoub, who served three terms in the 1960s.

Remember, Hamas-linked CAIR (member pictured with Tlaib above) claimed there were 100 Muslim delegates at the DNC where DNC delegates vociferously and repeatedly rejected God (not Allah but God) as part of the Democratic party platform. They also rejected recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Watch the video.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 05:41:53 pm by rangerrebew »


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pass on this one, please.  this is a molehill and shouldn't be turned into a mountain that could very well be dropped on the next conservative/republican candidate who made a mistake on his/her taxes.  whatever else she's guilty of, she's doing the right thing with the issue - clearing it up and paying the back taxes - which is about all one can ask of anyone.  the better approach to this would be to take it up and wave it around as just one more example of how the tax system in this country is broken, when even someone like Ms. Tlaib can make a mistake like this:  how could the democrats object to us putting Ms. Tlaib in a positive light on this issue and not blaming her?  The only way they could counter an argument like that would be to paint Ms. Tlaib in a sinister light as just one more evil tax evader, which they are most certainly not going to do.


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pass on this one, please.  this is a molehill and shouldn't be turned into a mountain that could very well be dropped on the next conservative/republican candidate who made a mistake on his/her taxes.  whatever else she's guilty of, she's doing the right thing with the issue - clearing it up and paying the back taxes - which is about all one can ask of anyone.  the better approach to this would be to take it up and wave it around as just one more example of how the tax system in this country is broken, when even someone like Ms. Tlaib can make a mistake like this:  how could the democrats object to us putting Ms. Tlaib in a positive light on this issue and not blaming her?  The only way they could counter an argument like that would be to paint Ms. Tlaib in a sinister light as just one more evil tax evader, which they are most certainly not going to do.

It seems the democrats could have done a better job of vetting the person who put Obama's name in nomination.  To me, it says more about the democratic party than it does Ms. Tlaib.


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It seems the democrats could have done a better job of vetting the person who put Obama's name in nomination.  To me, it says more about the democratic party than it does Ms. Tlaib.

fair enough, but there isn't really any good way to exploit that point without besmirching Ms. Tlaib, which will inevitably give rise to charges of racism, etc., that would simply cloud up the issue and leave the GOP, once again, with rhetorical egg on its face.  It strikes me that the better way to exploit this is to hit the the-tax-system-is-so-badly-screwed-up-it-needs-total-reform hot button and say something like "see, the problems with the tax system in this country are bipartisan, so the solutions should be as well."


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fair enough, but there isn't really any good way to exploit that point without besmirching Ms. Tlaib, which will inevitably give rise to charges of racism, etc., that would simply cloud up the issue and leave the GOP, once again, with rhetorical egg on its face.  It strikes me that the better way to exploit this is to hit the the-tax-system-is-so-badly-screwed-up-it-needs-total-reform hot button and say something like "see, the problems with the tax system in this country are bipartisan, so the solutions should be as well."

I agree but the real problem is every time conservatives balk at exposing such things, the more empowered the left is to use the "hate speech" card.  I can't say I have an answer unless it is the right gets some cajones and takes their lumps for a while until people start to see what the left is doing.  And once started, they can never let up.  That is what Hitler said to do and EXACTLY what the democrats are doing.