Author Topic: Are jobs the number 1 problem or the destruction of the Constitution?  (Read 321 times)

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Are Jobs the Number 1 Problem or the Destruction of the Constitution?

Suzanne Hamner 14 hours ago




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Today, I read an article that indicated Americans identified the number one problem here as unemployment/jobs. According to the Gallup poll reported by, "23 percent of Americans said unemployment/jobs are the most important problem." The poll went on to cite "20 percent of Americans said the 'economy in general' is the nation's most important problem, followed by dissatisfaction with government (19 percent); poor healthcare/hospitals-high cost of healthcare (15 percent); federal budget deficit/debt (8 percent); immigration/illegal aliens (6 percent); ethics-morals-family decline (5 percent); and education (4 percent)."

Interestingly enough, the "lack of money" and "poverty-hunger-homelessness" both at 3 percent came in at the bottom of the survey. However, Obama and his administration believe these lower rankings should receive priority status as this issue has continued to be at the forefront of their domestic policies toward the "transformation" of America.

While I don't put much stock in polls, as the information can be skewed depending on where the poll is taken and who has been polled, I find it interesting that the individuals polled skipped the bigger issue surrounding this country to focus on the symptoms of the disease. The bigger issue and number one problem facing Americans today is the utter disregard of the law of the land by Obama, his administration and our elected officials. I am talking about the destruction of The Constitution of the United States of America.

This destruction has not happened overnight. It started over 100 years ago with the inclusion of "progressives" in the government. Because their policies and agency creations went unchallenged by the American people, this ideology was allowed to flourish and slowly, but surely, it built up steam to become the monster it is today. This ideology is monstrous because it expands government and government control over the lives of citizens under its jurisdiction thereby eroding the God-given rights and liberties of these same citizens under the guise of "the betterment of man."

Progressive ideology is not the feet upon which all blame can be laid, but it opened the door by which other aversions to the Constitution entered. It cannot be forgotten that multiple parties existed in this country for quite some time with the Democrat and Republican Party once joined together. Other parties were eradicated and these two split to become what we see today: often referred to as "different sides of the same coin." Party Politics has morphed into big business that successfully manages to stifle the creation or hint of creation of other political parties which ensures legislation from basically a one party system divided into two sections. Major corporations and multimillionaires and billionaires poured dollar after dollar into these parties and candidates thereby gaining control over legislation. After all, no one wants to bite the hand that feeds them. Lobbying for specific purposes has become the way to garner legislation. Elected officials sell themselves and the American people for more money and line their pockets through under the table, back door, middle of the night compromise hidden from the view of those who employ them. The control of the education of children was removed from parental control and state jurisdiction to be placed under federal control not for the purpose of education but for indoctrination to a mindset and ideology contradictory to that upon which this country was founded.

So on and so forth it continued. Other ideologies were brought forth with some being embraced by a segment of the population. Our Constitution provided for recognition of God-given rights and freedoms which includes a freedom of choice; but, our Constitution has not provided for a minority or majority rule. It provided a Representative Republic whose main job was to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States" ensuring that individual God-given rights and freedoms would be supported.

Civilizations prosper and emerge with incredible strength when a people are free from a controlling centralized government. Many Americans today have missed the big picture, having chosen to look at the issues resulting from increasing government control.

When an individual goes to the doctor, he/she presents a set of symptoms of an illness upon which the doctor evaluates then does an examination to determine the cause. Once the cause or diagnosis is made, the doctor treats the individual for that particular diagnosis. Sometimes, the doctor can only treat symptoms when there is no cure such as the case with the common cold or a muscle strain. These symptom only treatable conditions must run their course and the individual must allow the body to heal itself. Some treatable diagnoses, if left to run their course, eventually lead to death of the individual. There are of course diagnoses that will lead to death even with treatment or symptom abatement.

Where are we in the US today when comparing our situation to an individual seeking treatment from a physician? The United States has been suffering from symptoms indicative of an out of control central government for quite some time: a government that has turned its back on the Constitution and the people who are supposed to control it. We have become a nation trying to treat symptoms instead of treating the cause by looking to the creator of the symptoms for resolution. Anyone with common sense knows a disease cannot offer any treatment to cure itself. So why are we looking to the federal government to solve problems it has created and created for one specific purpose? Why are we looking at the symptoms of the problem instead of the problem itself?

While there is no definitive answer, I can't help but believe it is because some Americans have been conditioned to overlooking the forest in favor of the trees and conditioned to believe that the government is the cure all for America's problems. The conditioning itself has been a symptom of the disease of an increasingly controlling central government.

As someone who was exposed partially to the conditioning, it was only through the "home" education  I received through my parents in values and principles and independent educators that taught the Constitution and it's principles that prevented me from slipping into the abyss from which escape is difficult. When an instructor in college took me aside to "advise" me to curb my intellectual enthusiasm so others could "rise," my family supported me in my endeavor to continue to strive in my pursuit of excellence despite a pawn in the system trying to disparage my achievements. The refusal to submit earned the respect of those around me and eventually, another instructor recognized my advancement and taking me under her wing, she began placing me with ever more advanced patients comparable to my knowledge base. It was then that I recognized the importance of freedom and the power of respectful disobedience. The college instructor had no power or right to "advise" me to stop learning and if I had given them that power, I would be the one to suffer, not anyone else.

What does this little scenario have to do with all of this? To me, it's very simple. Education begins at home and continues throughout a lifetime. Arming our children with the tools they need to participate in society includes an education in freedom, God-given rights, religion and moral values and principles along with an education in tyranny, the Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and the vision of our founders. Without these, our children are easily persuaded to accept any ideology or practice peddled by government run indoctrination centers aka our schools.

Before we can do that, we ourselves must be cognizant of the fact that we all have received some form of indoctrination or another and throw off the cloak that seeks to hold us back by educating ourselves in those areas we must teach our children. We must recognize that government is our creature and has not any right or power except those that have been designated by the Constitution. By giving government or allowing government to attain power it has not been designated, we are the ones who suffer, no one else. This can be easier said than done, but through the American spirit of independence and man's inherent desire to exercise freedoms, it is an achievement that can be attained.

After all, if slavery is such a good thing regardless of who the master is, why is it that individuals throughout history and even in modern times seek to escape their bonds?