Author Topic: Documents show Sandy Hook shooter had interest in mass shooting, homosexuality, and pedophilia  (Read 446 times)

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Documents Show Sandy Hook Shooter Adam Lanza Had Interest in Mass Shooting, Homosexuality and Pedophilia

David Risselada February 4, 2014

CNS news just published an article depicting the depth which Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook Elementary shooter, suffered from mental illness. The most startling revelation in this article is the new evidence that has been found giving clues to his mental state of mind. While authorities have said there appears to be no motive, it is clear by what they have found that this young boy was clearly confused and in spiritual pain.

"The state's attorney report on the horrific murders at the Sandy Hook Elementary School by shooter Adam Lanza found no "conclusive motive" for his actions but did document unsettling facts about the 20-year-old killer, including computer files he kept on the rights of pedophiles, a movie about man/boy love, instant messages concerning "homosexual fantasies," numerous mass murder documents, and a computer game entitled "School Shooting." (

It appears that Adam Lanza had a computer file containing information about the rights of pedophiles and the rights of children to be free to make their own sexual choices. In fact, he had a written document that appeared to be a movie script in which there was a sexual relationship between a ten year old boy and a thirty year old man. Was Adam Lanza, at some point in his life sexually molested? Was he influenced by the portion of the homosexual community that seeks to repeal the age of consent laws and teach that sex between men and boys is normal? (See My Earlier Article "Child Sexual Abuse and the Repeal of Age of Consent Laws") It would appear to be a possibility, seeing as his shooting rampage ended in suicide.

It isn't uncommon for teens engaging in homosexuality to commit suicide, but not for the reasons many believe. While bullying is claimed to be the number one reason for homosexual children to take their own life, Dr. Gary Remafedi of The University of Minnesota has a different explanation. He says that self-identifying as a homosexual too early in life can lead one to believe that they were born that way and cannot change, and in many cases gender non conformity can result. Also, early homosexual experiences at an age where a child is barely able to deal with a normal sexual encounter will leave a child struggling with internal conflicts (for references see above article). Yet, despite the damage this causes, groups like NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) and GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network) advocate for the repealing of "age of consent laws."

If this isn't bad enough, among the findings were documents about mass murder and a video game entitled "School Shooter." Adam Lanza was taking anti psychotics for mental illness, and it seems that while doing so he spent a great deal of time becoming desensitized to the graphic image of dying children by playing this video game. Let's put this into greater perspective a moment. Right now there are nearly seven million children that are taking anti-psychotic drugs for controversial illnesses like ADHD and bipolar disorder. Many of these children also spend a great deal of time playing video games depicting extreme graphic violence like Grand Theft Auto, where they indiscriminately point and shoot at random people. Many people like to believe that there is no correlation between violent video games and actual aggressive behavior; however, a recent study concluded otherwise. While it offered no conclusive proof, it did show that brain activity of the person playing a violent game was the same as a person exhibiting anti-social, violent behavior. In other words, the brain reacts nearly the same way to images of violence as it does to real violence.

Also, when you consider the fact that many of these anti-psychotic drugs carry the adverse risk of violent, suicidal behavior as a side effect; the prospect of children prescribed these drugs playing violent video games becomes a bit more disconcerting. Wouldn't you agree? As long as kids are being diagnosed and drugged for nonexistent illnesses, while simultaneously being desensitized to violence, the likelihood of another mass shooting is greatly intensified.

One final thing to take into consideration; investigators concluded that while Lanza certainly suffered from mental illness, it wasn't to the extent that he didn't know exactly what he was doing. In other words, he was in control of the situation right up to his own death. The government would have us believe that those suffering from mental illness have no control over themselves and should not be permitted to own a firearm. Maybe that's true to a certain degree, but wouldn't that prove that the treatments being given to treat mental illness are the real problem? After all, drugs like Naproxen and Ritalin come with warnings right on the label describing the possibility of violent, suicidal behavior, yet they are prescribed like candy with no real attention being paid to side effects. Perhaps it is a push to normalize destructive behavior like homosexuality that is taking its toll on society; maybe what we are suffering from is the destruction of morality and the belief in something higher than our own, inflated self-righteousness. A compelling argument has been made by Dr. Remafedi concerning the real reason gay children commit suicide, and yet this is virtually ignored in order to push a sick agenda.

America, this is what happens when God is discarded for what is falsely called "science."