Author Topic: Hitlery Clinton wants to be president? Was she on the former KGB payroll?  (Read 515 times)

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Hillary Clinton wants to be President. Was she on the former KGB payroll ? .. Senior Chief Geoff Ross (Ret)

By Fred Brownbill on January 7, 2014 in Activists, Constitution Legal Watch


Dear General Wesley Clark,

I see on the Drudge Report you are now a member of the Hillary For President campaign.  Congratulations on bringing discredit to yourself and the US Army.  I am sure you are proud of yourself. Maybe its a fake posting but I always challenge the enemy to our constitutional Republic first then sort it out later.  Those are my ROE's.
With all due respect Sir do you really think a Communist golem like Hillary Clinton will pass an FBI muster for President of the United States?   I am still trying to figure out how she snuck into the State Dept and got a security clearance.
Comrade Hillary's résumé stands out:
(1) She had a clerkship in 1971 at one of America’s most radical law firms, Treuhaft, Walker and Burnstein.
Doris Walker, a partner in the firm was a Communist Party member at the time. Another partner, Robert Treuhaft, had left the Communist party in 1958, the firm was called before the House of Un-American Activities Committee and labeled as one of America’s most “dangerously subversive” lawyers. The firm even represented clients rejected as too controversial, including Communists, draft resisters, and members of the African-American militant group known as the Black Panthers.

Seems to me that Hillary won't even pass an FBI check here.
General Clark, I also  have a copy of the declassified FBI documents that tie the Clinton's to a Communist organization called the Institute For Policy Studies.   The Institute For Policy Studies was formed in 1963 by Peter Weiss and Cora Rubin, daughter of Samuel Rubin. The organization is funded by the Samuel Rubin Foundation.
Samuel Rubin was a member of the Comintern of the Communist Party, and the inner circle of Lenin. He helped the Russian peasants  revolt in 1917. He left Russia at some point during the revolution, and came to the U.S., where he made a fortune using the name, "Faberge", for his cosmetic company.   The Faberge family, who were "White Russian" (non-communist), and who also fled Russia, sued Rubin for using their name for a company whose profits supported the spread of communism, and won a settlement.
Rubin was assisted by billionaire Armand Hammer. Hammer was long suspected of being a member of the Communist Party. After the downfall of the USSR, the KGB files were opened and Hammer's membership in the Communist Party was proven. The Soviet publication, Izvestia, confirms that Armand Hammer was a Soviet agent, who personally carried the money from Lenin to the United States to establish the Communist Party USA. Imagine that General Clark. 

The Clinton's wont pass an FBI investigation right ?
(2) The Institute For Policy Studies (IPS) is a think tank that operates very closely with the former KGB. "The perfect intellectual front for former Soviet activities which would be resisted if they were to originate openly from the KGB." 
Derek Shearer, a member of Institute For Policy Studies, has been described as one of Bill Clinton's closest friends. Roger Altman (former Sec. of Treasury) stated, "Derek is a very old and close friend of Bill Clinton's, and among the advisors he is probably the oldest and closest friend." Brooke Shearer, is a very close friend of Hillary Clinton, and is her frequent travelling companion. Prior to the 1992 elections, Clinton appointed Shearer as his top economic advisor. Really now ?
How did this pass FBI muster ?
Shearer proposed the economic dismantling of American's free enterprise system and that all businesses be controlled by government socialist/Communist planners much like the current Obama administration. Shearer states that his 'economic democracy' is fashioned in part according to the teachings of Antonio Gramsci, founder of the Italian Communist Party, and one of this century's formost Marxist theoreticians (from Shearer's book).
In the 1970's Derek Shearer created and ran the platform of Tom Hayden in Santa Monica, California. The platform was called the Campaign for Economic Democracy. Shearer's wife was elected mayor of Santa Monica, and she appointed Derek and fellow activists to the City Commission. Shearer's anti-business edicts crippled Santa Monica's economy and earned that city the nickname of the "Peoples Republic of Santa Monica." Shearer has spoken of a plan to elect a socialist minded President who would help advance his Economic Democracy program (National Review, Sept. 14, 1992). Now take a look at California today, its bankrupt and almost on its knees economically.  Thanks to the Shearer mind set endorsed by and embraced by Hillary Clinton.
Strobe Talbott, is the step-brother of Derek Shearer, and formerly an editor of TIME magazine, and a former roommate of Bill Clinton at Oxford. Talbott is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Founded in 1921, the CFR has been on a mission to forming a socialist world government under the United Nations and not the US Constitution.  Other members of the CFR, include IPS co-founder, Richard Barnet, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Newt Gingrich and most of Bill Clinton's former cabinet.
Morton Halprin, a member of IPS, was considered (but rejected) as Assistant Secretary of Defense under Aspin. Halprin has been one of the foremost supporters of turning U.S. troops over to the U.N. command. Halprin was a friend and assistant of Frank Donner, a member of the Communist Party USA, who advocated the dissolution of all U.S. intelligence agencies.
Edward F. Feighan (D-Ohio, retired) was Bill Clinton's campaign Communications Director. Feighan has worked closely with both the IPS and the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA), which was co- founded by Jahn Gerassi and Michael Locker of Castro's Venceremos Brigade (FBI File SF 100-66966 AIRTEL & FBI file NYFO #105-86160). NACLA recieved major funding from IPS, and has become a direct support group for Marxist insurgencies worldwide.
How can Hillary Clinton pass an FBI investigation ?  I ask again.
Johnetta Cole is closely associated with the Communist backed IPS and other anti-American groups. Cole was in a leadership role in the Pro-Castro Vencenemos Brigade, which was controlled by the Communist Party USA in conjunction with Havana. She was a founding sponsor of the U.S. Peace Council, a Communist Party USA front organization.
Hillary Clinton first had contact with the IPS while at Yale. She served on the board of editors of the quarterly, Yale Review of Law and Social Action.   While serving as Director and Chair of the Board of the New World Foundation in 1987/1988 Hillary Clinton gave money to several far left groups including IPS.
In addition, Hillary Clinton gave money money to pro-Communist groups, who were closely associated with IPS. Hillary gave $5000.00 to the Committee in Support of the People of El Salvador (CISPES - a supporter of Marxist Salavadoran guerillas), and which has been classified as a Communist front organization.
Hillary gave $15,000.00 to the National Lawyers Guild, an official adjunct of the Communist Party USA. Committee on Un-American Activities, House Report 3123 on National Lawyers Guild - 1950: "NLG is the foremost legal bulwark of the Communist Party (and) it's front organizations (which) since its inception has never failed to rally to the legal defense of the Communist Party and individual members thereof, including known espionage agents." IPS Chairman, Peter Weiss, served on the Board of Trustees of the National Lawyers Guild.
(3) Hillary Clinton interned under Bob Trueff, founder of the Communist Party USA. Bob founded the San Francisco based CPUSA with money obtained from the KGB during the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Hillary, a self-admitted admirer of Saul Alinsky (trained by KGB agents in communist subversion), wrote her thesis describing how great and wonderful Alinsky's plans for implementing communism in America. Hillary wrote her thesis in college describing the great wonders and blessings Saul Alinsky was trying to give America, but which American citizens kept rejecting.  Why wont Hillary release her college transcripts ? Lets take a look at her mindset through her writings.
(4) The plan: destroy America from within:
Saul Alinsky,  Hillary Clinton's college idol and mentor traveled to Russia along with Obama mentor/friend Bill Ayers. The purpose(s) of Ayers and Alinsky's trips to Russia were reported to be training in bomb making, subversion, psychology, and Communist propaganda. So apparently Hillary has no problem with Obama's Communist mentors even if they did blow up and kill people.
Obama's friend Bill Ayers didn't learn how to make bombs very well from the Russians. After several failed attempts to kill senators by placing bombs which detonated outside their offices, the only people Ayers successfully murdered was his girlfriend and two other fellow members. Ayers had reportedly been making bombs illegally inside an apartment complex using the stove, sink and kitchen when the bombs prematurely detonated, destroying the apartment complex and killing all three Weather Underground members. After the death of his girlfriend and two other members of his organization, Ayers was quoted as saying ''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.'
(5) During the 1990s, the Clintons received MILLIONS of illegal campaign contributions from the Chinese Military Intelligence Agency. Upon investigation by the FEC, it was almost impossible to trace down all illegal contributions, most which were solicited by Johnny Huang, Bill Clinton's commerce secretary. The FEC is still currently investigating more than 35,000 illegal campaign contributions made to Obama's 2008 campaign. Many of them reportedly stemming or originating from China.  Imagine that?
Eventually, Hillary Clinton was ordered to REPAY the Chinese government $53,000 which the FEC successfully traced to Chinese military and government officials. Johnny Huang, once the largest fundraiser for the democratic party, was released with a slap on the wrist for travelling to China and soliticing illegal campaign contributions for the democratic party, from a hostile, foreign, communist government.
Doesn't get more official than this for an endorsement: straight from the Communist Party USA's website. The same party recruited by the KGB for Soviet subversion in the 1960s and 1970s, with proud members such as Bob Trueff and Hillary Clinton filling their ranks.
Now we move onto her tenure as secretary of State. Lets take a look at all the countries she visited on the tax payer dime.  Billions of dollars in fuel and time and secret service protection.  She was out of control spending our money and the Congress permitted this.
In the three months between terrorist attacks on the Benghazi consulate, Ms. Clinton visited 31 countries on 7 different trips.  These trips included destinations like diplomatic, economic and military heavyweights Mongolia, South Sudan, Benin, Laos, Vietnam, Latvia, Timor Leste, Senegal, Cambodia, Ghana, Uganda… and 20 other countries.  Mostly Communist - left wing - socialist countries.
On August 30, just 12 days before the U.S. Consulate was overrun in a coordinated terrorist attack and four Americans were murdered, Clinton was in Rarotonga, a South Pacific island between New Zealand and Hawaii, population 13,000.  Judging by the festive, tropical welcome party pics, it looks like it was a fun time. She was drinking beer and did not give a damn about the national security of our Embassies even after 12 requests for military protection from Ambassador Stevens were denied by her.   I wonder why  ?   
We don't need Hillary Clinton running for President.  She is a menace to society. She belongs as a hand maiden to the President of North Korea.  She is a Communist infiltrator and I will look forward to passing this article around real Americans that will demand answers from her under oath as to why she allowed four Americans to die in the US mission in Benghazi Libya and when she denied them the full protection and security of the United States military before, up to and during the attack. 
I think  former Governor Jeb Bush owes us an explanation as to why he recently presented her a Communist evil doer The Liberty Medal on the eve of the Benghazi killings.

Senior Chief Geoff Ross

US Navy Retired

Navarre Florida

« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 10:31:03 am by rangerrebew »

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Now we move onto her tenure as secretary of State. Lets take a look at all the countries she visited on the tax payer dime.  Billions of dollars in fuel and time and secret service protection.  She was out of control spending our money and the Congress permitted this.
In the three months between terrorist attacks on the Benghazi consulate, Ms. Clinton visited 31 countries on 7 different trips.  These trips included destinations like diplomatic, economic and military heavyweights Mongolia, South Sudan, Benin, Laos, Vietnam, Latvia, Timor Leste, Senegal, Cambodia, Ghana, Uganda… and 20 other countries.  Mostly Communist - left wing - socialist countries.

With due respect, Senior Chief Ross - that was part of her duties. It's a lot cheaper to send a disposable Secretary of State to a troubled country than it is to send a battle group.

As to the passing the FBI checks, you are writing to the wrong man. General Clark was in a completely different chain of command. He will have as much idea of what is involved in actually carrying out FBI background checks as you or I will have. Educated guesses, nothing more. All I know is every last one of us has had dubious friends and acquaintances. Even you, Sir, had to work with Marines! Law enforcement have a rule of thumb: "Everyone is guilty of something."

Since Gen. Clark is a life long democrat (even considered a run for Democrat Presidential candidate in 2004) who endorsed Hillary in 2007, him lining up behind Hillary Clinton is a disappointment but no huge surprise.

I do profoundly thank you for your service. But what's with the retired? Sounds like you are keeping active and keeping your oath.
The universe doesn't hate you. Unless your name is Tsutomu Yamaguchi

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As to the passing the FBI checks

I don't believe politicians have to pass such checks with the same strictness as the military.  Since politicians are elected (including votes from the dead) it isn't like they can be excluded from certain levels as can people in the military.  I had a clearance above Top Secret when I was in the service and the FBI, NCIS, NSA, et al., converged on my friends in my home town on the same day at about the same time to preclude them from discussing things about me.  After my separation I had to contact the FBI and give them my itinerary, where I planned to stay, and contacts BEFORE I left the country for any reason for a period of four years.  From what we read, it is apparent politicians are under no such scrutiny.