Author Topic: CSIS releases an alarming report on the rise of Islamic terrorism in Canada  (Read 790 times)

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CSIS Releases an Alarming Report on the Rise of Islamic Terrorism in Canada

Posted by sharia unveiled on January 28, 2014

CSIS Logo and Director 1

Michel Coulombe, Director, Canadian Security Intelligence Service. Photo Courtesy of: CSIS

by, Daniel Proussalidis – Parliamentary Bureau | Toronto Sun | h/t Blazing CatFur

OTTAWA – Canada’s spy service is sounding the alarm “about the increasing number of Canadian citizens or residents who leave the country to participate in terrorist activities abroad,” its latest annual report states.

The Canadian Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS) highlighted the problem of domestic radicalization in its 2011-2013 annual report, released Monday.

“Canada’s legal obligations to promote global security need to be honoured, and that means assuming responsibility for our own,” CSIS said in its report.

CSIS also warns that Canadian citizens who go abroad to become involved in terrorism may “return to Canada more deeply radicalized than when they left.”

“Most troubling, if they participate in a foreign conflict or train with a terrorist group, they might return with certain operational skills that can be deployed themselves or taught to fellow Canadian extremists,” CSIS said in the report.

The report names several terrorist groups as problems, but singles out the Islamist group al-Shabaab as a special concern.

The spy service admits it needs to devote resources to preventing al-Shabaab from drawing Canadian citizens to become jihadi killers in Somalia.

“Somali-Canadians are rightly worried about the influence and reach of this group, and the national security community – including CSIS – is committed to helping families and communities keep their children from pursuing a path that can have no good outcome,” CSIS said.

CSIS also said it’s still concerned about cyber-security, attempts to steal Canadian economic secrets and foreign governments trying to manipulate members of immigrant communities to work against Canada’s interests.

Click Here to See the 2013 CSIS Annual Report


CSIS Report on Domestic Terrorist Organizations:

Domestic Intelligence Assessment

Canada’s Freemen

