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Defense bill would decriminalize consensual sodomy for the military



--- Quote ---A provision agreed upon by the leaders of the House and Senate Armed Services committees would amend the Uniform Code of Military Justice to allow for consensual sodomy, the Air Force Times reported.

Within a $632.8 billion defense bill that may be voted upon in the House by the end of the week lies a provision that would alter Article 125 of the UCMJ. Past efforts to modify the article have failed because it covers regulations on bestiality and forced sodomy. Due to those concerns, the language crafted for the provision’s latest iteration leaves those regulations in place.

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Currently, service members who are punished for consensual sodomy could receive a dishonorable discharge and a forfeiture of all pay and allowance — and up to five years’ confinement — according to the Air Force Times.

In the event the House passes the bill this week, Sen. Carl Levin, Michigan Democrat, said the plan would be for the Senate to give final approval by the week of Dec. 16, the Air Force Times reported.
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