Author Topic: America: Land of the Adult-Children  (Read 552 times)

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America: Land of the Adult-Children
« on: December 01, 2013, 05:44:00 pm »
Conn Carroll

Turning adults into children who must be cared for by the state has long been a goal of the progressive movement. Katie Pavlich investigates for the December issue of Townhall Magazine.

Back in the day, children became adults at the age of 18 and quickly learned what it’s like to enter into responsible adult- hood. Politicians and the general American public embraced the idea of “kids” regularly transitioning into an account- able and productive member of society. After all, World War II was won by young men between the ages of 18 and 26.

But these days, our politicians and the country seem to be singing a different tune. The good news is, we still have brave young men and women voluntarily sign- ing up to serve our country at the age of 18. But the adults back at home, unfortu- nately, are now referring to them as “kids.”

One key point President Obama has repeatedly made in an effort to sell Obamacare (and to gain votes in elections) is that “kids” can stay on their parent’s health insurance until they are 26-years-old. Obama repeated the kid claim during a town hall meeting in New Hampshire just two months before the health care exchanges crashed and burned.

Three months later during a hear- ing on Capitol Hill about the disastrous Obamacare, Democrat Rep. Mike Doyle took things a step further by talking about his 33-year-old son, whose health insurance premium was being paid for by his wife.

“One of my four kids is self-employed. He’s 33 years old. He’s paying about $140 a month right now for a Blue Cross plan. He’s eligible for a subsidy. We browse that site. He’s going to be able to get coverage for about half of what he’s paying right now, and that’s good news for us, because I think my wife is paying his premium, so I think we’re going to save the money,” Doyle said....

.continue reading in Townhall's December issue. (If you have a subscription)