General Category > National/Breaking News

Student, 14, 'used tree branch to rape teacher in school bathroom before murdering her and leaving a note saying "I hate you all" next to her body'

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--- Quote ---That might mean the Walton family makes a few less billions every year, but I think they'd be alright.
--- End quote ---
Who are you to say whether any particular amount of money or wealth is appropriate for anyone?

Do you propose taxing only large retailers like Walmart or also the large multinational companies that manufacture the goods sold by Walmart and all those small businesses, e.g., Colgate, Proctor and Gamble, Kraft Foods, Jockey, etc. If you also tax the manufacturer, the price it charges Walmart and the small businesses will go up and both retailers - whether large or small - will have to raise the price of what the consumer wants to buy.

The only thing that will help small business, the middle class and just about everyone else is lower taxes.

And what does any of this thread creep - especially the evil Walmart -  have to do with this wretched boy who killed his teacher?


--- Quote from: mountaineer on November 25, 2013, 05:52:38 pm ---Who are you to say whether any particular amount of money or wealth is appropriate for anyone?

Do you propose taxing only large retailers like Walmart or also the large multinational companies that manufacture the goods sold by Walmart and all those small businesses, e.g., Colgate, Proctor and Gamble, Kraft Foods, Jockey, etc. If you also tax the manufacturer, the price it charges Walmart and the small businesses will go up and both retailers - whether large or small - will have to raise the price of what the consumer wants to buy.

The only thing that will help small business, the middle class and just about everyone else is lower taxes.

--- End quote ---

If you also increased tax on giant manufacturers and the cost of production went up somewhat, would that not be largely nullified by small businesses paying much less or no taxes? Maybe we could even have a sliding scale of taxes for the manufacturers as well? Maybe we could force more competition among the manufacturers in the same way we could force Walmart to compete with small businesses. I completely agree that taxes on small businesses and the middle class need to go way down, but I don't agree that the same is true for the super rich and giant corporations.


--- Quote from: mountaineer on November 25, 2013, 05:52:38 pm ---Who are you to say whether any particular amount of money or wealth is appropriate for anyone?

Do you propose taxing only large retailers like Walmart or also the large multinational companies that manufacture the goods sold by Walmart and all those small businesses, e.g., Colgate, Proctor and Gamble, Kraft Foods, Jockey, etc. If you also tax the manufacturer, the price it charges Walmart and the small businesses will go up and both retailers - whether large or small - will have to raise the price of what the consumer wants to buy.

The only thing that will help small business, the middle class and just about everyone else is lower taxes.

--- End quote ---

Spot on. Materials cost goes up, prices go up on the finished product. Prices go up on the finished product, prices go up in the store.

These things are not made by some replicator out of thin air - they need raw materials, transportation, various skill level workers, machinery (with it's accompanying depreciation and maintenance), stockers, checkout staff, drivers, warehouse staff. Every one of which needs paying for, before the government take their cut in taxes and excise duty.

The profit raked in by the "fat cat" billionaires is negligible compared to the total required to pay everyone else.

PS - Not to make suggestions, but everything from post 18 onward might be better split from this thread and given it's own.


--- Quote from: EC on November 25, 2013, 06:05:38 pm ---everything from post 18 onward might be better split from this thread and given it's own.

--- End quote ---

That's a great idea. Move it to the boxing ring and we can continue having a discussion.


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