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State Legislators discuss Convention of States at Mount Vernon Assembly
December 8, 2013 by Garrett Humbertson

Approval ratings for Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court are all at record lows, reflecting the public’s dissatisfaction with a runaway federal government. Many are concerned about Washington D.C.’s culture of corruption, entitlement programs on the path to bankruptcy, and a complicated tax code and bureaucracy which stifle both economic growth and liberty.

With this in mind, nearly one hundred state legislators from 32 different states gathered at George Washington’s home in Mount Vernon, Virginia, on Saturday. They met to discuss the possibility of a Convention of the States for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution, as described in Article V of the United States Constitution.

Fed up with the federal government’s overreach, state legislators says that such a convention would meet for the purpose of crafting constitutional amendments to curb the federal government’s abuses. Amendments that are being mentioned include Congressional term limits as well as limits on federal taxation and spending.

AZ delegation attending the historic Assembly of States at Mt. Vernon.
    #ArticleV #Constitution
    Senator Kelli Ward (@kelliwardaz) December 07, 2013

A recent Gallup poll found that 75 percent of Americans support Congressional term limits, and other polls indicate 74 percent support a balanced budget amendment. State legislators attending the Mount Vernon Assembly emphasized a bipartisan purpose for a future convention.


Saturday’s meeting was organized by Senator David Long of Indiana, and Representative Chris Kapenga of Wisconsin helped distribute information about establishing rules for such a convention.

Many more state legislators had expressed interest in attending the Mount Vernon Assembly, but the room was at capacity. Other legislators not in attendance have expressed their doubts about an Article V Amendments Convention becoming a reality, although Virginia and South Carolina recently became the first states to pre-file an application for such a convention.

Although no constitutional amendment has ever been implemented in this way, the Framers of the Constitution specifically included the state convention method for amending the Constitution so that the States could have a legal means to curb an out-of-control federal government.
As James Madison describes in his notes, many Framers were concerned that Congress alone would have the authority to propose amendments:

“Col: Mason thought the plan of amending the Constitution exceptionable & dangerous. As the proposing of amendments is in both the modes to depend, in the first immediately, and in the second, ultimately, on Congress, no amendments of the proper kind would ever be obtained by the people, if the Government should become oppressive, as he verily believe would be the case. Mr. Morris & Mr. Gerry moved to amend the article so as to require a Convention on application of 2/3 of the Sts.”

Per Article V of the Constitution, two-thirds of the state legislatures (34) must pass an application for a convention to occur. Then, the state legislatures would be able to send delegates to the convention, but each state would only get one vote on proposed amendments. It would require three-fourths (38) of the states to ratify any one amendment for it to become part of the Constitution.

Although many state legislators have been pursuing such a convention for years, recent endeavors like Convention of States Project, Compact for America, and Mark Levin’s book The Liberty Amendments have drawn significant attention to this movement. In addition, President Eisenhower once endorsed an Article V Convention for the purpose of Congressional term limits, while President Reagan supported the convention process to achieve a Balanced Budget Amendment.

Scroll down to see state legislators live-tweeting the event.

    Getting ready to start! #MtVernonAssembly
    Rep. Kelly Townsend (@KellyTownsend11) December 07, 2013

    #MountVernonAssembly is about to begin. Discussion on groundwork for Article V Convention. #ksleg #tcot #kstac #tac #ksliberty—
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    History being made. It's like 1787 but with @twitter. @RapertSenate @NateBell4AR
    Bob Ballinger (@Bob_Ballinger) December 07, 2013

    97 legislators from 32 states met for the Mt Vernon Assembly to consider rules for an Article V conv.
    Rep. Bill Taylor (@TaylorSCHouse) December 07, 2013

    Today's #MountVernonAssembly was a positive step towards restoring our country to some semblance of fiscal…—
    Nate Bell (@NateBell4AR) December 07, 2013

    Joining with 97 legislators from 32 states to assert the role of state government in a time of massive…
    Senator Kelli Ward (@kelliwardaz) December 07, 2013

    Honored to be 1 of 4 from AR at Mount Vernon Assembly to identify a safe path to an Article V Convention of States!
    Randy Alexander (@RepRandy88) December 07, 2013

    #MountVernonAssembly delegates discussing rules of engagement.
    Sen. Jason Rapert (@jasonrapert) December 07, 2013

    Discussion of Article V commences. #MountVernonAssembly
    Sen. Jason Rapert (@RapertSenate) December 07, 2013

    A sense of hope and expectation permeates the delegates as we hear about the gathering of delegates here in 1785 #MountVernonAssembly—
    Sen. Jason Rapert (@RapertSenate) December 07, 2013

    Now starting to talk about State delegate election and responsibility. #MtVernonAssembly—
    Rep. Kelly Townsend (@KellyTownsend11) December 07, 2013

    Being treated to some history at the #MtVernonAssembly #AZGOP
    Rep. Kelly Townsend (@KellyTownsend11) December 07, 2013

    Talking about building public confidence @ #MtVernonAssembly #tcot #azgop
    Rep. Kelly Townsend (@KellyTownsend11) December 07, 2013

    KS represented by @Travis_CL @kevinicolejones @imwithmary Caryn Tyson, @Judgerubes & myself. #MountVernonAssembly—
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    The proposed resolution at the #MountVernonAssembly #ArticleV
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    Sen. Long: by Indiana law any vote cast by a delegate outside of their charge in an #ArticleV Con. is void. #MountVernonAssembly—
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    Senator Long (IN) speaking on legislation passed by Indiana on how to pick delegates & hold them accountable. #MountVernonAssembly—
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    @Publius_II I've just been told that the #MountVernonAssembly is being recorded and will be loaded to YouTube later. #transparency—
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    Discussion of how to pay for #ArticleV Con. Spoken opposition to corporate funding for fear of "buying an outcome" #MountVernonAssembly—
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    Discussion on meaning of "application to Congress" for #ArticleV con. Notification vs. congressional approval. #MountVernonAssembly—
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    Rep Moon (MO): Future convention should be transparent to alleviate concerns of runaway convention. Possibly televised. #MountVernonAssembly—
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    Ohio Rep states that each state should have only one vote in an #ArticleV convention. #MountVernonAssembly #Republic—
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    #MountVernonAssembly Seems to be a consensus in the room that individual states should set their own delegate credentials. #StateRights—
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    Outline of rules discussion at #MountVernonAssembly for future #ArticleV #ksleg #kstac
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    The time to create rules/safeguards for #ArticleV Convention is before a convention is ever called. #MountVernonAssembly—
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    Kapenga: State resolutions could hold convention delegates to pre-approved rules. If rules are changed, delegates would lose authority.—
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    #MountVernonAssembly passes resolution on voice vote endorsing a Rules Convention of delegates appointed by state legislatures. #ArticleV—
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    3 reoccurring principles for future #ArticleV Con. 1) transparency 2) 1state/1 vote & 3) specific charge for convention #MountVernonAssembly—
    Brett Hildabrand (@Brett4ks) December 07, 2013

    Excellent meeting today at Mount Vernon Assembly regarding US Constitution process for changes under Art V.
    Senator Arthur Orr (@SenatorAOrr) December 07, 2013

    Delegates to #MountVernonAssembly request to speak using small identifying signs like this one. #Federalism #compact
    Nate Bell (@NateBell4AR) December 07, 2013

    It was stressed – God Almighty be beseeched in this process & delegate selection left 2 States, and bipartisan in nature #MtVernonAssembly—
    Rep. Kelly Townsend (@KellyTownsend11) December 07, 2013

    Opened & closed with prayer…#MountVernonAssembly
    KevinJones (@kevinicolejones) December 07, 2013

    #MountVernonAssembly concluded. Next mtg proposed for May but not confirmed. Those leaving said mtg was productive & "good start." #ArticleV—
    Charley Crowson (@CrowsonFromABC2) December 07, 2013
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Re: State Legislators discuss Convention of States at Mount Vernon Assembly
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2013, 02:18:50 am »
Be careful of opening such a large can of worms.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: State Legislators discuss Convention of States at Mount Vernon Assembly
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2013, 02:20:42 am »
Be careful of opening such a large can of worms.

Which is why they are approaching this very carefully.....  frankly we do this or this country is lost - DC is too big and too out of control and both parties are equally corrupt.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: State Legislators discuss Convention of States at Mount Vernon Assembly
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2013, 02:22:59 am »
BTW Glenn Beck had Mark Levin on his program a couple of months ago to discuss this and how Levin (a former Reagan Justice Department lawyer and a constitutional attorney)  said this could be done... Beck was very critical of Levin on the program, but stated he was going to keep an open mind and after reading the book discuss with some lawyers he trusts...... he has now come to believe Levin is correct (after talking to a lot of legal experts).
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Re: State Legislators discuss Convention of States at Mount Vernon Assembly
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2013, 02:23:21 am »
Which is why they are approaching this very carefully.....  frankly we do this or this country is lost - DC is too big and too out of control and both parties are equally corrupt.

Tell me, who's managed to control the course of national discourse and national governance for the last 7 years, at least?  What makes you think that they wouldn't similarly be able to control the course of any constitutional convention?  Do you really want an amendment to the Constitution that gives everyone the right to free health care and cradle-to-grave welfare?

To restate my last comment:  be careful what you wish for because you might just get it.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: State Legislators discuss Convention of States at Mount Vernon Assembly
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2013, 02:26:57 am »
Tell me, who's managed to control the course of national discourse and national governance for the last 7 years, at least?  What makes you think that they wouldn't similarly be able to control the course of any constitutional convention?  Do you really want an amendment to the Constitution that gives everyone the right to free health care and cradle-to-grave welfare?

To restate my last comment:  be careful what you wish for because you might just get it.

Well, my local state senator  - Kelli Ward (also a local medical doctor) is one of the attendees of this first meeting...   The red states are not going to be pushing free shit at this convention...  this is to get us back from all the free shit....  you need to read the Levin book he has laid it out very carefully.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Re: State Legislators discuss Convention of States at Mount Vernon Assembly
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2013, 02:28:52 am »
Well, my local state senator  - Kelli Ward (also a local medical doctor) is one of the attendees of this first meeting...   The red states are not going to be pushing free shit at this convention...  this is to get us back from all the free shit....  you need to read the Levin book he has laid it out very carefully.

Hope springs eternal.  Whatever.  Shall I say "thanks for sticking me with full socialism" now, or should I wait until after the democrats get it enshrined in the Constitution courtesy of your convention?

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: State Legislators discuss Convention of States at Mount Vernon Assembly
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2013, 02:31:51 am »
Hope springs eternal.  Whatever.  Shall I say "thanks for sticking me with full socialism" now, or should I wait until after the democrats get it enshrined in the Constitution courtesy of your convention?

We already know New York is not going to vote for what this convention is about..
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: State Legislators discuss Convention of States at Mount Vernon Assembly
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2013, 02:38:54 am »

 Levin has proposed a number of changes to term limits, taxation, restoring states' power and more.

Currrently, states' powers have been almost completely overruled by Federal laws and mandates, debt is out of control, stretching past two generations of American's ability to pay it off. Government spending is a significant proportion of GDP and the GDP itself is stagnating; is this caused by the heavy burden of non-productive government spending? Government regulation has even gone so far as to dictate what kind of light bulb can be manufactured and sold and choices in healthcare may soon be dictated by unelected bureaucrats. For those who think that this kind of centralized power is dangerous and even tyrannical, Levin's amendments seek to address the power that the Federal government has arrogated unto itself, a power that never was the original intent of the Founding Fathers and which reduces individual liberty significantly.

Levin's amendments include:

1. Term limits, including for justices.

2. Repealing Amendment 17 and returning the election of senators to state legislatures

3. A congressional supermajority to override Supreme Court decisions (overruling what could be a stacked court)

4. Spending limit based on GDP

5. Taxation capped at 15%

6. Limiting the commerce clause, and strengthening private property rights

7. Power of states to override a federal statute by a three-fifths vote.

These ideas will be opposed by those who favor central planning and a very powerful federal government, who believe that a few should decide the fate of many, who like the current system and the way it's headed. It will also be ignored by those who think that there is too much inertia to oppose the direction we're headed. It's true there are powerful forces at work fundamentally transforming the nation, but it's also true that there is a plurality of opinion throughout the US. For those who wonder how we've gotten to where we are presently, and how we might restore personal liberty and more localized government, where we have MORE of a say, not less, this is a very important book and worth reading and discussing.

We are all on the same side here. The Liberty Amendments provides hope, direction, and an attainable goal for all lovers of liberty, conservative and libertarian alike. What is that goal? To use the second method found within Article V for amending the Constitution through the States. I did not realize that this could be. I thought that the only way for a Constitutional amendment to become part of the Constitution is for them to be introduced in the legislature which must support it with a 2/3 vote and then ratified by 3/4 of the states. Not so, explains Levin. This is what statists fear most: the states uniting against the national government to amend the Constitution and restore limited government and begin an exodus from the post-Constitutional era into the Constitutional era. This should be a rally point for conservatives and libertarians who can appreciate Levin's original premise and intellect that produced this first-rate scholarship and provides fuel for the torch of liberty.

Our Republic is broken. Some of the most hostile and antagonistic adversaries to liberty reside within our own government, including those apostate politicians we trusted to rightly represent us. We have a malevolent body of reckless politicians whom pass 3000-page omnibus legislation they cannot have read. Washington statists have no incentive to read their own legislative bills because they are wont to exempt themselves from their laws. Example: Affordable Healthcare Act - The U.S. Congress is exempt from Obamacare! In fact, Barack Obama is himself exempt from Obamacare! Americans are capriciously mandated to comply with onerous, life-changing laws, by the Ruling Class statists in Congress, who contrive, (in bad faith) to actually exempt themselves from the very laws they author as compulsory for, "We the Little People".

Further, these arrogant statists cherry-pick exemptions from their own lawmaking by doling out exemptions from their legal hardships as Party favors to their union cronies. Then to their largest contributors. Then to their friends and office staff. We have become a broken system with two sets of laws. Once our elected representatives are safely embedded on the other side of the Potomac, they then join notorious political coalitions, as they plot in secret, to upend their constituents' political, and moral principles, as well as forsake the Constitution they swore an oath to uphold. SEE: Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America

Something must be done to change the Country's collision course with an authoritarian government. Top conservative radio talk show host, Edward Meese's chief of staff in the Reagan Administration, dog lover, and constitutional scholar Mark Levin, has put much thought and scholarly effort into The Liberty Amendments. His desire is to begin the discussion for a Constitutional means to reign in our government and return our country to her founding principles.

Here are some of his chapter topics:

~ An Amendment to Establish Term Limits for Members of Congress
~ An Amendment to Restore the Senate (repeal of the 17th Amendment)
~ An Amendment to Establish Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices and Super-Majority Legislative Override
~ Two Amendments to Limit Federal Spending and Taxation
~ An Amendment to Limit the Federal Bureaucracy
~ An Amendment to Promote Free Enterprise (redefining the Commerce Clause)
~ An Amendment to Protect Private Property (curbing abuses under the Takings Clause).
~ An Amendment to Grant the States Authority to Directly Amend the Constitution
~ An Amendment to Grant States Authority to Check Congress
~ An Amendment to Protect the Vote (requiring photo ID)

Even so-called "conservative" and "Tea Party" candidates who took of our time and money in return for bi-lingual political anodynes on their campaign trail, apparently feel no tweaks of compunction as they later join arms with our political enemies who champion Karl Marx, and various Hegelian dialectical stratagem, "A lie is not a lie if it advances your agenda," once they feel safely sheltered within their new Washington, D.C. coterie.

Today, we have watched the formation congressional "Gangs" who work in concert with hostile cabals of backroom elitists, and statists, using shameful junta tactics in BAD FAITH, to secretly plot, steamroll, and thwart their constituents' and the Country's best interests in ways never intended by the Founding Fathers.

Through procedural maneuvers and nefarious tactical exercises designed to fool the public, and ram through porcine laden bills, the Washington "Gangs," (lead by President Obama's surrogates) and front men, such as Senator Chuck Schumer, are anathema to their constituents' good faith efforts in placing these "conservatives" in office.
(Examples: Rubio and Ryan)

We are witnessing a mendacious, cynical, hostile process of lies and deceptions contrived to defeat supporters, - without whose effort, many of these politicians would not have been elected.

I admit I am somewhat squeamish about allowing this Congress any more power to affect my life through Constitutional Amendments, but Mr. Levin's stated intent is beginning the dialog on positive change.

This is not your bubbe's meatball recipe!
But it is a timely, and much awaited effort.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776