Author Topic: Lord Rennard: the story so far  (Read 430 times)

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Lord Rennard: the story so far
« on: January 20, 2014, 07:24:52 pm »

Soon the scandal escalated, with claims that senior figures around Mr Clegg had been aware of the claims and failed to investigate.

Mr Clegg immediately ordered disciplinary procedures against Lord Rennard, and a review in the party’s procedures for dealing with complaints.

Detectives from the Metropolitan Police investigated, speaking to the complainants, while the party set up a hotline encouraging other women to come forward.

In June, Lord Rennard was questioned under caution after attending a police station voluntarily.

Last September, the Met dismissed the case, claiming there was a “lack of evidence”, without formally putting the case to the Crown Prosecution Service.

That triggered the start of the party’s internal investigation, by Alistair Webster QC, a well-respected criminal barrister, which cleared Lord Rennard of sexually harrassing female activists on Wednesday but told