Author Topic: Obama scoffs at people who call him a 'socialist': 'You gotta meet real socialists'  (Read 978 times)

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President Obama on Tuesday dismissed critics who call him a "socialist," suggesting they meet some real socialists if they think he's one.

"People call me a socialist sometimes," he said at the Wall Street Journal CEO Summit, addressing 100 top business leaders.

"But, no, you gotta meet real socialists. You’ll have a sense of what a socialist is," he said to laughter from the crowd.

"I'm talking about lowering the corporate tax rate, my health care reform is based on the private marketplace,

Bold type mine................ and to the comment in bold type................... :thud:

Offline Chieftain

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These statements of his are getting more and more bizarre and detached.  It is difficult to believe that this is the President of the United States saying this kind of tripe.  And what's worse, most of it is deliberately scripted for him by his communications staff!

Offline andy58-in-nh

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So, why don't you introduce us to them, Mr. President?

You've been surrounded by them all your life....

 Barack Obama Sr. (Dad)
*Communist who saw nothing wrong with government ‘taxing 100%’ so long as the people got benefits…
*Harvard educated economist
*Nairobi bureaucrat who advised government to ‘redistribute’ income through higher taxes
 *Demonized corporations
 *Abandoned Barack Obama Jr. when he was 2 years old to continue at Harvard (teaching son that ideology is more important than family)
 Stanley Ann Dunham (Mom)
 *Communist sympathizer
 *Practiced ‘critical theory’ (aka Marxism)
 *Influenced by Nietzsche and Freud
 *Left Hawaii for Indonesia, Pakistan
 *Attended a leftist church nicknamed the ‘little red church’ because of its Communist sympathies
 *Left Barack Obama Jr.
 *Barack’s grandparents introduced Barack Obama Jr. to poet and communist Frank Marshall Davis
 *Davis becomes a mentor as young Barack struggled with abandonment by parents
 College & Church
 *Admittedly sought out ‘Marxist’ professors
 *Admittedly attended ‘socialist conferences’
 *Began attending a Marxist church – led by pastor Jeremiah Wright (attended for 20 years)
 *Tragedy of the Warren Court: No redistributive change
 *Voted for TARP
 *$787 billion stimulus redistribution bill
 *Healthcare bill admittedly about ‘redistributing the wealth’
 *Single Payer Healthcare proponent
 *President Obama now also President of GM & Chrysler
 *President Obama seizes control of insurance giant AIG
 *President Obama is leading America to single payer healthcare
 *President Obama seized control of Student Loan industry in order to ‘cut out middle man’
 *President Obama seizes control in massive land grabs
 *Repeatedly vilifies ‘the rich’
 *Obama believes race problems can be solved through redistribution of wealth… he said "race is still an enormous factor in our society. But economics can overcome a lot of racial division."
 *Trying to regulate the Internet via FCC
 *Forces mortgage co’s to cover people who aren’t paying mortgage
 *Extends unemployment benefits to 99 weeks
 *Told Joe the plumber ‘it’s better when you spread things around’
 Family, Friends, Advisors & Administration
 *Wife Michelle Obama said “The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more.”
 *Jim Wallis, Obama’s spiritual advisor & forced redistribution of wealth advocate
 *Van Jones, disgraced Green Jobs Czar & Communist
 *Ron Bloom, Manufacturing Czar & anti-free market
 *John Holdren, pro-redistribution of wealth
 *Andy Stern, SEIU President & redistribution of wealth fan
 *Anita Dunn, fan of Chairman Mao
 *Mark Lloyd, FCC ‘Diversity Czar’
 *Carol Browner, socialist
 *Robert Creamer, socialist

H/T -
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Offline flowers

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So, why don't you introduce us to them, Mr. President?

You've been surrounded by them all your life....

 Barack Obama Sr. (Dad)
*Communist who saw nothing wrong with government ‘taxing 100%’ so long as the people got benefits…
*Harvard educated economist
*Nairobi bureaucrat who advised government to ‘redistribute’ income through higher taxes
 *Demonized corporations
 *Abandoned Barack Obama Jr. when he was 2 years old to continue at Harvard (teaching son that ideology is more important than family)
 Stanley Ann Dunham (Mom)
 *Communist sympathizer
 *Practiced ‘critical theory’ (aka Marxism)
 *Influenced by Nietzsche and Freud
 *Left Hawaii for Indonesia, Pakistan
 *Attended a leftist church nicknamed the ‘little red church’ because of its Communist sympathies
 *Left Barack Obama Jr.
 *Barack’s grandparents introduced Barack Obama Jr. to poet and communist Frank Marshall Davis
 *Davis becomes a mentor as young Barack struggled with abandonment by parents
 College & Church
 *Admittedly sought out ‘Marxist’ professors
 *Admittedly attended ‘socialist conferences’
 *Began attending a Marxist church – led by pastor Jeremiah Wright (attended for 20 years)
 *Tragedy of the Warren Court: No redistributive change
 *Voted for TARP
 *$787 billion stimulus redistribution bill
 *Healthcare bill admittedly about ‘redistributing the wealth’
 *Single Payer Healthcare proponent
 *President Obama now also President of GM & Chrysler
 *President Obama seizes control of insurance giant AIG
 *President Obama is leading America to single payer healthcare
 *President Obama seized control of Student Loan industry in order to ‘cut out middle man’
 *President Obama seizes control in massive land grabs
 *Repeatedly vilifies ‘the rich’
 *Obama believes race problems can be solved through redistribution of wealth… he said "race is still an enormous factor in our society. But economics can overcome a lot of racial division."
 *Trying to regulate the Internet via FCC
 *Forces mortgage co’s to cover people who aren’t paying mortgage
 *Extends unemployment benefits to 99 weeks
 *Told Joe the plumber ‘it’s better when you spread things around’
 Family, Friends, Advisors & Administration
 *Wife Michelle Obama said “The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more.”
 *Jim Wallis, Obama’s spiritual advisor & forced redistribution of wealth advocate
 *Van Jones, disgraced Green Jobs Czar & Communist
 *Ron Bloom, Manufacturing Czar & anti-free market
 *John Holdren, pro-redistribution of wealth
 *Andy Stern, SEIU President & redistribution of wealth fan
 *Anita Dunn, fan of Chairman Mao
 *Mark Lloyd, FCC ‘Diversity Czar’
 *Carol Browner, socialist
 *Robert Creamer, socialist

H/T -

Great post!!!

Online mountaineer

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you gotta meet real socialists
a/k/a his handlers.
Support Israel's emergency medical service.

Offline Rapunzel

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Have you all read the bizarre poem he wrote a long time ago about "pops."....... if you haven't it's quite an eye-opener about his upbringing.  The evidence in the poem leads to pops being the commie child-molester not his grandfather....


Just who is Obama's 'Pop'?
As a 19-year-old, Barack Obama had two of his poems published in the spring 1981 edition of Occidental College’s literary magazine, Feast.

One was a silly poem called “Underground” about “apes that eat figs” in underwater grottoes. A friendly critic has described it as a “vivid if obscurely symbolic description of a tribe of submarine primates.”

Although arguably the best poem about submarine primates ever written, Obama’s literary acolytes have largely – and charitably – chosen not to notice.

It is the second poem, “Pop,” that has attracted respectable press. Poet and novelist Warwick Collins has called it “by far the more powerful and complex” of the two poems, and his is the consensus opinion.

The literary faithful who have reviewed “Pop” see in it the seeds of the literary genius that would seemingly blossom in Obama’s 1995 memoir, “Dreams From My Father.”

Those who know the limits of Obama’s talents, however, see in the poem still more evidence that Obama is not the man or the writer the faithful think him to be.

A clear-eyed review of “Pop” addresses three basic questions: who is the “Pop” of the poem, how literal is the designation “Pop,” and who actually wrote the poem, which begins as follows:

    Sitting in his seat, a seat broad and broken

    In, sprinkled with ashes,

    Pop switches channels, takes another

    Shot of Seagrams, neat, and asks

    What to do with me, a green young man

About the identity of “Pop,” reviewers express little doubt. The New Yorker, for instance, unhesitatingly describes the poem as a “loving if slightly jaded portrait of Obama’s maternal grandfather,” Stanley Dunham. I could find no mainstream publication that even suggests otherwise.

This assertion, if a bit lazy, is not unreasonable. “I can still picture Gramps leaning back in his old stuffed chair after dinner,” writes Obama in “Dreams,” “sipping whiskey and cleaning his teeth with the cellophane from his cigarette pack.”

The poem ends with bittersweet reconciliation when Pop stands and asks for a hug.  Writes Obama:

    I see my face, framed within

    Pop’s black-framed glasses

    And know he’s laughing too.

Dunham did, in fact, wear black frame glasses. What he did not do, however, was go by the name “Pop.” Obama had always known him as “Gramps.”

No review that I read asked why Obama would switch names. None asked whether Dunham was his actual father despite the fact that in the poem Obama seems to be confronting “Pop” with his paternity.

The poem’s reviewers, like the obliging media who review Obama’s performance as president, measure their praise by the shovelful.

A typical assessment was that of poet Ian McMillan writing in the U.K. Guardian: “There’s a humanity in the poem, a sense of family values and shared cultural concerns that give us a hint of the Democrat to come.”

McMillan’s review reminds me why I distrust poetry almost as much as I do the people who critique it. A closer look at “Pop” suggests that it is not at all about family values – please! – and likely not even about Dunham, but about Dunham’s boozy comrade, Frank Marshall Davis.

The whiskey drinking, the smoking, the black frame glasses, the broken-in chair fit Davis, a black communist and poet, as well as they do Stanley Dunham.

“I could see Frank sitting in his overstuffed chair,” Obama remembers in “Dreams,” “a book of poetry in his lap, his reading glasses slipping down his nose.”

As to the sharing of sage advice, that description fits Davis better. “I was intrigued by old Frank,” Obama writes in “Dreams,” “with his books and whiskey breath and the hint of hard-earned knowledge behind the hooded eyes.”

Davis was an important figure in Obama’s life. Obama alludes to him on nine separate occasions in “Dreams.” It was he, not Dunham, who told “this green young man” how America would deny him his blackness.

“They’ll train you so good,” Davis tells Obama in “Dreams,” “you’ll start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that sh–.”

More to the point, “Pop” does something Davis would naturally do but that Dunham would not: he “recites an old poem.”

The first time the reader meets Davis in “Dreams” Obama refers to him as “a poet named Frank.” Writes Obama, “[Davis] would read us his poetry whenever we stopped by his house, sharing whiskey with Gramps out of an emptied jelly jar.”

There is one more image in “Pop,” a disturbing one, that suggests Davis as the poem’s subject.

    Pop takes another shot, neat,

    Points out the same amber

    Stain on his shorts that I’ve got on mine and

    Makes me smell his smell, coming

    From me

In his 1968 quasi-memoir, “Sex Rebel: Black,” Davis concedes that “under certain circumstances I am bisexual” as well as “a voyeur and an exhibitionist.”

If there is an innocent explanation for the “amber stain” on the shorts of both mentor and initiate, reviewers have declined to explore it.

Then, too, there is enough mystery about Obama’s birth that a serious reviewer has to ask about Davis, as he would about Dunham, why Obama calls him “Pop.” In the more calculated “Dreams,” Obama never applies that word to Davis.

Finally, there is the question of authorship. McMillan writes of the 19-year-old Obama, “He’s obviously read the Beat poets and writers like Gary Snyder and Charles Bukowski.”

Obviously? Obama, an indifferent student and doper at the time, has given us no evidence of an interest in anything besides “neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy.”

Two years later, when next appearing in print in the pages of Columbia’s weekly news magazine, Sundial, Obama was writing semi-literate clunkers like, “The belief that moribund institutions, rather than individuals are at the root of the problem, keep SAM’s energies alive.”

A more likely muse is Davis himself. A correspondent, who has helped before with the literary analysis of Obama’s work, reviewed Davis’ “47th Street Poems” and “Livin’ the Blues” memoir and concluded that “Pop” has “the same cadence and style as many of [Davis'] poems.”

Although “Pop” says nothing conclusive about paternity, it may well suggest a pattern that would culminate in “Dreams From My Father”: Obama’s willingness to take full credit for something he could not himself write.

�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Translation: "I am a socialist, but I'm CORRUPTIBLE.  You oughta meet some of those fools who won't budge for any price."

Offline andy58-in-nh

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I am not nearly alone in believing that something unsettling and dark lurks beneath Obama's eyes. I believe many of his public supporters have seen it, too. And yet they choose to ignore what others see clearly, believing perhaps that intentions matter more than truth, or else that voiced intentions are the same thing as truth.

The need to believe in a transformative and inspirational figure is a nearly universal human trait. A person whose moral center is already fixed, and whose comprehension is based in rational thought may easily detect deception or faithlessness in the words and actions of another.  But such observations are easily lost upon those who seek redemption, or even understanding of a world whose realities elude them.

People who lack moral compasses and secure identities are always easy prey for clever manipulators who offer convenient answers and false empathy, especially those who blame heartless villains for their troubles and promise hope and change in exchange for devotion. And as history tells us, such episodes never end very well.
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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I'm talking about lowering the corporate tax rate, my health care reform is based on the private marketplace
That doesn't mean it's not socialism. The core of the whole concept of insurance-- the idea that a large pool of payers covers the expenses of a few incidents so that the costs are spread evenly and each person pays less-- is socialism at its core. On top of that, Obamacare inflates that to include unnecessary coverage to people who will never use it, then forces people to buy it  or pay a tax for the privilege of not buying it and get nothing in return.

That is worse than mere socialism. That's CRONY socialism.
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Offline andy58-in-nh

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That doesn't mean it's not socialism. The core of the whole concept of insurance-- the idea that a large pool of payers covers the expenses of a few incidents so that the costs are spread evenly and each person pays less-- is socialism at its core. On top of that, Obamacare inflates that to include unnecessary coverage to people who will never use it, then forces people to buy it  or pay a tax for the privilege of not buying it and get nothing in return.

That is worse than mere socialism. That's CRONY socialism.

Insurance is not socialism. Socialism is an involuntary transfer of wealth to government, in exchange for a promise of valued benefits provided at the expense of unknown others. Insurance is a contractual relationship; a voluntary transfer of the cost of risk between parties, in which one party agrees to pay the specified costs of another in exchange for a series of periodic payments.

Insurance does not seek to spread costs equitably, but rather employs scientific (actuarial) and empirical (historical) methods to accurately predict the cost of risk over time and to develop a payment structure (premiums, deductibles, and benefits) that makes financial sense for both parties to the contract. Inevitably, when government interferes with such economic considerations (via regulation, subsidy or tax), it either creates artificial costs that are passed on to all contractual beneficiaries (the policy owners), or else subsidizes one class of policy owners at the expense of another.
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn