Author Topic: Dear Joe Scarborough: There's Not A Single Thing You Said About Me On the Radio That's True  (Read 539 times)

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Dear Joe Scarborough: There's Not A Single Thing You Said About Me On the Radio That's True

By Brent Bozell | November 20, 2013 | 17:05

Dear Joe:

I just read this exchange between Steve Malzberg and you.

SCARBOROUGH: You know, Brent Bozell was very angry at me because I said critical things about Mitt Romney, and he wrote about it, he picked all the times that I criticized Mitt Romney's inept campaign. It was an inept campaign. And Romney was a guy who was pro-choice one year, pro-life the next year, pro-choice the next year, pro-immigra-- the guy was a flip-flopper. And so Bozell was very angry when I pointed these things out --

MALZBERG: So he's taking this out on you, you think?

SCARBOROUGH: Just like he defended John McCain, he was very angry when I was critical of John McCain. And this all started when I started criticizing George -- you remember, I criticized George W. Bush in 2004 for his big spending Republicanism. And let's face it. There are a lot of people in Washington DC who love establishment Republicans and make a lot of money churning up controversy, and basically say, "Be for our side no matter what." Guess what? I'm a conservative first.

MALZBERG: And you're saying Bozell is one of them?

SCARBOROUGH: Yeah! You go through his criticisms of me. He never criticizes me on ideology. It's always because I'm attacking an establishment Republican in DC. You can't say that I ever say anything about Chris Christie, or John Kasich, or Scott Walker, because I praise those guys. They're doing the right thing. They're fighting for small government principles in a way that's winning in blue states. That's what we've gotta do if we want to take back the White House, the Senate, and the country.

[Listen to the audio]

It is amazing. There's not a single thing you said about me that is true. What amazes is that you know you're not telling the truth and still you say it.

-- I was never "very angry" with you for saying critical things about Romney.  I am critical of you for writing books at night lecturing Republicans on how they can win while spending your mornings on that network of yours doing what hosts on that network do: trashing Republicans at every opportunity.

-- I was "very angry" at you for pointing out that Romney was a flip-flopper? Joe, Joe: Next you'll state I endorsed Obamacare. But since you raised the subject of flip-flops, try this one on for size: You savage conservatives on a regular basis, then rush to chest-thump: "I'm a conservative first!" Maybe it's not a flip-flop. Maybe it's just intellectual dishonesty and nothing else.

-- "Just like he defended John McCain, he was very angry when I was critical of John McCain." The only person who finds that assertion more ridiculous than I do would be John McCain.

-- "[T]his all started when I started criticizing George Bush in 2004 for his big spending Republicanism." You've said the same thing about Rush Limbaugh. And Sean Hannity. And Mark Levin. You said it to me, remember? And remember how I told you you were being ridiculous? You say that about anyone critical of you, including now me.  Joe, tell me: Is it that you're foolish or is this just intellectual dishonesty -- again?

-- Of me you say, "There are a lot of people in Washington DC who love establishment Republicans and make a lot of money churning up controversy, and basically say, "Be on our side no matter what." Joe, open the windows at MSNBC. The sound you'll hear in the distance is Capitol Hill erupting in laughter.

-- "He never criticizes me on ideology." Good Lord, how direct must I be to register on that score? More intellectual dishonesty. (Are we seeing a trend here, Joe?)

-- And finally, in this short exchange you find a way to suggest three times that I'm "very angry" with you. I'm not, Joe.

You're not worth it.

�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776