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Liberal Professor Tells White Male Students To Commit Suicide To Benefit Society

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--- Quote --- Noel Ignatiev, a professor at Massachusetts College of Art, has for years advocated the total elimination of Caucasians.

During his final lecture before retirement last Monday, he told his white male students "you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease."

    NOEL IGNATIEV: If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world! They only murder, exploit and oppress non-whites! At least a white woman can have sex with a black man and make a brown baby but what can a white male do? He’s good for nothing. Slavery, genocides against aboriginal peoples and massive land confiscation, the inquisition, the holocaust, white males are all to blame! You maintain your white male privilege only by oppressing, discriminating against and enslaving others!

That transcript was published at a website called Diversity Chronicle which agrees with Ignatiev:

    The good Professor’s sound and reasonable words resonate with every enlightened and progressive mind. They are indisputable and no one can debate them. They should not be controversial in the slightest, yet remarkably a few far-right extremists object to the Prof. Ignatiev’s advice. The Professor however, reported receiving “a standing ovation” from his “largely white and middle class students.”

Ignatiev punctuated his disgusting comments during an interview with DC:

    IGNATIEV: The goal of destroying the white race is simply so desirable, it boggles the mind trying to understand how anyone could possibly object to it. Those who object to my advice, knowingly or perhaps unknowingly, are themselves white supremacists. They wish to go on oppressing and exploiting other races and maintaining their own privileged positions of power. That is the conscious and sometimes subconscious motivation of all of my critics. That is why they object to destroying the cancer of humanity known as the white race. That ugly disease, which dares to call itself a people and a culture. [...]

    Obviously, all whites need to be destroyed, but why not start with white males? They are behind most of history’s greatest atrocities. Besides, some of the brothers like to bang white women. Eventually white women can breed out, but my feeling is that if you are a white male, you should kill yourself now. If you are a thoughtful person, with a social consciousness who considers himself white, you will consider suicide. It’s the right thing to do.

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This is not the first time Ignatiev called for the elimination of Caucasians. The Washington Times reported in September 2002 he did so while teaching at Harvard:

    Noel Ignatiev, a founder of a journal called Race Traitor and a fellow at Harvard's W.E.B. DuBois Institute, a leading black-studies department, argues in the current issue of Harvard Magazine that "abolishing the white race" is "so desirable that some may find it hard to believe" that anyone other than "committed white supremacists" would oppose it.

    In excerpts appearing this week in newspapers nationwide, Mr. Ignatiev, who is white, writes that "every group within white America," including "labor unionists, ethnic groups, college students, schoolteachers, taxpayers and white women" has at one time or another "advanced its particular and narrowly defined interests at
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This is the type of mentality/war  we will be fighting in the next 5 years or so. They breed this in our education system, and have been for some time. The ones in power now are drooling for a race war.

The war is on our streets already...with the knockout game.


--- Quote ---In excerpts appearing this week in newspapers nationwide, Mr. Ignatiev, who is white, writes that "every group within white America,"
--- End quote ---

You go first, mate.

Silly professor! Who will be left to create jobs and work? There won't be anyone left to do the heavy lifting.

olde north church:
92% of everything that has been invented, has been invented by Caucasians.


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