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‘How many times do we have to go through this?’ Ariz. Gov. Jan Brewer rejects amnesty for illegals
‘How many times do we have to go through this?’ Ariz. Gov. Jan Brewer rejects amnesty for illegals
Posted By Brendan Bordelon On 5:17 PM 01/31/2014
Arizona Republican Governor Jan Brewer agrees with Texas Senator Ted Cruz’s prognosis that their party will suffer if it pursues amnesty for illegal immigrants, asking, “How many times do we have to go through this? The border needs to be secured.”
Brewer spoke with Fox News’ Stuart Varney on Friday about the immigration debate, which has picked up in recent weeks after years of inaction. Rumor has it that Republican leadership will work with the Obama administration to enact a “pathway to citizenship” for the estimated 12 million immigrants here illegally. Some in the party — including Cruz — call this strategy a serious blunder that may jeopardize their hopes for the Senate in the fall.
The Arizona governor agreed. “I think that Senator Cruz is correct,” she said.
“I think at the point that we are at today, our people want solutions found. But before any solutions are found though, we need our border secured.” She noted that even her own state, border security was spotty at best. “The Tucson sector is not secured, it’s wide open,” she claimed. ”How many times do we have to ask the federal government to come into the state of Arizona and just look at it? President Obama doesn’t come. The Homeland Security people, they come but they don’t talk to me.”
Brewer’s heard promises of increased border security after amnesty before, and this time she isn’t buying it.
“My hero, Ronald Reagan, promised us that the border would be secured, and he gave amnesty back in 1986,” she explained. “And he didn’t do that! How many times do we have to go through this? No, we fought too hard. The border needs to be secured and they need to understand that. And if everybody is so concerned about resolving this, don’t they hear the American people calling out? Secure our border! Do your job!”
Dear Gov. Brewer, let's stop talking generalities and abstractions. I want a detailed proposal for how the border should, in fact, be secured in your view. I want to know, for example, if you want to build walls, or install machine gun nests, or have border guards standing shoulder to shoulder along the Rio Grande. Let's stop talking about why you think we should "secure the borders" and let's start talking about how - in concrete detail - you think we should "secure the borders."
Or is this another case of Obamacare, where we'll have to enact your version of "secure the borders" in order to learn what's in it?
Let's just fly them straight from Nogales to New York and let you deal with them.
--- Quote from: Rapunzel on February 01, 2014, 05:31:21 am ---Let's just fly them straight from Nogales to New York and let you deal with them.
--- End quote ---
that's the only response you deserve. I'm asking for constructive detail - I want to know what's in the Jan Brewer Immigration Reform Act before Congress votes on it - and you're playing high school sophmore because you can't provide any sort of detail, all you can offer are abstractions and verbal pablum.
--- Quote from: Oceander on February 01, 2014, 05:34:16 am ---/snicker
that's the only response you deserve. I'm asking for constructive detail - I want to know what's in the Jan Brewer Immigration Reform Act before Congress votes on it - and you're playing high school sophmore because you can't provide any sort of detail, all you can offer are abstractions and verbal pablum.
--- End quote ---
Governor Brewer is enunciating what the majority of residents in Arizona feels. Illegals almost bankrupted this state under Janet Napolitano, the voters took things into their own hands and turned it around, they are not eager to return to being over-run by people who live on the government teet. In fact it is so uncomfortable for them to live as an illegal in Arizona most go elsewhere in the country. That is how you control illegal immigration - and it is something many of us - myself included - have explained to you time and again. Turn off the freebies and they go somewhere else. I'm surprised someone who is an officer of the court would be so eager to encourage people to break the law.
As for your hypothesis about them not voting GOP because we are all meanies.. facts do not bear you out. Again numbers posted for you adnauseam. The Reagan amnesty decreased Hispanic voters for the GOP and the numbers continued to fall thereafter. All I can "assume" is you are okay with this becoming a one-party country run by Chuck Schummer and his ilk. When Hispanics are polled they tell pollsters the want big government. Duh, of course they do since they come here mostly for those government freebies.
There is a big difference in your Ethopian or African New York taxi cab driver (yes, I've talked to them, too) and the illegals pouring over the border.
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