Author Topic: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer  (Read 1659 times)

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Telling your mainstream medical doctor that you’d like to forfeit chemotherapy and instead adopt an organic lifestyle full of juicing and raw nutrition to treat your own cancer could lead him or her to label you as ‘insane’, but it could also save your life. In the case of one man with stage 3 colon cancer given a 60% chance to live for a maximum of five more years under chemotherapy, he decided to forfeit chemo and venture into a natural health lifestyle only to be more than satisfied 9 years later.

At 26 years of age, Chris faced a nightmare scenario that he simply did not know how to face. After a visit to the oncologist, Chris was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer — and it had spread far beyond the colon itself. In addition to carrying a tumor the size of a golf ball in his large intestine that was continuing to grow, Chris’ cancer had spread to his lymph nodes. And it all happened two weeks before Chris was preparing to celebrate Christmas with his family.

This is the point in which mainstream doctors pressure patients into immediate and expensive action, decrying ‘alternative’ therapies as baseless and downright dangerous. For Chris, he faced the exact same scenario. At first, he succumbed to the wishes of the doctor and decided to go in for surgery.

He was then given a 60% chance to experience up to 5 years more of his life, a life which included his wife and children. This is particularly strange as chemotherapy is not generally even used for such cancers, but for whatever reason Chris’ doctor was pursuing it. At this point, Chris had enough. Doing his own research into the reality behind cancer’s formation and alternative options, Chris told his doctor that he was going to give the route of natural health a chance. A route that puts nutrition and lifestyle far ahead of medical intervention, documenting how nutrition is actually at the heart of virtually all disease.

This was simply unacceptable to Chris’ oncologist, who at one point had told him it really didn’t matter what he ate after his initial surgery (and he was actually served Sloppy Joe after the surgery). Chris was labeled as a nutjob by the doctor, who discounted the natural route as nothing more than a joke. Because after all, diet plays no role in the health of the body, right?
Nine years later, Chris is now alive and healthy with his wife and two daughters thanks to his rigorous natural health lifestyle and raw food diet. His story has been seen by thousands on Youtube, and most recently has gone viral on the GreenMedInfoTV website. In his own words from his blog:

“The human body is intelligently designed to heal itself, and given the proper nutrients and care, it will. Despite what doctors may have told you, you have options. You have the power to transform your health. If I did it, you can too!”

Offline massadvj

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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2013, 06:17:52 pm »
Articles like this are very damaging to people.  It is the ultimate in irresponsibility to encourage a cancer victim to forego chemo in favor of "organic fruits and vegetables."  Why bother even having scientists and our entire medical infrastructure if people can be persuaded that science, which is based on thousands upon thousands of heavily controlled studies, can be discredited by a single testimonial.

Offline olde north church

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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2013, 07:56:46 pm »
My grandmother was diagnosed with some sort of colon cancer in the mid 1970s.  She had been a vegetarian for 12 or so years prior to that.  She passed away in May at age 93, figure 40 years. 
What in the previous statement had anything to do with how she got cancer, how she survived the cancer or how long she survived?  Absolutely nothing.  Anecdote is not treatment.
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2013, 07:59:21 pm »
Articles like this are very damaging to people.  It is the ultimate in irresponsibility to encourage a cancer victim to forego chemo in favor of "organic fruits and vegetables."  Why bother even having scientists and our entire medical infrastructure if people can be persuaded that science, which is based on thousands upon thousands of heavily controlled studies, can be discredited by a single testimonial.

After seeing what chemo does to people I've known who had cancer, went the chemo route and died anyway and had no quality of the end of life due to the debilitating effects of the chemo there is no way I personally would do it should I be unlucky enough to get cancer.
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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2013, 10:52:15 pm »
So he did have the surgery, right? Chances he'd still be alive without it are probably very slim.

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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2013, 11:18:52 pm »
I've seen both sides of this, and believe it is a "case by case" basis, and the desires of the patient, above all else.

--my brother died from leukemia at age 37. He lived nine great years with it, before a violent final period, when chemo was tried but failed. The side effects of the chemo with him, were horrific. When the doctors said they could try chemo again, with little prospect for success, the family opted to spare him further pain. He died a few days later.

--my sister-in-law is a two-time breast cancer survivor, each time involving chemotherapy. She's mighty happy to be still alive.

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Offline xfreeper

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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2013, 02:36:33 am »
I've seen both sides of this, and believe it is a "case by case" basis, and the desires of the patient, above all else.

This....and a healthy diet and lifestyle can't hurt either

Offline Chieftain

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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2013, 02:47:07 am »
If you really want to avoid colon cancer, you need to go on the Shredded Wheat and Metamucil breakfast regimen.  You take three large shredded wheat biscuits, put them in a large bowl, cover them with a medium bottle of Metamucil, and pound 'em down.  That much roughage forced through your system once a day will scour out your pipes better than Roto Rooter could, (and it won't hurt your sewer pipes one bit either...) and you will have the personal satisfaction of giving birth to a five gallon bucket every day so regularly you could set the village clock by its arrival.


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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2013, 06:27:10 am »
You take three large shredded wheat biscuits, put them in a large bowl, cover them with a medium bottle of Metamucil, and pound 'em down.

I think I would rather be dead.
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Offline Chieftain

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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2013, 12:41:07 pm »
You take three large shredded wheat biscuits, put them in a large bowl, cover them with a medium bottle of Metamucil, and pound 'em down.

I think I would rather be dead.

Maybe you would do better with Frosted Shredded Wheat....??


Offline Lando Lincoln

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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2013, 01:19:59 pm »
If you really want to avoid colon cancer, you need to go on the Shredded Wheat and Metamucil breakfast regimen.  You take three large shredded wheat biscuits, put them in a large bowl, cover them with a medium bottle of Metamucil, and pound 'em down.  That much roughage forced through your system once a day will scour out your pipes better than Roto Rooter could, (and it won't hurt your sewer pipes one bit either...) and you will have the personal satisfaction of giving birth to a five gallon bucket every day so regularly you could set the village clock by its arrival.


Love it!
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Offline aligncare

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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2013, 02:26:08 pm »
My three brothers and I agree – now, after dad's death six months ago from chemo and radiation. If we had left things alone – he was symptom-free, feeling fine – he would've lived many more happy years, rather than the eight months of pain he lived after the diagnosis and start of harsh, invasive, immunity-compromising treatment.

You can gather from the above my advice for anyone in the same age category and similarly stricken with squamous cell lung carcinoma – avoid at all costs any immuno-compromising treatment.

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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2013, 02:27:46 pm »
By the way, he smoked for 40 years.

Offline massadvj

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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2013, 02:44:32 pm »
My three brothers and I agree – now, after dad's death six months ago from chemo and radiation. If we had left things alone – he was symptom-free, feeling fine – he would've lived many more happy years, rather than the eight months of pain he lived after the diagnosis and start of harsh, invasive, immunity-compromising treatment.

You can gather from the above my advice for anyone in the same age category and similarly stricken with squamous cell lung carcinoma – avoid at all costs any immuno-compromising treatment.

Chemo is a crap shoot.  But it has saved a lot of lives and increased the survival rates for nearly all forms of cancer.  Some people do not respond to it, and, of course, it's incredibly toxic.  My 83 year old father-in-law decided to pass on chemo after being diagnosed with colon cancer.  He lasted about a year, but he had 6-7 months of a normal life, which he likely would not have had on chemo.  On the other hand, there are many, many documented cases of stage 3 and 4 cancers getting put into remission and people surviving more than 5 years as a result of chemo.  One such person is Fred Thompson, who underwent chemo for lymphoma quite a while ago. 

I think it's an individual decision.  You look at what you have, you figure out the odds of survival, weigh that against quality of life, and then decide. 

One thing I do know for certain.  Organic foods do not cure cancer.  The case of this "crazy" man could easily be explained by the placebo effect, or perhaps he was young enough and healthy enough that his immune system beat the cancer.  It does happen.  There is a huge body of scientific literature on cancer treatment, survival rates, efficacy of various chemo regimens against various cancers, etc.  There has been very good progress in keeping people alive with chemotherapy.  I'd never advise a relatively young patient with terminal cancer to forgo it, though I wouldn't blame someone if he did.

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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2013, 02:52:11 pm »
I don't consider the chemo option to be a crap shoot so much as something one needs to make a very informed decision about before undergoing.

I worked on a cancer unit of a hospital in the 70's when I first got out of nursing school, and let me tell you, the chemo horror stories back then were something else.  In this day and age, depending on the type of cancer, and its extent when discovered, there are sometimes gentler options available.  I know women who have gone the chemo route for breast cancer, and are now leading wonderful, productive lives.   I have also seen others who lived out many years comfortably as a result of some chemo treatments:  their cancer was more like a chronic ailment rather than a debilitating disease,  and their extended life spans were worth living. 

Offline happyg

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Re: Meet the Man Called ‘Crazy’ By Doctors Who Cured His Own Colon Cancer
« Reply #15 on: November 30, 2013, 03:06:05 pm »
I don't consider the chemo option to be a crap shoot so much as something one needs to make a very informed decision about before undergoing.

In 2007, my niece was dx with squamous cell throat cancer in the 4th stage. Her prognosis was not good. Angie has three children, so went the chemo rout. The chemo wreaked havoc on her, somewhat deforming her once beautiful face. After nearly two years of chemo, her doctor told her he could give it one last zap (her words) of radiation. He said it could cure her or kill her. She opted for the zap, and the entire side of her neck was blackened. However, that was six years ago, and she is back to normal except for the now minor disfiguration. There is a chance it can come back, but so far, so good.