Author Topic: 1 in 10 UK babies and toddlers are muslims  (Read 664 times)

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1 in 10 UK babies and toddlers are muslims
« on: January 11, 2014, 10:26:19 am »
Baby Boom: 1 in 10 Babies and Toddlers in UK are Muslim

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 10, 2014 @ 2:28 pm In The Point | 14 Comments

Demographics is destiny and there isn’t that much time left to turn this horse around before it leaps off the cliff and the United Kingdom is one with Byzantium.

Muslim immigration will doom the UK in another decade to either the Muslim genocide of the native population or an ongoing civil war like in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iraq.

The percentage of Muslims among the under-fives is almost twice as high as in the general population, according to a breakdown of census figures

Census figures reveal a ‘startling’ shift in Britain’s demographic trend with almost a tenth of babies and toddlers born in England and Wales being Muslim.

The percentage of Muslims among the under-fives is almost twice as high as in the general population. Less than one in 200 over 85s are Muslims – an indication of the extent to which birth rate is changing the UK’s religious demographic.

One expert said it was possible that Muslims who worshipped would outnumber practising Christians. “It’s not inconceivable,” said David Voas, Professor of Population Studies at the University of Essex.

It’s not inconceivable means “Even we can’t deny that this is happening.”

Elsewhere in the piece there is an account from Batley in West Yorkshire of how the growing young Muslim population there has led to ‘pubs, hospitals, houses and public buildings’ being turned into ‘Muslim private schools, madrassas, mosques and a Sharia court to satisfy rising demand from families.’

And yes, before long those whippings and beheadings will show up too. It’s how democracy works. In the Muslim world, it took civilized urban elites to brutally shut down the Muslim democracy of the Arab Spring.

Without that, you end up with Pakistan.


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