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Mitt Romney Takes a Very Polite Shot at Rand Paul and Ted Cruz
Mitt Romney Takes a Very Polite Shot at Rand Paul and Ted Cruz
by Matt Wilstein | 4:50 pm, January 28th, 2014 VIDEO 104
During a discussion about potential Republican nominees for president in 2016 on Fox News Tuesday, former candidate Mitt Romney took some not-so-veiled swipes at the less moderate wing of the party. After notably leaving Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Ted Cruz (R-TX) off his list of “terrific” options, Romney said Republicans will be served best if they unify around a leader who “represents as broad a portion of the party as possible.”
Romney was defending New Jersey Governor Chris Christie from the latest accusations of “bullying,” when he began naming other possible candidates for 2016, including his running mate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), along with Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, Scott Walker and others. He did however indicate he would not be endorsing any candidates during the primary process.
“You didn’t mention Rand Paul and you didn’t mention Ted Cruz,” Neil Cavuto noted.
“Well, they represent different parts of the party,” Romney said. “I’ll give them a chance to express their views, but I think we’re going to be best if we can unify behind a leader of the party who represents as broad a portion of the party as possible.”
He didn’t need to add that Paul and Cruz do not fit that bill in his mind.
Watch video below, via Fox News:
I watched and it was a definitely put down of the more conservative choices for 2016. Sadly I guess Romney still doesn't realize giving the shaft to conservatives in 2012 hurt him at the ballot box.
Formerly Once-Ler:
--- Quote from: Rapunzel on January 29, 2014, 12:00:47 am ---I watched and it was a definitely put down of the more conservative choices for 2016. Sadly I guess Romney still doesn't realize giving the shaft to conservatives in 2012 hurt him at the ballot box.
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Sadly, you really believe Romney didn't win because he wasn't conservative enough, not because most voters reject conservatism.
Romney was never considered a conservative since he isn't and never has been. His dad was but not Mitt. Yes he lost because of conservatives who wouldn't vote for him so all the voter fraud democrats did wasn't able to be overcome at the ballot box.
--- Quote from: Once-Ler on January 29, 2014, 08:51:26 am ---Sadly, you really believe Romney didn't win because he wasn't conservative enough, not because most voters reject conservatism.
--- End quote ---
Do you really believe Romney lost because voters reject Conservatism? Romney lost because he is Romney and ran a weak campaign and not because of his ideology.
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