Author Topic: Liberal Nation magazine sells Che Guevara finger puppets, dolls  (Read 530 times)

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Liberal Nation magazine sells Che Guevara finger puppets, dolls
« on: January 05, 2014, 11:05:14 pm »

Liberal Nation magazine sells Che Guevara finger puppets, dolls
Those looking to purchase a finger puppet of a communist mass murderer need look no further than the liberal Nation magazine, the Daily Caller reported Monday.

For one low price of $5.95, you can purchase a magnetic finger puppet of Che Guevara, the late Argentine revolutionary who helped Fidel Castro install a police state in Cuba. Those who wish can also purchase four Guevara finger puppets for $20.

“We may not know where Castro is these days, but we know where Che Guevara is: on your finger as a magnetic finger puppet!” the puppet's description reads. “On your finger, he’s a puppet; on your fridge, he’s a magnet; in your puppet collection he incites the others to rise against their capitalistic oppressors!”

"Approx. 4 [inches] tall. But not too short to stand up for the poor and oppressed," Nation added.

For those wanting something more, Nation also sells Che Guevara dolls.

"Che Guevara was many things," Nationmart says. "He was a rebel, an adventurer, a statesman, a civil rights leader and a revolutionary. And now he's a cute doll thanks to our Che Guevara Little Thinker Doll."

"The Che Doll stands about 12-inches tall and comes dressed in green khakis, black boots and belt, plus his trademark beret. It’s as adorable, appealing and cuddly as the real Che was intense, violent, and cuddly. Che was known for fighting for just causes, and you should buy one just, well, cause," Nationmart adds.

Nation also sells a Che Guevara watch for $35.95 and a Che-themed card for just $3.50.

“People remember Che Guevera for being a bold leader and tireless crusader for the poor and oppressed,” the description of the watch says. “But people who really knew him were most impressed by his punctuality. If you asked him to attack the Las Mercedes garrison at noon, he wouldn’t show up at 11:58 or 12:07. He’d be there at twelve on the nose!

Jamie Weinstein observed that Guevara "personally oversaw hundreds if not thousands of executions and the creation of labor camps where dissidents, homosexuals and others who 'committed crimes against revolutionary morals' were ultimately sent."

“Hatred as an element of struggle; unbending hatred for the enemy, which pushes a human being beyond his natural limitations, making him into an effective, violent, selective, and cold-blooded killing machine. This is what our soldiers must become,” Guevara is quoted as saying.

Ironically, Guevara -- a communist who fought against capitalism -- is a quintessential capitalist brand, Alvaro Vargas Llosa wrote at the Independent.

"It is customary for followers of a cult not to know the real life story of their hero, the historical truth," he added. "It is not surprising that Guevara’s contemporary followers, his new post-communist admirers, also delude themselves by clinging to a myth—except the young Argentines who have come up with an expression that rhymes perfectly in Spanish: 'Tengo una remera del Che y no sé por qué,' or 'I have a Che T-shirt and I don’t know why.'”

Now, admirers can say "I have a Che finger puppet and I don't know why."
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776