Author Topic: MSNBC's Ed Schultz actually morphs image of Barack Obama into Abraham Lincoln  (Read 379 times)

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Meanwhile, MSNBC's Ed Schultz Actually Morphs Image Of Barack Obama Into Abraham Lincoln 

Mike Miller  Mike Miller
On February 11, 2014

Barack Obama has long had a fascination with Abraham Lincoln, often comparing himself to the 16th President. MSNBC’s Ed Schultz apparently agrees; he morphed Obama into Lincoln on his show Monday.

While the opening of The Ed Show is generally over-the-top, Monday’s effort was one of the “best.” The usually-cranky Ed began by trashing Republicans — which is standard operating procedure — this time, for not trusting Obama to secure the borders. Following clips of Paul Ryan and John Boehner, an Obama/Lincoln morph appeared on the screen.

And why, according to Schultz, should the Republicans trust Obama to secure the border as part of an overall amnesty deal?

“Oh, verify then trust? Well, let’s verify the fact that we have more agents on the border. We have more resources on the border. We have more overtime hours on the border. We have more fences. We have more sensor technology. We have four-fold security on the border. So what part are they talking about when they talk about they don’t trust the President enforcing something.”

And the reason(s) for Republican distrust? The White House has already shown a willingness to selectively enforce existing immigration law (and others) without congressional approval. Even Marco Rubio (R-FL), a Latino and an architect of the Gang of Eight immigration bill, concedes that such conservative skeptics have “a valid point.”

Anyway, Schultz likening the current occupant of the White House to The Great Emancipator wasn’t the first time he’s made such an absurd comparison; he has linked Obama to Superman and George Washington, and suggested that Obama has the approval of God. MSNBC: where journalism goes to die.