Author Topic: Fox's Varney to CNN's Piers Morgan: 'Bugger Off'  (Read 607 times)

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Fox's Varney to CNN's Piers Morgan: 'Bugger Off'
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:32:22 am »
By Wanda Carruthers
Fox News business talk show host and native Brit Stuart Varney bid CNN host Piers Morgan adieu, unceremoniously telling him to "bugger off," after the announcement that the "Piers Morgan Live" show would end in March.

 "Piers, go away. Don't come back. And there are two g's in bugger off," Varney said Monday on Fox Business Channel's "Varney & Co."

 Morgan, a fellow Brit, announced Sunday that his show would end after a three-year run and disappointing ratings. CNN said his future with the network was undetermined. Varney said Morgan had misjudged his audience by regularly talking down to them.

He has this upper-class accent and uses it to talk down to his audience. That's one of the dumbest things you can do in television news. You think you will win with an audience with your oh-so-superior attitude?" Varney asked.

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 Varney said Morgan "doesn't really like America," even though he came to the United States and made "a ton of money." He said Morgan and "other British socialist imports" don't understand the United States.

 "They have very little knowledge of what makes America tick. And what they know, they don't like. They don't like guns or hot dogs or cheerleaders or American football, small-town parades, big cars, six-lane freeways, McDonald's, country music.

 "They come over here and proselytize for a failing, shrinking, and basically pagan society. And they expect us to listen and change. Well, we're not," Varney said.

 Varney said that after living in the United States for 40 years, he didn't like "being confused with him." He maintained there wasn't anything he wanted to change in America, "except to make it again a dynamic capitalist society, the way it ought to be."

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Offline olde north church

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Re: Fox's Varney to CNN's Piers Morgan: 'Bugger Off'
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2014, 02:14:44 am »
Ooohh!  Bugger off!  That wasn't very polite.
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.


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Re: Fox's Varney to CNN's Piers Morgan: 'Bugger Off'
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2014, 04:08:20 am »

good on ya Varney