Author Topic: Limbaugh: GOP Leadership 'Thugs' for Pushing Amnesty Against the Will of the People  (Read 1862 times)

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Offline Rapunzel

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Limbaugh: GOP Leadership 'Thugs' for Pushing Amnesty Against the Will of the People

24 Jan 2014, 12:44 PM PDT

On his Friday program, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh reacted to an article by Breitbart's Matthew Boyle about the aims of the Republican leadership to pass an immigration reform bill that includes an amnesty provision and what conservatives are doing to prevent that.

“Now I would describe people pushing this against the will of the people as ‘thugs,’” Limbaugh said. “I’ve always thought of thugs as bullies. In the modern vernacular, most of the time I use the word ‘thug,’ I happen to be talking about union thugs or jack-booted government thugs.”

video at link
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Pushing some sort of immigration reform that includes some sort of path to legalization and permanent residency is not against the will of the people.

Offline Rapunzel

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The new Quinnipiac University poll shows that both independent and GOP voters have swung sharply against an immigration amnesty since last May.

The Quinnipiac poll, released Jan. 8, asked 1,487 registered voters if they would be more or less likely to support legislators who backed an amnesty, which was euphemistically called “a path to citizenship.”

Fifty-two percent of Republicans and 42 percent of independents said they would be less likely to vote for the legislator, even though Quinnipiac did not even tell the respondents the amnesty would apply to at least 11 million illegals.

This opposition has grown by 50 percent since a May 2013 poll by Quinnipiac, which showed that 36 percent of Republicans and 25 percent of independents said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who supports a “pathway to citizenship.”

The new poll also showed that actual support for legislators who back an amnesty dipped slightly, from 26 percent to 25 percent among independents, and from 15 percent to 13 percent among Republicans.

The shifts comes despite vocal support from Obama, extensive cheerleading in the media and expensive advertising by business groups and billionaires, including Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, media mogul Michael Bloomberg and investor Steve Case. GOP leaders have also tried to mute voters’ opposition by downplaying their efforts to pass a bill.

The Quinnipiac poll did not ask voters for their views about business’ unpopular demand for additional workers.

�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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euphemistically called “a path to citizenship.”

If you have to stoop to euphemisms to get the poll results you want, then you've crossed the line between acceptable polling and simple manipulation.

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Illegal Immigration, Polls and Dishonesty
January 9, 2014 by Ann Coulter

With Republicans tying themselves in knots over the Democrats’ destructive, but superficially appealing, demand that unemployment benefits be extended to two and a half years, I return to my suggestion that Republicans stop playing defense and go on offense.For every issue that MSNBC loves to prattle on about, gloating that it will cost Republicans this or that demographic, there’s an equivalent issue to use against the Democrats. (The difference is: Our proposals would actually be good for the country.)

In addition to my repeated suggestion that Republicans introduce bills to institutionalize the dangerous mentally ill and force the Democrats to defend the right of psychos to crap in libraries and shoot up schools, Republicans should take the public’s side on immigration.

Democrats love to pretend their sucking up to illegals is all upside for them, but that’s because they lie even when taking polls.

Liberals will claim that 99 percent of Americans favor national health care after taking a poll that asks: “Do you support Americans being nice to one another?”


It’s the same thing. The government providing free health care to everyone is just being nice.

They’ll claim “90 percent of Americans favor banning most guns” based on a poll that asks, “Are you for common sense gun safety or are you against it?”

Similarly, the immigration polls triumphantly brandished by the media ask about positions no one holds, no politician has proposed and no bills would require. Polls are irrelevant if you lie to the people being polled.

Most immigration polls are variations on the one taken by the liberal Brookings Institution last March. Although it has been endlessly cited for allegedly showing that a majority of Americans support amnesty, the poll never asked about amnesty, or any real policy.

Rather, the poll gave respondents only two options, neither of which have been proposed by either political party or are up for a vote anywhere in America.

The options were:

“The best way to solve the country’s illegal immigration problem is to secure our borders and arrest and deport all those who are here illegally”;


“The best way to solve the country’s illegal immigration problem is to both secure our borders and provide an earned path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already in the U.S.”

Neither of those choices describes the position of anyone on either side of the immigration debate. Amnesty proponents have no intention of either securing the border or making illegals do anything to “earn” citizenship. Meanwhile, not a single amnesty opponent has proposed any program to “arrest and deport” illegals.

But amnesty proponents turn around and cite this fraudulent poll as proof that a majority of Americans support “a path to legalization.”

This is how the left uses polls to manipulate public opinion, rather than find out what it is. They provide the ingredients for today’s political discussion and we’re not allowed to pick any items off the menu.

But can’t I be against amnesty without voting for rounding up illegals at gunpoint?

No substitutions! Look at the menu.

All the “path to legalization” polls play the same trick. Either armed men round up millions of women and children at midnight, put them in leg irons and immediately deport them on stinky buses; or we offer them a “path to legalization” after meeting all sorts of onerous requirements (none of which will ever materialize).

There were loads of promises surrounding Ronald Reagan’s 1986 amnesty, too — such as securing the border, punishing employers who hire illegals and forcing illegals to pay back taxes. Sen. Teddy Kennedy vowed: “We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this.” (Those were the good old days when they were willing to call it “amnesty.”)

Obviously, that promise ended up in the same place Mary Jo Kopechne did — underwater and unmentioned.

After the bill passed, then-Rep. Chuck Schumer (Gov. Chris Christie’s current immigration adviser) immediately introduced a bill excusing illegal aliens from having to pay any back taxes at all.

Now, instead of 3 million illegal aliens living here, we have 11 million, salsa is the best-selling condiment in America, and I have to press “one” for English.

We already tried this the nice way. The country gets one mulligan, not two.

An honest poll question would ask:

Do you think people who have knowingly broken our laws to come here illegally with their families since the last amnesty should be rewarded with citizenship, or should they voluntarily go back the same way they came?

An even more honest immigration poll question would ask:

At a time of massive unemployment, do you think people who have knowingly broken our laws and come here illegally with their families since the last amnesty should be rewarded with citizenship, or should they voluntarily go back the same way they came?

Even a poll question that simply omits the lies about the theoretical hurdles illegals will have to clear (which will never happen) produces a poll in which a majority of Americans support “deportation.”

Last year, the TechCrunch website polled this question: “Do you support or oppose deporting the 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S.?”

Again: NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT DEPORTATION. We didn’t round up 11 million foreigners to get them here, and we’re not going to round them up to send them home. They’ll leave the same way they came.

But even answering a stacked poll question asking about something no one has proposed — deportation — a majority of respondents, 53.4 percent, supported deportation, compared to 42 percent opposed. Among Republicans, 74.1 percent favored deportation, with only 22.3 percent opposed.

Not only that, but a Fox News poll last year showed that a majority of Americans would like to curtail legal immigration, with 55 percent supporting a decrease in legal immigrants and only 28 percent supporting an increase.

My thought is: Republicans should push policies that are popular.

But instead of proposing immigration reforms that are runaway hits with a majority of Americans — without anyone even having made the argument! — Republicans have been hoodwinked by Democrats into trying to outbid Democrats for the Hispanic vote. They still won’t win the Hispanic vote, but now the rest of the country will hate Republicans, too.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Y'know, I'm still waiting for a detailed description of the SS-type troops you're willing to deploy to round up all of these illegals and frog-march them (or worse) back across the Rio Grande.

I'm also still waiting for a detailed description of how you intend to "secure" the borders - you have two to deal with, you realize?  Or aren't we going to fence off the Canadians just yet?

For reference, the US border with Mexico is 1,933 miles long (give or take).  For further reference, according to the DOT here:

the cost to build a simple noise barrier in 2010 averaged $32 per square foot of barrier.  For a 16-foot noise barrier (a not unreasonable assumption), the cost per linear foot is 16 x $32 = $512.  For one mile, the cost is 5,280 x $512 = $2,703,360.  So, just to build a pathetic little 16-foot high noise barrier - hardly a serious barrier to illegals - would cost about $5,225,594,880, or, to make it more comprehensible, about $5.25 billion dollars.  That's right, it would cost us, the US taxpayers, at least $5.25 billion dollars just to build a highway noise barrier along the entire US/Mexico border.

But we can't have the Canadians be feeling left out, can we?  The terrestial border with Canada is approximately 5,525 miles.  If we want to build a noise barrier along that border, we'll have to spend about $14,936,064,000, which is almost $15 billion dollars.  Are the Canucks really that noisy?

That's a cool $20 billion dollars just to wall ourselves off from our neighbors' noise.  How much more do you think it'd cost to build something that illegals cannot get through?

And that's just the initial construction costs.  There will be continual maintenance and repair costs that would most likely run into the millions of dollars a year.

So, I'm guessing that a wall along the entire length of the border is out.

What do you propose in its place?  How about what the East Germans used at places like Checkpoint Charlie - multiple layers of barbed wire and gun nests?

If not that, then what?  And how much is it going to cost the rest of us?

Even putting aside the philosophical differences, I am fed to the teeth with people who demand that we "secure the border" but fail to provide any sort of concrete detail whatsoever on how that would be accomplished and how much it would cost.  Those people are in the same category as the Obamacare fiends who demand universal health care without ever once considering the economics and costs of their demands.

And then there's the human security factor.  Anyone have any deep-seated affection for the thugs from TSA?  I thought not.  They're bad enough at the airports, do we want to get cavity-searched each time we want to cross into Nuevo Laredo?
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 04:31:07 am by Oceander »

Offline Rapunzel

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Y'know, I'm still waiting for a detailed description of the SS-type troops you're willing to deploy to round up all of these illegals and frog-march them (or worse) back across the Rio Grande.


You didn't even read the article. Your first paragraph proves you didn't.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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You didn't even read the article. Your first paragraph proves you didn't.

I'm addressing the broader point:  I want to know exactly, precisely, with detailed descriptions, how you - yes, you personally - would "secure" the borders and what that would cost.

And before you go throwing more polls at me, I'd like to remind you about all of the polls that routinely get discredited around here simply because they favor Obastard and the democrats.

There are lies, there are damned lies, and then there are statistics, of which polls are merely a sub-species.

Just as any prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, any pollster can find a statistical sample that will bear out his/her favorite political wishes.

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I've answered your question adnausem. I answered it to Once-ler just yesterday on another thread. No one here is talking deportation, and you know it.  That is a false flag argument.  Arizona has proven it is quite simple to make it undesirable to be here as an illegal citizen and as a result they go somewhere else. 

And.  To be clear.  We currently have over 32% real unemployment.  A lot of this is due to people who are under-educated for the current state of our society.  Why should we taxpayers foot the bill for another 11 million uneducated non-citizens.  It is bad enough we are already paying them welfare benefits and spending taxpayer dollars to fly children of illegals into the USA from other countries to be with their parents - and here we had been told can't sent them back - their poor kids will be parentless when in fact they came here illegally and left their kids behind.. the kids like so much else in our government are nothing more than pawns for the liberal bleeding hearts. 

I suspect you have ulterior motives for being so pro-illegals and that is your business.    You've made it clear you have no use for national borders and everyone should just come on in.    Hell  given your views we may as well all just get rid of congress, president, SCOTUS and individual states and just let the UN run things.

This country is already teetering financially from so many uneducated and undereducated, unskilled workers.  We do not need more people to collect welfare and food stamps and procreate like rabbits .. 

Whats more after Reagan's amnesty the GOP received less votes the next election from Hispanics and even less when Bush #41 ran and even less than Bush #41 when Dole ran - and Dole was one of the main pushers of the last amnesty - which was supposed to be our LAST amnesty.  The GOP is already splitting down the middle.  Believe what you will, they pass amnesty the GOP is history. 
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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“Now I would describe people pushing this against the will of the people as ‘thugs,’” Limbaugh said. “I’ve always thought of thugs as bullies. In the modern vernacular, most of the time I use the word ‘thug,’ I happen to be talking about union thugs or jack-booted government thugs.”

Stand up and roar!

   Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

I await the voice of the people.

Offline Gazoo

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Pushing some sort of immigration reform that includes some sort of path to legalization and permanent residency is not against the will of the people.

I know plenty who have taken the path to legalization the correct way under current laws. There is nothing wrong with the current laws. The republicans are now allowing the dems to buy votes and turn Texas blue.

"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

Offline Gazoo

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I think she should run for President

"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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I think she should run for President

Jan Brewer would make a fantastic President.  But she could only sign the legislation the Congress sends her.  The Congress is about to pass an amnesty.  Most likely Brewer would sign it.

“We need the workers, we need a lot of those people in Arizona"
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 09:08:48 am by Once-Ler »

Offline Gazoo

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Jan Brewer would make a fantastic President.  But she could only sign the legislation the Congress sends her.  The Congress is about to pass an amnesty.  Most likely Brewer would sign it.

“We need the workers, we need a lot of those people in Arizona"

That link on Brewer is dated June 24, 2013 10:43 AM. A lot of lobbying and changes since then.

Chamber spent $50 million on lobbying amid push for immigration reform | TheHill

Disclosure Form

‘State Of Arizona' Retraces History Of The Immigration Law That Redefined The Debate

House Conservatives Plot Takedown of GOP Leaders' Amnesty Plans

Obama is using executive power to affect immigration law - McClatchy DC News - The Sacramento Bee

It seems like this is all Obama and the dems have; as well as to: highlight the schism in the GOP.

Immigration reform advocates to attend Tuesday’s State of the Union | Voxxi

A quick search of "Boehner immigration reform" shows the game of the press engaging and enraging the tea party v. GOPe...

It is petty politics trying to take the heat off of Obama and the dems failures.

Where is the Obama Dem leadership other than the usual blame game and highlighting divisive tactics?

Search Results
News for boehner immigration reform

Washington Post
Michael Bloomberg says Boehner can get immigration reform passed - if he wants to
Silicon Valley Business Journal ‎- by Kent Hoover ‎- 13 hours ago
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg just put the fate of immigration reform squarely on the shoulders of House Speaker John ...

Bloomberg: Immigration Reform Key to GOP Future

ABC News‎ - 12 hours ago
Boehner, Cantor: Immigration Reform a Priority for 2014
Newsmax Media

Jan 8, 2014 - House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor want to overhaul the immigration system in 2014, discussing a rewrite among ...
Michael Bloomberg says Boehner can get immigration reform ...‎
by Kent Hoover - in 33 Google+ circles
13 hours ago - Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg just put the fate of immigration reform squarely on the shoulders of House Speaker John ...
John Boehner Immigration Reform - Huffington Post‎
The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON -- House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) firmly rejected the idea on Thursday that his conference is obstructing immigration reform and will .

Obama to Dems: Boehner will pass immigration reform in 2014 ...‎
The Hill
Jan 17, 2014 - Obama believes GOP will feel politically vulnerable if they fail to advance the issue.

Bloomberg: Immigration Reform Key to GOP Future - ABC News › PoliticsABC News

13 hours ago - House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and other GOP leaders are working on a set of principles on immigration that they expect to present to ...
John Boehner works on immigration 'principles' -
Jan 8, 2014 - Speaker John Boehner told colleagues Wednesday morning Republicans are working on a list of “principles” for immigration reform. The Ohio ...

What Is John Boehner Really Up To On Immigration Reform?‎
Talking Points Memo
by Sahil Kapur - in 123 Google+ circles
Jan 3, 2014 - Speaker John Boehner's actions in recent weeks -- hiring top-tier immigration policy aide Rebecca Tallent and ripping into conservative ...
John Boehner resurrects immigration reform - Washington Post
« Last Edit: January 25, 2014, 12:10:28 pm by Gazoo »
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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I'm sorry Gazoo.  None of your links have much to do with Governor Brewer, pictured here on Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2013.

She's not the hardcore heroine of conservatism some people claim.  I'm not trying to beat her up I think she is fantastic, but she has been supportive of Obamacare and she has not stayed a hardcore true border patriot.  I think it very likely as President she would sign whatever bill the Congress sent her if she could credibly say it helped secure the borders.

I can't prove that, but your links don't prove otherwise.  At any rate hope you are staying warm. ^-^

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Re: the latest Brewer/Obama pic you posted. for all we know she was just greeting him as anyone would a POTUS.

My links expressed Brewer supported immigration reform in June. Not the new- please this and please that party- crap. It also shows the media having a hay day dividing and pointing to Boehner and the tea party. The GOP needs to vote on REAL immigration reform and move on to the real news of Obamas scandals and failures, the dems know this, so they are milking it to the max.

There is no need to discuss this, you're correct. As I don't think Brewer would support Obamas illegal vote purge but I won't lose too much sleep if I am wrong as we live in bizarro world..

It is very, very cold I hope you are staying warm as well. :beer:
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

Offline Gazoo

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I repeat again...I am not defending Boehner. But here is more evidence the media plays up the divide.

Boehner: I Agree With Tea Party '90% of the Time' | CNS News
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?