Author Topic: Obama admin confirms support for muslim brotherhood terrorist who worked at US Embassy  (Read 407 times)

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Obama Admin Confirms Support for Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist who worked in US Embassy before his Arrest

Pamela Geller

The unending treachery of Barack Hussein Obama. The State Department has confirmed its support for the Muslim Brotherhood working in the US embassy.

The State Department spokesman said:

"We can confirm that a locally employed staff member of the U.S. Embassy was detained on January 25th and that, as far as we understand, he has been held without charges since then…"

"The United States does not – has not designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. We have been very clear in Egypt that we will work with all sides and all parties to help move an inclusive process forward. We've also repeatedly, both publicly and privately, called on the interim government to move forward in an inclusive manner. That means talking to all parties, bringing them into the process." So would Obama have supported Hitler in order to be inclusive?

The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist group. 33 million Egyptians took to the streets to protest the Islamic yoke of tyranny imposed by the violent and vicious Muslim Brotherhood. Obama is standing with the Islamic supremacist terrorists — employing them in our embassy. He is playing a dangerous game, and it is the American people who are sure to lose.

The Obama administration insists on including all POVs. So are they invited Zawahiri to the White House? How about Khalid Sheik Muhammad? Such morally depraved equivocation is beneath any civilized nation, let alone the once-great leader of the free world