Author Topic: You knew it was coming: 'experts' say pedophilia is a sexual orientation hard wired at birth  (Read 432 times)

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You Knew it was Coming: “Experts” Say Pedophilia is a Sexual Orientation – Hard-wired at Birth

Posted By Tim Brown on Dec 27, 2013

First, let me say that I don’t want to hear anything from the homosexuals, their supporters, supporters of polygamy or any other perversion of God ordained sexuality. We told you this was coming and it has arrived. Researchers with Canada’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health have concluded, after a decade of research, that pedophilia is a deep-rooted, unchangeable predisposition.

The Toranto Star reports:

Pedophilia has been widely viewed as a psychological disorder triggered by early childhood trauma.

Now, many experts see it as a biologically rooted condition that does not change — like a sexual orientation — thanks largely to a decade of research by Dr. James Cantor at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

Cantor’s team has found that pedophiles share a number of physical characteristics, including differences in brain wiring. It’s now thought that about 1 to 5 per cent of men are pedophiles, meaning they are primarily attracted to children.

These findings have been widely accepted among scientists, but have had little impact on social attitudes or law. However, we are left with the alarming question: if some men are born pedophiles, what should society do with them?


Well, what do you suppose those who have kept their pedophilia under control to some extent, at least keeping it only in their thoughts? They are doing the same thing the homosexuals are doing: calling for societal acceptance, and a cry for special rights will soon be accompanying this demand.

Let me say that I realize all of us face different temptations. Some are weaker in areas that others are not. For those that fight against their temptations, whether homosexuality, pedophilia, fornication, pornography, adultery or a myriad of other sins, let me say “thank you.” Thank you for not justifying your lusts and thank you for seeking to keep them under control. The Bible commands us to repent of these lusts, as well as any action based on them, and Jesus Christ is a Savior of sinners from sin.

However, to accept that this is biological in nature is to miss the aspect of sin. After all, even these that are claiming this is from birth cannot prove it. As my friend Shea Bernard wrote, concerning homosexuality, “Dr. Francis S. Collins, head of the Human Genome Project, along with his team of over 150 of the top geneticists in the world, who sequenced and decoded the human genome, three years ahead of schedule, have emphatically said, ad nauseam, that there is NO gay gene.” To that I would add that there was no discovery of a “pedophilia” gene either. It may come as a surprise, but there are no “thieve” genes, “murderer” genes, or “liar” genes. This is a spiritual issue and deals with the mind.

However, Cantor wants us to believe it is biological. Cantor says of pedophilia:  ”It’s either purely biological or a mix of biological and experiential.”

Cantor and his former colleague, Michael Seto, are careful to differentiate between pedophiles and sex offenders. The first, obviously has to do with the mental part and the second is the criminal action part.

So, how are they seeking to help those in the first category? A website, of course. Enter Virtuous Pedophiles. It’s a website for pedophiles who have never molested children, but do have an attraction for them.

One individual that was pointed to in the article in the Star was a man by the name of Ethan Edwards, who at the age of 50 found he could no longer suppress his desires and simply look at young girls in a protective manner. Edwards is the co-founder of Virtuous Pedophiles.

“I realized that young girls certainly took my breath away, more than grown-ups are usually charmed by kids,” Edwards said.

Edwards claims that his site desires to prevent child abuse, by reducing the stigma against non-offending pedophiles. “We do not choose to be attracted to children, and we cannot make that attraction go away. But we can resist the temptation to abuse children sexually, and many of us present no danger to children whatsoever. Yet we are despised for having a sexual attraction that we did not choose, cannot change, and successfully resist.”

While I’m happy to hear that Edwards and others acknowledge their problem, see it as a problem and seek to keep it from being a problem for young children, it is those like Cantor and Seto that seek to justify the mental state and actions by claiming people are just “born this way” that concern me even more. This is the same argument being used by the militant homosexuals to advance their agenda in this country.

What do you think?