Author Topic: Boko Haram islamists claim allah forbids cannibalism demands decapitation and mutilation  (Read 639 times)

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Boko Haram Islamists Claim Allah Forbids Cannibalism-Demands Decapitation, Mutilation

Posted By Janna Brock on Dec 29, 2013 in Islam, Law, World News | 14 Comments

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Nigeria has been virtually destroyed by Boko Haram Islamists. Of all the countries in the world, Nigeria has seen some of the worst violence that Islam has to offer. Boko Haram is responsible for slaughtering thousands of civilians in Nigeria. Shooting, stabbing, raping, and pillaging people without discrimination, they have reaped untold carnage upon the fragile country. The Obama Administration finally deemed the Islamic butchers “terrorists” in November 2013, after some 2,800 people were slaughtered. Abubakar Shekau, the official leader of Boko Haram released a video Saturday claiming responsibility for an attack on December 20th, but that is just the beginning.

Catch-ShekauBoko Haram Islamists see it as their duty to decapitate. They have no choice. It is Allah’s will. However, they are not to eat their victims. Somehow cannibalism crosses a line with Allah. While there is no other line that is uncrossable, this one is. That hasn’t stopped other Islamists from eating their victims. In Syria, cannibalism has caused the return of Kuru, a once extinct disease. Kuru causes worms and ulcers. But though Boko Haram Islamists condemn cannibalism, mutilation and decapitation are expected.

An Islamic extremist leader in northeastern Nigeria says the bloody insurgency will continue because Allah says they must decapitate and mutilate.

In a video newly released Saturday, Abubakar Shekau claims responsibility for the Dec. 20 attack on a tank battalion barracks and says his men would have eaten their enemies, but Allah forbids cannibalism. Witnesses said insurgents put soldiers to flight and set the complex ablaze before they were driven off by a jetfighter.

In the warped world of Islam, decapitation is divine. Islam sanctions torture and mutilation.

Qur’an (5:33) – “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides…”

Qur’an (8:12) – “Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their fingertips off them.”

There are any number of interpretations that could be taken with this verses. Cut off their heads, and every other limb. There is no specified way to kill. The Quran gives Islamists free reign to decimate an infidel in any way they choose. Boko Haram Islamists are not “extremists” as the AP deems them. The Quran is extreme, sadistic literature for a death cult.

Boko haramBoko Haram claimed responsibility for an attack on December 2oth, where military barracks were raided.

The insurgents stormed the barracks in the town of Bama in a convoy of trucks before sunrise, opened fired on the soldiers inside then torched the compound. Several witnesses said the gunmen kidnapped soldiers as well as women and children.

“Our fighters stormed the Bama barracks,” Shekau said, while seated on a mat and flanked by a group of armed men.

“This is a victory from Allah,” said the wanted insurgent leader after claiming to have destroyed “21 armoured tanks” and killed “multitudes” in the raid.

The military has not released a death toll from the barracks attack and rescue agencies have largely been barred from working in the northeast since a state of emergency was declared in the area in May.

Boko Haram Islamists stormed a college campus in September, mercilessly gunning down sleeping college students. At least 50 students lost their lives in the brutal attack. They’ve bombed churches, slit the throats of unsuspecting travelers at “fake” checkpoints, and have forced Christian woman into being their “slave brides.” There is no end to what they will do or who they will kill. Lives mean nothing to them. The problem is that governments do not recognize that they are not motivated by anything but Islam. “Allah” is all they seek.

Addressing a bounty of 50 million naira (US $300,000) that the Nigerian military placed in November 2012 for his capture, Shekau scoffed at the idea that any of his men would betray him, and claimed that his men “do not worship money.“

He went on to add that Nigeria’s military is both inept and incapable of subduing Boko Haram, stating: “Nigerian soldiers are late. After killing many of them in Monguno and Benisheik, we have snatched their armored carriers and Hilux vans and then hoisted Islamic flags on them. We now move freely with them.”

Shekau warns Christians not to go to churches in this holy month, though Christmas passed in Nigeria with none of the feared terrorist attacks. Five churches were bombed Christmas Day 2011 and dozens of people died.

Boko Haram’s reign of terror will not end as long as there are any members of the Islamic sect standing. Islamists are like viruses; when one dies, they just regroup and start slaughtering again. Al-Qaeda never went away after the death of Osama bin Laden. Taking one man out will just lead to his substitution by another. As Boko Haram Islamists seek the full implementation of sharia law in Nigeria, heads will continue to roll, literally. There is no figurative language in Islam.