Author Topic: Goodbye free speech: California county censors worker for criticizing Obamacare  (Read 612 times)

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Offline Cincinnatus

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It seems free political speech is no longer welcome in Barack Obama's fundamentally-transformed, politically-correct America. Norina Mooney, a veteran employee who has logged some 20 years with Santa Clara County in California, has been censored by county officials for daring to criticize Obamacare, the Daily Caller reported Sunday.

According to the Daily Caller, a coworker was offended after overhearing Mooney criticize the president's signature healthcare law that has cost millions their current coverage.

Those cancellations, Mooney’s attorneys said, were the subject of conversation that got her in trouble.

The Daily Caller said Mooney was called into a private meeting and allegedly dressed down by a supervisor because an unidentified person was offended after overhearing the alleged conversation.

Now, Mooney must exit the building if she has anything political to say.

The edict is odd, her attorneys say, because according to Mooney, the office is filled with pro-Obama paraphernalia and office workers openly wore pro-Obama campaign attire to work during the election. The message is clear: Any criticism of Dear Leader will not be allowed.

Mooney, the Daily Caller added, works for the child support enforcement division, which does not involve the implementation or enforcement of Obamacare.

Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, observed the problems with Mooney's treatment.

“Just when we thought the disastrous ObamaCare rollout couldn’t get much worse, the county of Santa Clara is compounding those problems by claiming that criticism is off-limits,” he said. “Liberals and conservatives alike should be able to agree that this type of censorship is chilling and unconstitutional.”

Several weeks ago, Mooney's attorneys sent the county a letter demanding answers and seeking an affirmation of public employees’ First Amendment rights to comment on matters of public concern. The county has not responded.

Attorneys are now contemplating legal action.

This is not the first time someone has been reportedly punished for disagreeing with Obamacare.

On Nov. 30, we reported that a cancer patient critical of Obamacare was targeted by the IRS with an audit. The healthcare broker who helped him was also targeted by the IRS.

Last November, Dr. Barbara Bellar said that despite an excellent record, she lost her job at Metro South Medical Center in Blue Island, Ill., for opposing Obamacare.

In October, Dr. Ben Carson compared Obamacare to Soviet communism. It seems he was closer to the mark than he may have realized.

This stuff is getting increasingly frightening.
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Offline flowers

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he still has 3 years, just think how things will be then? 8888crybaby