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Poll: Most believe govt. corruption is worse under Obama
« on: December 27, 2013, 12:10:21 pm »

Poll: Most Believe Govt Corruption is Worse Under Obama

Thursday, December 26, 2013 12:54 PM

By: Sandy Fitzgerald

Most Americans believe that government corruption has gotten worse under the Obama administration, according to a new national survey conducted by two conservative organizations.

 The survey, conducted by the conservative Judicial Watch in partnership with, shows 77 percent of the 1,000 adults questioned are concerned about government corruption and 52 percent of them think the problem has gotten worse over the past five years since President Barack Obama first took office.

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 "The Judicial Watch-Breitbart poll shows that the American people are thoroughly disenchanted with a government they see as corrupt and secretive," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

 "The support for the rule of law on immigration runs against the establishment narrative pretending there is overwhelming support for mass amnesty. On a host of issues – ranging from corruption to transparency, to election integrity, to Obamacare – President Obama is completely out of touch with the American people."

 The poll taken Dec. 15-16 also sought information on attitudes concerning other subjects, including voter fraud, immigration policy, and Obamacare.

 When it comes to government corruption, Republicans tended to be more concerned, the survey revealed, with 88 percent being most concerned, followed by independents at 75 percent and Democrats at 68 percent.

 Overall, the poll found that Americans think the government is doing a worse job at policing its own corruption, with 52 percent saying matters have gotten worse in the past five years. Only 18 percent of those surveyed thought the government is doing a better job at self-policing. The survey also found specifically that four out of five respondents do not believe that Obama has fulfilled his 2008 campaign pledge to have "the most open and transparent [government] in history."

 The respondents also expressed skepticism about several other Obama agenda items, including immigration and healthcare reform. Forty-nine percent said they believe immigration laws currently on the books should be enforced, and think illegal immigrants should return home rather than stay in the U.S. Of those polled, 71 percent favor enforcing current immigration laws, while 21 percent support changing the laws.

 The survey also revealed that most respondents are more confident in their states' ability to handle healthcare issues than they are the federal government's. But nearly one-third of the respondents don't have confidence in government at any level to coordinate healthcare.

 As for Obamacare, two-thirds of those surveyed said they are satisfied with the insurance they have now.

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« Last Edit: December 27, 2013, 12:11:15 pm by rangerrebew »