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 by Matthew Boyle 19 Dec 2013

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) predicted Thursday that House Republicans pushing for passage of any amnesty package in 2014 will ensure Democrats and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid maintain control of the Senate.

Not only that, but Cruz argued that all House Republican engaged in passage of any amnesty should put a “Harry Reid for Majority Leader” bumper sticker on their cars.

“I think we've got an incredible opportunity to retake the Senate in 2014, to retire Harry Reid as Majority Leader, and the number one thing Republicans could do to mess that up is to refuse to stand for principle,” Cruz said on Texas-based Michael Berry’s radio program.

And if the House turns around and passes a giant amnesty deal that doesn't secure the border and grants amnesty, they might as well go and put "Harry Reid for Majority Leader" bumper stickers on the backs of their cars because it would be kicking conservatives, kicking the Tea Party, kicking millions of Americans in the teeth to make that same mistake again, so I hope they don't do it.

House Speaker John Boehner is actively working, along with House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and House Budget Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), to pass some kind of amnesty is 2014.

Boehner recently hired Becky Tallent as his immigration policy adviser, a move that most read as a direct play by Boehner to move on immigration in 2014. Tallent was an aide to Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) when he worked with the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) to craft an amnesty in 2007. Tallent was heavily involved in writing that McCain-Kennedy bill.

Boehner’s spokesman Michael Steel told the Washington Post recently, too, that Tallent’s hiring is a sign the Speaker will push for amnesty. “The Speaker remains hopeful that we can enact step-by-step, common-sense immigration reforms – the kind of reforms the American people understand and support,” Steel said. “Becky Tallent, a well-known expert in this field of public policy, is a great addition to our team and that effort.”

Cantor, meanwhile, is in the process of drafting what he calls the “KIDS Act,” what essentially a legalization program for illegal alien youths. At the same time, Ryan is in the process of writing a bill that would legalize all illegal aliens in America.
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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2013, 03:24:20 pm »
IBS  :whistle:
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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2013, 03:32:02 pm »
A survey released just yesterday indicated that, among  Hispanics and Asians, legalization is more important than citizenship.  I've always believed this, especially since, after Reagan's 1986 total amnesty, only 30% of the 3 million who were legalized went on to seek citizenship.

Legalization is a middle ground, along with a guest worker program, that would seem to work IF the borders are secured.  The problem is, Obama can't be trusted to secure the borders.

No administration, Republican or Democrat, is going to deport 11 million people.  And they are not "going home," especially those who've been here for 25 years.

So, if not legalization, what?
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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2013, 06:10:01 pm »
Cruz is right as usual.  If the Republicans pass amnesty, the left will permanently control both houses of Congress beginning in either 2016 or 2018.  The Conservatives will lose it all.

A free immigration policy combined with a welfare state and an imploding budget deficit will destroy this nation is short order.  Any Republican voting for amnesty deserves to see the ultimate horror of their action sooner rather than later.

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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2013, 08:31:55 pm »
This is the article sink referred to -- given how horribly pathetic the government has proven to be on OCare is there anyone with a brain left who thinks this "plan" would work as advertised?  or the border will ever be secured BY EITHER PARTY!!!! Right now our own government is knowingly bringing children of illegals into our country from Latin American nations and spending our tax dollars to fly them to where their illegally here parents live.........

We should all know -- now -- that what sounds good on paper never become reality when governement is doing it or planning it... 


Path toward citizenship or legalization

By Alex Nowrasteh

Many conservatives oppose a path to citizenship because it’s unfair to reward law breakers with citizenship.  Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Ida.) said, “People that came here illegally knowingly – I don’t think they should have a path to citizenship.”  On the political left, Rep. Luis Gutiérrez  (D-ll.) said he, “is opposed to proposals that bar citizenship or create a permanent non-citizen underclass.”

To Labrador’s point, the heavy fines, fees and bureaucratic abuses that would prod every legalized immigrant on a path toward citizenship are hardly an award for legal behavior.  And to Gutierrez, a legalization status less than citizenship is no more an underclass than the millions of green card or visa holders that currently happily live without becoming citizens.

There is a simple solution to this impasse that could satisfy both camps: Create two paths.

The first path should be toward a permanent work visa where the immigrant cannot apply for citizenship unless he or she serves in the armed forces or marries an American.  This visa should be very cheap – hundreds of dollars – and granted quickly after national security, criminal, and health checks.   

The second path should be toward a green card and eventual citizenship. This path should be more difficult and expensive, something similar to the Senate’s path to citizenship. Those legalized unauthorized immigrants who want to become citizens should be able to do so.

For unauthorized immigrants uninterested in citizenship, who just want to work and live in the U.S. without fear of deportation, a simple and low-cost path toward a permanent work permit would save them headaches, uncertainty, and cash.

This would definitely be consistent with conservatives like Labrador who say that unauthorized immigrants do not want citizenship.  “They’re not clamoring for it,” he said earlier this year. “It's only the activists here in Washington D.C. who keep clamoring for it.”

If Labrador is right, most unauthorized immigrants would choose a more affordable and easier path toward legalization rather than a more expensive and difficult path toward citizenship – if they were given a choice.

A look at the polls, however, indicates that unauthorized immigrants do want citizenship. In fact, a recent Latino Decisions poll found that 87 percent want to become citizens. But if history is any guide, many of those respondents would choose a cheaper and easier form of legalization if it was offered.

The 1986 Reagan amnesty bill created an affordable and straightforward path to a green card and citizenship.  But almost a generation later, only 45 percent of former unauthorized immigrants have naturalized.  The 2013 bill would likely produce an even lower rate of naturalization, as the path to citizenship is much more arduous than the Reagan-era bill.

As a general rule, one-size fits all reforms rarely work well.  A path to citizenship is not likely to be an exception, although it’s better than the status quo.  Allowing a second, simpler path toward a permanent work permit that won’t lead to citizenship will allow otherwise law-abiding unauthorized immigrants, those who will be affected most, to choose their own level of legal status.

Conservatives can say that millions of unauthorized immigrants will be legalized and most won’t choose citizenship, while leftists can say they created a path toward citizenship.  Most importantly, the deportations can stop and immigration can be liberalized.  All of these sides win.           

Left-wing interest groups claim to know what’s best for unauthorized immigrants, which is why many of them are pushing for a path toward citizenship.  Conservatives claim that unauthorized immigrants don’t want citizenship, so it shouldn’t even be offered.  Instead, there should be at least two paths toward legal status, one with citizenship and one without, and the immigrants themselves should choose which one they want to individually follow. 

Nowrasteh is the immigration policy analyst at the Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity.
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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2013, 01:56:36 am »
[[ No administration, Republican or Democrat, is going to deport 11 million people.  And they are not "going home," especially those who've been here for 25 years.
So, if not legalization, what? ]]

I'll answer that.

No amnesty.
No legalization.
Not even "permanent residency".

I'm a realist. I live in a small Western Connecticut city, literally surrounded by illegals in "illegal hotels" (multifamily houses bursting with illegals).

They're not going home voluntarily, and I'm cynical enough to know that they will never be _sent_ home.

So... let them stay.
But as with everything, there must be a "price" for their invasion.

That price must be no citizenship, ever, till they die.
No right to vote, ever.
Yes, they work, and if they contribute to Social Security, they should in time be permitted to collect, provided they've met the contribution requirments anyone else must make.
But again - no citizenship, ever.

I realize their children born here are citizens by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment. The language of that amendment will never be changed, and that is that.

So the kids are legal and citizens, but the fathers and mothers must PAY for their sins -- again, no citizenship, ever.

Be it whether they've lived here ten years, twenty-five years, or fifty years.

They must always remain "strangers" in our land.

Aside: that "land" probably won't exist in its current state for that many more decades.  We will collapse as a nation and break apart, a la the Commonwealth of Independent States, or continue our devolution into a modern socialist police state.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 01:58:05 am by Fishrrman »


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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2013, 02:58:45 am »
[[ No administration, Republican or Democrat, is going to deport 11 million people.  And they are not "going home," especially those who've been here for 25 years.
So, if not legalization, what? ]]

I'll answer that.

No amnesty.
No legalization.
Not even "permanent residency".

I'm a realist. I live in a small Western Connecticut city, literally surrounded by illegals in "illegal hotels" (multifamily houses bursting with illegals).

They're not going home voluntarily, and I'm cynical enough to know that they will never be _sent_ home.

So... let them stay.
But as with everything, there must be a "price" for their invasion.

That price must be no citizenship, ever, till they die.
No right to vote, ever.
Yes, they work, and if they contribute to Social Security, they should in time be permitted to collect, provided they've met the contribution requirments anyone else must make.
But again - no citizenship, ever.

I realize their children born here are citizens by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment. The language of that amendment will never be changed, and that is that.

So the kids are legal and citizens, but the fathers and mothers must PAY for their sins -- again, no citizenship, ever.

Be it whether they've lived here ten years, twenty-five years, or fifty years.

They must always remain "strangers" in our land.

Aside: that "land" probably won't exist in its current state for that many more decades.  We will collapse as a nation and break apart, a la the Commonwealth of Independent States, or continue our devolution into a modern socialist police state.

With the basic parameters of your proposal, stripped of its rhetoric, I quite agree.  However, in order to reach that arrangement, republicans will have to be actively involved in the whole process and they must be willing to compromise on their currently-stated positions on immigration in order to horse-trade their way to a reform that imposes those sorts of conditions on current illegals who entered as adults.  The end result may not be precisely as you've stated, but so long as there is some substantive civil disability imposed on those who jumped the line and unfairly got into the US ahead of those who followed the rules, applied for a visa, and waited years before it was granted.

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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2013, 03:03:20 am »
[[ No administration, Republican or Democrat, is going to deport 11 million people.  And they are not "going home," especially those who've been here for 25 years.
So, if not legalization, what? ]]

I'll answer that.

No amnesty.
No legalization.
Not even "permanent residency".

I'm a realist. I live in a small Western Connecticut city, literally surrounded by illegals in "illegal hotels" (multifamily houses bursting with illegals).

They're not going home voluntarily, and I'm cynical enough to know that they will never be _sent_ home.

So... let them stay.
But as with everything, there must be a "price" for their invasion.

That price must be no citizenship, ever, till they die.
No right to vote, ever.
Yes, they work, and if they contribute to Social Security, they should in time be permitted to collect, provided they've met the contribution requirments anyone else must make.
But again - no citizenship, ever.

I realize their children born here are citizens by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment. The language of that amendment will never be changed, and that is that.

So the kids are legal and citizens, but the fathers and mothers must PAY for their sins -- again, no citizenship, ever.

Be it whether they've lived here ten years, twenty-five years, or fifty years.

They must always remain "strangers" in our land.

Aside: that "land" probably won't exist in its current state for that many more decades.  We will collapse as a nation and break apart, a la the Commonwealth of Independent States, or continue our devolution into a modern socialist police state.

How about we just insist that the immigration laws currently on the books be strictly enforced and forget about reform until we see how that works out!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2013, 03:08:49 am »
How about we just insist that the immigration laws currently on the books be strictly enforced and forget about reform until we see how that works out!

So, will you be brave enough to don a uniform, carry an assault rifle, and participate in going house to house in neighborhood sweeps to ferret out illegals, and to then imprison them in camps and, perhaps, frog-march them across the Rio Grande, or are you just going to hide behind the skirts of those who'll do the dirty work for you?
« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 03:09:19 am by Oceander »

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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2013, 03:16:05 am »
[[ No administration, Republican or Democrat, is going to deport 11 million people.  And they are not "going home," especially those who've been here for 25 years.
So, if not legalization, what? ]]

I'll answer that.

No amnesty.
No legalization.
Not even "permanent residency".

I'm a realist. I live in a small Western Connecticut city, literally surrounded by illegals in "illegal hotels" (multifamily houses bursting with illegals).

They're not going home voluntarily, and I'm cynical enough to know that they will never be _sent_ home.

So... let them stay.
But as with everything, there must be a "price" for their invasion.

That price must be no citizenship, ever, till they die.
No right to vote, ever.
Yes, they work, and if they contribute to Social Security, they should in time be permitted to collect, provided they've met the contribution requirments anyone else must make.
But again - no citizenship, ever.

I realize their children born here are citizens by virtue of the Fourteenth Amendment. The language of that amendment will never be changed, and that is that.

So the kids are legal and citizens, but the fathers and mothers must PAY for their sins -- again, no citizenship, ever.

Be it whether they've lived here ten years, twenty-five years, or fifty years.

They must always remain "strangers" in our land.

Aside: that "land" probably won't exist in its current state for that many more decades.  We will collapse as a nation and break apart, a la the Commonwealth of Independent States, or continue our devolution into a modern socialist police state.

I'm relatively certain that the vast majority of illegals would be fine with your proposal.  Most don't care about citizenship, about voting.  They just want to stay here and work and raise their families.

And I'd be fine with that too.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2013, 03:18:24 am »
So, will you be brave enough to don a uniform, carry an assault rifle, and participate in going house to house in neighborhood sweeps to ferret out illegals, and to then imprison them in camps and, perhaps, frog-march them across the Rio Grande, or are you just going to hide behind the skirts of those who'll do the dirty work for you?

Either we are a nation of laws are we are not.  We must choose!

And I dare say I have done and and will continue to do more than my part to see that we are!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2013, 03:33:51 am »
Either we are a nation of laws are we are not.  We must choose!

And I dare say I have done and and will continue to do more than my part to see that we are!

Nazi Germany was most definitely a nation of laws - dictates of the sovereign properly issued per governing rules - which leaves the question: are you going to have the courage to don a brown shirt, or not?

But, to bring things back down to Earth, you present the following false binary choice:  either we enforce every jot and tittle of every single law, no exceptions for any person or any law, or we're no better than lawless savages.  Human beings are imperfect, therefore the laws they create will be imperfect; an imperfect law does not work, either as intended, or because of unintended, and undesirable, consequences; a law that does not work should not be enforced but changed, either by outright repeal or by amendment.  The current immigration laws are not working - they are imperfect - and therefore the sane, rational response is not to simply blindly continue to enforce them, the unintended consequences be damned, but to change them to ameliorate the damage caused by their imperfections.

Reforming the immigration laws is the only path for sane, reasonable people; blindly enforcing, without exception, every jot and tittle of the current immigration laws is not.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 03:36:02 am by Oceander »

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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2013, 03:37:08 am »
Nazi Germany was most definitely a nation of laws - dictates of the sovereign properly issued per governing rules - which leaves the question: are you going to have the courage to don a brown shirt, or not?

But, to bring things back down to Earth, you present the following false binary choice:  either we enforce every jot and tittle of every single law, no exceptions for any person or any law, or we're no better than lawless savages.  Human beings are imperfect, therefore the laws they create will be imperfect; an imperfect law does not work, either as intended, or because of unintended, and undesirable, consequences; a law that does not work should not be enforced but changed, either by outright repeal or by amendment.  The current immigration laws are not working - they are imperfect - and therefore the sane, rational response is not to simply blindly continue to enforce them, the unintended consequences be damned, but to change them to ameliorate the damage caused by their imperfections.

Reforming the immigration laws is the only path for sane, reasonable people; blindly enforcing, without exception, every jot and tittle of the current immigration laws is not.

You are, of course, entitled to your opinions. I happen to disagree with this one.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2013, 03:39:27 am »
You are, of course, entitled to your opinions. I happen to disagree with this one.

So you must believe that we are honor-bound to enforce every jot and tittle of the ACA - i.e., Obamacare - or else we'll be little better than lawless savages.  Obamacare is the law of the land and, ipso facto, must be complied with because to do otherwise would be to descend into lawlessness.

You may have disagreed with Obamacare when it was being debated, but now that it's been passed it's the law of the land and you have obliged yourself to accept it without dissent.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 03:40:18 am by Oceander »

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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2013, 03:42:05 am »
So you must believe that we are honor-bound to enforce every jot and tittle of the ACA - i.e., Obamacare - or else we'll be little better than lawless savages.  Obamacare is the law of the land and, ipso facto, must be complied with because to do otherwise would be to descend into lawlessness.

YES! Or repeal it!

Just for the record, what makes you think that a "reformed" law will be enforced any better than the ones we have now?
« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 03:43:34 am by Bigun »
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2013, 03:51:27 am »
YES! Or repeal it!

Just for the record, what makes you think that a "reformed" law will be enforced any better than the ones we have now?

What makes you think it won't?  The current law is not enforced to the degree you would like because (a) many of its components are unworkable and therefore not capable of enforcement other than in an arbitrary and capricious manner, and (b) enforcement in many instances would be fundamentally unfair.  Reforming the law to both (a) make it more workable, and (b) less unfair, would make it easier to properly enforce.


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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2013, 04:32:36 am »
What makes you think it won't?  The current law is not enforced to the degree you would like because (a) many of its components are unworkable and therefore not capable of enforcement other than in an arbitrary and capricious manner, and (b) enforcement in many instances would be fundamentally unfair.  Reforming the law to both (a) make it more workable, and (b) less unfair, would make it easier to properly enforce.


So it is your informed opinion that we should just ignore laws, or parts of laws, that are considered to be unworkable?  Yeah! That will work! NOT!

Who get's to make the decision as to what is, or is not unworkable?
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2013, 06:51:26 pm »
Nazi Germany was most definitely a nation of laws - dictates of the sovereign properly issued per governing rules - which leaves the question: are you going to have the courage to don a brown shirt, or not?


You compare enforcing US law on illegal immigration to Nazi Germany?  Seriously?  Actually, most nations enforce their immigration laws, including Mexico.  It might surprise you, but they are not Nazis.   Making this comparison to the Nazi's causing you to completely lose all credibility.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 06:53:19 pm by MBB1984 »

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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2013, 06:56:26 pm »
So you must believe that we are honor-bound to enforce every jot and tittle of the ACA - i.e., Obamacare - or else we'll be little better than lawless savages.  Obamacare is the law of the land and, ipso facto, must be complied with because to do otherwise would be to descend into lawlessness.

You may have disagreed with Obamacare when it was being debated, but now that it's been passed it's the law of the land and you have obliged yourself to accept it without dissent.

We are obligated to enforce Obamacare as it is the law the law of the land.  We are not obligated to enforce it without dissent.  The US is not yet an Orwellian nation.

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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2013, 07:01:52 pm »
What we learned from 1986 is both parties give lip service to getting tough on the borders and its all it is.   Reason is simple.. They want the cheap labor and never look at the costs to our society as a whole... problem is these illegals get old and can't do manual labor any more so they need more cheap labor to replace them... it's a never ending cycle... what we need and should push for is a return to the bracero program.  This is not about being Nazi's, it's about what this never ending influx of uneducated people are doing to our country.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 07:02:59 pm by Rapunzel »
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #20 on: December 23, 2013, 03:37:02 pm »
MBB1984 wrote:
[[ We are obligated to enforce Obamacare as it is the law the law of the land.  We are not obligated to enforce it without dissent.  The US is not yet an Orwellian nation. ]]

Nope. Not yet.
But we're headin' in that direction.
And the speed by which we're moving, is increasing...


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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #21 on: December 23, 2013, 11:04:07 pm »
We are obligated to enforce Obamacare as it is the law the law of the land.  We are not obligated to enforce it without dissent.  The US is not yet an Orwellian nation.

Then if you were to be consistent with your own statements - and not simply just another lawless savage - you would have to advocate for, approve of, the impeachment of every single president from Geo. Washington on down to and including Obama.  Let me give you a hint:  when your own propositions paint you into an unreal, illogical corner, there's usually something wrong with your propositions.

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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2013, 11:58:15 pm »
Enforcing a law while dissenting from the same law definitely does not create grounds for  impeachment.  Elected officials may hate a law they enforce and they certainly should not be impeached for merely having contrary views on the wisdom of a law.   

I will give you this, though, you knocked the hell out of that "impeachment" straw man. 


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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #23 on: December 24, 2013, 12:04:07 am »
Enforcing a law while dissenting from the same law definitely does not create grounds for  impeachment.  Elected officials may hate a law they enforce and they certainly should not be impeached for merely having contrary views on the wisdom of a law.   

I will give you this, though, you knocked the hell out of that "impeachment" straw man. 

You missed the point - most likely out of disingenuousness - every president since Geo. Washington has failed to fully and completely enforce at least one law during his term in office.  Since the failure to enforce is an impeachable offense, then every president since Geo. Washington should have been impeached.  Furthermore, since it is the lawful obligation of the Congress to impeach a president for high crimes and misdemeanors - which we've been told includes a failure to enforce a law - then Congress, too, has been violating the Constitution all along and is also nothing more than a bunch of lawless savages because they haven't followed and enforced each and every jot and tittle of each and every law, no matter how pedestrian.

You set up the strawman, I simply did you the favor of pointing it out to everyone else.

Offline MBB1984

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Re: Ted Cruz: If House Republicans Pass Amnesty, Harry Reid Will Keep Senate
« Reply #24 on: December 24, 2013, 01:08:44 am »
You missed the point - most likely out of disingenuousness - every president since Geo. Washington has failed to fully and completely enforce at least one law during his term in office.  Since the failure to enforce is an impeachable offense, then every president since Geo. Washington should have been impeached.  Furthermore, since it is the lawful obligation of the Congress to impeach a president for high crimes and misdemeanors - which we've been told includes a failure to enforce a law - then Congress, too, has been violating the Constitution all along and is also nothing more than a bunch of lawless savages because they haven't followed and enforced each and every jot and tittle of each and every law, no matter how pedestrian.

You set up the strawman, I simply did you the favor of pointing it out to everyone else.

The point  I responded to only concerned dissenting from a law.  You stated that we could not dissent to Obamacare and I had to respond to your error.  It is difficult to understand your muddled point when it less than eloquently stated and magically appears in new form.     Now to this magically appearing point,  regarding failure to enforce a law as an impeachable offense, such action may or may not constitute high crimes and misdemeanors.  Impeachment is rare and there are few standards to apply the definition concerning a US President.  Obviously, no President can enforce all laws to the same degree.  All laws are not equal.  Failure to fully execute certain obscure laws certainly do not rise to that level, though even those laws should be enforced.  However, failing to protect the United States from invasion is of vital importance, even Constitutional importance, to our nation and therefore should be considered  a high crime and misdemeanor.