Author Topic: Dem congressman calls leukemia survivor who lost her insurance because of Obamacare a liar  (Read 464 times)

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Dem Congressman Calls Cancer Survivor Whose Insurance was Killed by ObamaCare a Liar

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On February 22, 2014 @ 10:15 pm In The Point | 3 Comments

Democratic Congressman Gary Peters voted for ObamaCare. That disastrous vote made life worse for a lot of people. Now Gary Peters is running for Senate and trying to silence a leukemia survivor whose life he ruined.

Julie Boonstra, a cancer patient who was kicked of off her health plan due to Obamacare, lashed out at Rep. Gary Peters (D., Mich.) on Saturday after lawyers for his campaign demanded that Michigan broadcasters cease airing ads featuring her story.

Boonstra, a Michigan resident, was diagnosed with leukemia five years ago. She was recently kicked off of her healthcare plan due to regulations passed as part of President Barack Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which Peters voted in favor of.

After relating her story publicly in an ad produced by the advocacy group Americans for Prosperity (AFP), Peters dispatched lawyers to prevent the spot from running on local television stations.

Boonstra, who says she is now struggling to pay out of pocket for her rising healthcare costs, told the Washington Free Beacon she is stunned by Peters’ efforts to censor her story.

“I’m appalled. I’m appalled as a mom, as a woman, and as a cancer patient, as someone living with cancer … who has stood before this nation to say, ‘I cannot afford that out of pocket expense,’” said Boonstra, who said she was given a 20 percent chance of surviving her disease. “As a Michigan resident, to silence my voice, I’m absolutely appalled.”

Peters, who is running for a seat in the Senate, instructed his legal council earlier this week to demand that stations stop running the AFP ad until additional evidence of the cancer victim’s claims could be produced.

“I’m very surprised,” Boonstra said just hour after she attempted to confront Peter face-to-face at his Bloomfield Hills residence. “I have every right to tell my story and express my point of view and opinion on how Obamacare has effected me.”

Boonstra attempted to confront the congressman at his door, but he did not answer when she knocked.

“I just went up to his house and knocked on his door,” Boonstra recalled. “I would like to meet with him, but he did not answer. I know someone was home, so I left a letter there for him.”

Boonstra wrote in her letter, “I don’t understand why you’re trying to silence my voice. I have every right to speak out and don’t understand why you’re doing this.”

It’s obvious why Peters and the Washington Post and the rest of the liberal establishment is trying to silence Boonstra. Their disastrous ObamaCare plan depends on silencing the stories of the people who have been hurt by it. Boonstra’s story is not the story that they want told and so they are determined that it will not be told.


Article printed from FrontPage Magazine:

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I just did a little background work on Peters since I do live in Michigan.  He made an appearance with Comrade Obama about 10 days ago in Lansing so it would seem the fear of Obamacare reprisals doesn't really bother him.  Judging by many of the comments in articles about him, it is more than obvious that Michigan "thought" is ruled by liberalism and unions.

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Some might be moved to walk up and smack the candidate.  Although I don't recommend physicality, one could harmly blame the leuk patient.  Especially in front of cameras.
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.