Author Topic: Former Employee: Planned Parenthood 'Money-Grubbing, Evil, Very Sad, Sad Place to Work'  (Read 369 times)

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Former Employee: Planned Parenthood 'Money-Grubbing, Evil, Very Sad, Sad Place to Work'

by William Bigelow 17 Feb 2014

In a chilling interview with The Criterion, former Planned Parenthood worker Marianne Anderson revealed the horror and greed that pervaded the institution where she served for two years.

A nurse whose job was to serve at Indiana’s largest abortion facility by partially sedating women who gave more money for the privilege while they aborted their children, Anderson said many women were urged to have abortions they didn’t want. Some of them were minors.

Anderson confessed, “One young girl came in with her mom. She was about 16. Her mom had made the appointment. That’s not supposed to be how it works. It’s supposed to only be the patient who makes the appointment. I checked her in, and she thought she was there for a prenatal checkup. The mom was pushing it. She blindsided her own daughter.” She told another story that was terrible: “This guy brought in a Korean girl. I had no doubt in my mind this girl was a sex slave. This guy would not leave her side. They could barely communicate. He wanted to make all the arrangements. During the ultrasound, she told one of the nurses that there were lots of girls in the house, and that the man hits them. She never came back for the abortion. I always wondered what happened to her. One of my co-workers said, ‘You’re better off to just let it go.’”

Anderson said abortionist Michael King would shame girls who were crying, revealing, “These girls would start crying on the table, and Dr. King would say, ‘Now you chose to be here. Sit still. I don’t have time for this.’”

The most horrifying tale she told was this:

One doctor, when he was in the POC [products of conception] room, would talk to the aborted baby while looking for all the parts. “Come on, little arm, I know you’re here! Now you stop hiding from me!” It just made me sick to my stomach. The sound the suction machine made when it turned on still haunts me.
Anderson told The Criterion that the reason she worked at the abortion clinic was that she was worried about women having unsafe abortions, recalling, “I must admit I was kind of on the fence about abortion. I think a lot of it came from working at Wishard [Hospital], and seeing girls that had attempted abortion themselves and ended up with hysterectomies, or boyfriends beating them because they were pregnant. My thought was, ‘Well, you need a safe place. People shouldn’t be doing it on their own. And people are going to be doing it anyway, so why not provide them a safe place to do it?’”

But once she started working at Planned Parenthood., Anderson’s position radically changed. She said, “I started feeling uneasy working there when people came from national in New York City to teach us the conscious sedation process. It was disgusting. These two ladies had this chant they would do: ‘Abortion all the time!’ I thought, ‘I’ve got to get out of here.’ That was about six to eight months after I started.”

Anderson added that she was instructed to eschew using the word ‘abortion’ if she had to call an emergency dispatcher after a botched abortion. She said, “When we had to call 911 for an ambulance, we were told never to say the word ‘abortion’ because they don’t want that broadcast. They knew that the calls were recorded, and could be made public.”

Anderson concluded her two years at the abortion clinic were “absolutely miserable… It was a money-grubbing, evil, very sad, sad place to work. I was always getting in trouble for talking too long to the girls, asking if they were sure they wanted to do this… You have to have so many [abortions] a month to stay open. In our meetings they’d tell us, ‘If abortions are down, you could get sent home early and not get as many hours.’”

Anderson asserted that Planned Parenthood’s greed included unnecessary ultrasounds. She said, “They would allow girls to have ultrasounds that were obviously way too far along [for a legal abortion.]” She told of how her employers would say, “If they want to be seen, you just put them through, no problem.”

Anderson finally left Planned Parenthood with help from Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director who now runs And Then There Were None, a charity that devotes its time to helping abortion clinic workers flee the abortion industry. Anderson read Johnson’s book Unplanned, then contacted Johnson and asked her how to get out. Johnson connected Anderson with Eileen Hartman, a local pro-life leader who helped Anderson with her resumé and helped her obtain job interviews with local hospitals and doctors.

Anderson said, “[Hartman] offered prayers all the time. I got e-mails constantly that they were praying for me every day. That alone was comforting. I never for one second felt judged or put down by anybody. I felt so much criticism from inside [Planned Parenthood] versus the love I felt on the outside.”

After Anderson was fired by Planned Parenthood in July 2012, she was hired by Community North Hospital as a nurse. She had thought of quitting nursing, but now she says, “I was mad because I wanted to quit. I love my job now. I work with wonderful, Christian people. I just love it.”

The guilt and sadness over the abortions she aided propelled Anderson into praying daily for those babies. She said, “They wanted us to pick out a name every day for one of the babies whose abortions we were a part of, and pray for that child. I still do that. I can’t remember the number [of abortions] I came up with, but I figure it will take me several years before I get through the list.”

Anderson says she is planning on returning to Planned Parenthood, but now she intends to stand on the sidewalk and counsel women to choose life while praying for women who undergo the procedure.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776