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Secondhand Smoke Gets in Your Rights



Secondhand Smoke Gets in Your Rights

Berkeley, Calif., City Councilman Jesse Arreguin has recommended that the city ban smoking in single-family homes. Councilwoman Susan Wengraf, who supports an ordinance to ban smoking in multiunit dwellings, is appalled.
"The whole point is to protect people who live in multiunit buildings from secondhand smoke," Wengraf said. Locals have told her they find the notion of a ban in single-family homes scary. "I hope he wakes up and pulls it," she said.
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"The whole point is to protect people who live in multiunit buildings from secondhand smoke,"

Wrong silly woman. The whole point is to be able to tell people what they can do, how they can do it, when they can do it and where they can do it and then force them to pay high taxes as the management fee for running their life for them

ain't fascism fun!?!


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