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NYT: Obama's Iran Deal 'Welcome Change of Subject' from Obamacare



 by Ben Shapiro 25 Nov 2013, 11:14 AM PDT

Despite mainstream media outlets including NBC News declaring it foolish to link the Obama administration’s big Iranian sellout to changing the subject from Obamacare, The New York Times did just that on Monday, announcing that the Iran deal was a “welcome change of subject” from Obamacare. Mark Landler called the agreement “a seminal moment” presenting Obama with “the chance to chart a new American course in the Middle East for the first time in more than three decades.”

The Times wrote, “For President Obama, whose popularity and second-term agenda have been ravaged by the chaotic rollout of the health care law, the preliminary nuclear deal reached with Iran on Sunday is more than a welcome change of subject.”

The Times even quoted Obama aides talking about what a genius Obama is: “Over the course of the negotiations, aides say, Mr. Obama became well-versed in the minutiae of Iran’s nuclear program. At a presentation last week with lawmakers, he ticked off the elements of sanctions relief that the West was prepared to offer Iran.”

NBC News, as John Nolte reported on Monday, blasted anyone who made the point that the Iran deal distracted from Obamacare: “if you thought something could ‘step’ on this issue, you are incredibly naïve. The folks promoting this talking point endlessly as somehow a serious strategy ought to know better.”

Perhaps NBC News ought to have a sit-down with the New York Times to hash out just which one is being naïve.

I guess the nuking of Israel or Saudi Arabia or even us,  will be a 'welcome change of subject' from Obamacare in too?   :chairbang:


--- Quote from: flowers on November 25, 2013, 09:55:36 pm ---I guess the nuking of Israel or Saudi Arabia or even us,  will be a 'welcome change of subject' from Obamacare in too?   :chairbang:

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Why are you complaining? Radiation poisoning, mutations and blast incineration are all covered under Obamacare.  :tongue2:


--- Quote from: EC on November 26, 2013, 06:52:15 pm ---Why are you complaining? Radiation poisoning, mutations and blast incineration are all covered under Obamacare.  :tongue2:

--- End quote ---


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