Author Topic: Biden Visits Japan, Asks Women 'Do Your Husbands Like You Working Full Time?'  (Read 488 times)

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Vice President Joe Biden visited Japan on Tuesday in an attempt to quell tensions between Japan and China – and, in the process, he proceeded to gaffe his way around the nation. After stepping off the plane and meeting new ambassador Caroline Kennedy, Biden swung over to a Japanese internet company, where he was slated to speak on women in the economy – the so-called “Womenomics” program.

He then sat down with five women in the DeNa cafeteria and asked them, “Do your husbands like you working full time?” Biden asked the women if they could work from home, as well.

He then turned to talks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in an attempt to push a regional free trade agreement. “We need a comprehensive agreement that involves longstanding differences between the United States and Japan including issues like agriculture and automobiles,” Biden said. Japan has tariffs against Chinese goods. “All countries – including mine – are grappling with sensitive issues,” Biden continued. “The most important thing is that countries make the tough choices necessary to deliver a successful agreement.”

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BEIJING – After getting no concessions from China on its new air defense zone, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden flew to Seoul on Thursday to meet South Korean leaders also worried by Beijing's claim that it now controls all air space over the vast East China Sea.

In the Chinese capital Thursday morning, Biden told American business leaders he had been ''very direct'' in telling President Xi Jinping about the U.S. government's objections to a zone that has also angered Japan, Biden's first stop on his three-nation, week-long trip.

"China's recent and sudden announcement of a new air defense identification zone has, to state the obvious, caused significant apprehension in the region,'' Biden said.

But as China's economy grows, its stake in regional security also rises, he said.

''That's why China will bear increasing responsibility to contribute positively to peace and security,'' said Biden.

China's state-run media Thursday repeated arguments that blame Japan, not China.

"The current tension in the East China Sea is stirred up by Japan to win pity," said an editorial in the Global Times, a Communist Party-controlled newspaper.

Chinese analysts have said the new air zone is primarily aimed at forcing Japan to begin negotiations over a group of uninhabited islands annexed by Japan in the 19th century.

Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are located along the East China Sea as is the eastern coast of China. The sea contains vast fishing resources and is estimated to have untapped oil and natural gas deposits, as well. China says it all belongs to it. ...

Rest of story at USA Today
Thanks, Joe. Another job ... done!
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Chinese Premier Li Keqiang thinks to himself, "What a freakin' idiot!"
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