Author Topic: Benghazi: What is fit punishment for a president who lies abou the murder of Americans just to get re-elected?  (Read 581 times)

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Benghazi: What is Fit Punishment for a President who Lies About the Murder of Americans Just to Get Re-elected ?

Posted By Richard Anthony on Jan 16, 2014 in Articles, News, Politics, US News | 44 Comments

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Newly declassified testimonies about what happened among Pentagon officials the night of the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012 have been obtained by Fox News.
The documents show the U.S. military found out about 15 minutes after the attack – which killed four Americans – that it was an act of terror and communicated that to the Obama administration.   
However the government – including Obama and then-U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, who were in the throes of the 2012 US Presidential election – maintained for two weeks afterward the attack started as a protest against an anti-Islamic film and turned violent.   

It sickens me to hear how anyone can defend Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton when the topic of Benghazi is brought up! To use the term “phony scandal” just insults the intelligence. I belong to a group in my State of Washington who monitors events like this, and we knew immediately after the attack on September 11th that it was not because of some “anti-Islamic video,” but a full-fledged terrorist attack. In fact, I’ll go on record to say, that the attack on our embassy in Egypt was only a feint to deflect from the real target in Benghazi. One doesn’t have to be an intelligence analyst in some cubicle at CIA headquarters in Langley West Virginia, to figure this one out. Yet, because of the contempt that Barack Obama has for the American people and the overwhelming need to be re-elected as president, the narrative of the “spontaneous demonstration gone awry” was put forth merely to cover his foolish statements about Al Qaeda being decimated and get his sorry butt re-elected.

Will someone please tell me, just what does it take for a President who does these despicable things to get impeached? Benghazi is reason enough, in my opinion; that is unless you are a Democrat, who just happens to be the first black president in American history. That is not even the really infuriating part. Oh no, those same democrat politicians & liberals all over the  country who have been calling Benghazi a “phony scandal,” are calling for Chris Christie’s blood because of a traffic jam on the George Washington Bridge.

Will someone, anyone, please try and explain that kind of twisted logic?

I know I have mentioned more than once about how important it is that Republicans re-take the Senate and hold on to the House of Representatives, but if this kind of blatant corruption is allowed to continue un-checked in the White House, well… do I really have to say it?

I am not an advocate of or for violence, but I think the American people have had their fill of crooked-filthy-lying politicians getting away with murder (literally)!