Author Topic: Stupid media bias tricks...Olympic sized lies edition  (Read 445 times)

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Stupid media bias tricks...Olympic sized lies edition
« on: February 10, 2014, 12:01:00 pm »
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Stupid Media Bias Tricks-->Olympic Sized Lies Edition

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As Team USA was taking part in their final practices before the Olympics, the Liberal Media and progressive politicians were showing off their world record skills. Their skills however have nothing to do with athletics and everything to do with lying and spinning the truth.

 This week Chuck Todd displayed an undying love of media spin from the days Bill Clinton was president, Think Progress tried to prove that Ronald Reagan was more progressive than Barack Obama and just about everyone was trying to prove that Bill O' Reilly was mean to President Obama on Superbowl Sunday.

 This week we learned that the NAACP pushes hate, and doesn't really care when a guy physically abuses his girlfriend as long as he's black. We learned that Hillary Clinton likes to make jokes (but they're not funny) that Obama is still lying about Benghazi and the list of participating doctors given by the California Obamacare exchange is all wrong and according to the Huffington Post the Pope should recognize God gave women the authority to have an abortion.

 Below are the best stupid media bias and tricky political lying tricks from the last seven days. Headlines are linked to the full article (and will open a new window). When it is a broadcast story the video/audio will also be found at the end of the link.

 So click on the links below and read about the stupid bias tricks of the last week:

Chuck Todd Clings to Myth That Bill Clinton was Impeached Because of Affair
Appearing on The Daily Rundown with Chuck Todd on Friday was former GOP Congressman from Georgia Bob Barr who is looking to return to the House in 2014. Instead on focusing on what Barr can offer his district, Todd asked about Barr's stint as the L ...

Anti-Israel Jews Bash NY Mayor For Supporting AIPAC
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s meeting with the New York chapter of The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has generated protests from the extremist liberal part of the NY Jewish community. ... Tries to Link Ed Gillespie To War Criminal Slobodan Milosevic
In an article, "GOP Senate Candidate Lobbied for Company Run by Milosevic Crony," writer Zachary Roth suggests Ed Gillespie, who is a GOP candidate to represent Virginia in the US Senate, was a supporter of the former Serbian Preside ...

Sen. Inhofe (R-OK) Blasts Obama on Benghazi
Sen. James Inhofe was a guest on Monday morning's Pat Campbell Radio Show in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The two began their discussion with a look at the Benghazi part of the Bill O'Reilly-President Obama pre-Super Bowl interview. ...

NAACP Asks Mass. House Not To Expel Congressman Convicted of Beating Girlfriend
On Thursday afternoon, the Massachusetts House of Representatives will vote on whether or not to expel Rep. Carlos Henriquez (D-MA) who is currently serving a six-month sentence for beating his girlfriend. Strangely, the NAACP is urging the House to allo ...

Obama Lied To O' Reilly He Didn't Call Benghazi Terrorism The Day After Attack
 During the Super Bowl part of his interview with Bill O'Reilly , the President claimed he told America Benghazi was a terrorist attack the day after the attack:

The notion that we would hide the ball for political purposes when, a week later, we all said, in fact, there was a terrorist attack taking place the day after, I said it was an act of terror. The day after the terror attack in Benghazi, President Obama gave a Rose Garden Speech of 801 words. He mentioned the word terror once near the end of his speech but not in reference to the horrible attack.
California's Obamacare Site Participating Doctors List is Wrong
The other part of the President's promise, "you can keep your doctors" is also turning out to be inaccurate, at least in California. As reported in the KPIX 5 in San Francisco, people finding their long time doctors are not in their new pla ...

Think Progress Spins Revisionist Ronald Reagan History
On Ronald Reagan's 103 birthday, Think Progress, the progressive website run by John Podesta's Center For American Progress, took a revisionist view of the political positions of the 40th President. ...

O'Reilly Interview Spurs Senators to Ask Obama New Benghazi Questions
Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), and John McCain (R-AZ) all wrote President Obama a letter on Thursday requesting he answer additional questions about the terrorist attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi based on his responses during ...

Hillary Clinton Makes a "Funny"
Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state and a potential Democratic presidential candidate, took an apparent shot at Fox News during the Super Bowl on Sunday.

Al Sharpton's Latest George Zimmerman Hypocrisy
During Wednesday's Tamron Hall program, the host discussed the controversy surrounding George Zimmerman's celebrity boxing match with rapper DMX. Hall began the segment by reading a statement from Al Sharpton urging people not to make Zimmerm ...

Chuck Todd: If Palin, Huckabee Run for POTUS, It's Just for Money
Part of the discussion on Thursday's Morning Joe Program centered on the 2016 presidential race. Chuck Todd believed if Sarah Palin or Mike Huckabee were to run, it would only be for cynical reasons. ...

Is Univision 'In Bed' With Hillary Clinton?
In what seemingly is an early effort to capture the Latino vote, Hillary Clinton has formed an alliance with Univision, the largest Spanish-language television network in the country. ...

WAPO's Oceander Milbank Answers Bill O'Reilly's Charges That He's a Weasel
Hugh Hewitt invited on The Washington Post 's Oceander Milbank to respond to Bill O'Reilly calling him "a weasel" Tuesday. The discussion centered on Milbank's contention that O'Reilly was nasty to President Obama during his in ...

HuffPo Columnist: Pope Should Recognize God Gave Women the Authority to Have an Abortion
In a Huffington Post Op-Ed "For Pope Francis: A To-Do List on Women," writer Angela Bonavoglia praised the Pope's support of the poor, but was not happy about what the Pontiff has been saying about women... ...

Bill O'Reilly: WaPo's Oceander Milbank a 'Weasel in My Opinion'
Fox News a nchor Bill O'Reilly, responding to Washington Post's Oceander Milbank 's criticism of his interview with President Obama Sunday, called Milbank "a weasel beneath contempt." ...

?NAACP Leader: Tea Party Desperate to Find Minorities To Use as 'Mouthpieces'
On Martin Luther King Day, Rev. William Barber II, president of the North Carolina NAACP, attacked fellow N.C. African-American, Senator Tim Scott as a dummy and claimed that the tea party is actively seeking out minorities to use as "mouthpieces.&q ...

Screaming Headline News Anchor Trashes Joe Namath's 'Disgusting' Fur Coat
Headline News Anchor Jane Velez-Mitchell is deeply incensed by Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Namath's choice of apparel for the Super Bowl, practically screaming at the camera, as she decried his "disgusting" getup. ...

Obama: Fox News is Unfair Because They Ask Tough Questions
When President Obama attempted to defend his accusation to Bill O'Reilly that Fox News' coverage of him was "unfair," he suggested the unfairness came from Fox reporters doing their jobs-- asking tough questions. ...

Wisconsin Town Passes Anti-Free Speech Ordinance
The protests began in August, people would stand on the Route 90 overpass in Campbell, Wisconsin holding signs asking drivers to honk if they believe Obama should be impeached. So the town passed an ordnance in October prohibiting the display of signs, fl ...

Obama Blames His Problems on Fox News
Yesterday's interview between President Obama and Fox's Bill O'Reilly may go down as a classic. The Fox host seemed to ask the questions the mainstream media ignores, while the president made it seem as if many of his scandals are partisan ...
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 12:01:57 pm by rangerrebew »